little miss mikaelson

After Dana's death, Hope says it must be a monster from the knife who is responsible. Hope and Ken match blows against one another until Hope struggles to fight through the pain. Cleo tells Hope that she was locked away inside of the artifact for five centuries waiting for Hope the one with the power to kill Malivore and free her. She goes on to say that he can't make this decision without consulting anyone. Alaric quips that he has, but Hope is offended because he didn't consult her. In Some People Just Want To Watch The World Burn, Hope is with Emma in her office. His former self never got to watch her grow up or who she would have become. He asks for her hand, which she gives, and he covers it with his other hand. MG crumbles under the pressure and asks Alyssa where she has hidden the ascendant. At the packing plant, Hope finds a monster attacking a deputy. Ryan ultimately decides he'll do anything but be a meatsuit for Malivore, apologizes to Hope and leaves. He admits that she could have been worshiped as a god, but she chose to bind her fate to lesser creatures and that her attachments were her weakness. She wears primarily black or deep reds in the form of jumpers, boots, or jackets. She bumps into Ethan, and makes up the lie that she is looking for the Principal, and is shocked when Ethan points out that Alaric is the Principal. If they continue doing what they have been doing, the pain will only get worse. Attempting to leave to find something sharp, she's blocked by another barrier spell. The banshee explains that Malivore promised her freedom from the darkness in exchange for Cleo. She's been running them into the buzz saw all day like they're expendable, citing that she only cares about herself. Hope finally realizes they're never going to give up on her and immobilizes her with another spell. She admits that she is but is looking for someone, with Dorian admitting that all of the students have gone home for the summer. Her death was faked to protect her. She tells him about triggering the werewolf side and he tells her about desiccating in a cave for an unknown amount of time. Hope speeds up the process by casting incendia, just in case. She thanks Cleo. The monster appears and attempts to attack Cleo, but Hope traps her with a spell. 730K 16.8K 16. After this Klaus tells Hope a bedtime story resuming all that happened during season 2 and explains to her how there is always another chapter to be told. She turns over the photo of her and Landon so not to have to look at it. The ascendant is a key; Malivore's way out. That night, she and Landon take a stroll to the dock. She was temporarily reunited with her mother in Peace, and Hayley soothed her guilt - she's at peace because of Hope. The blood of her daughter brought her back to life, she is in transition. Cleo is relieved, in a sense. She's using the explosion as the fallback plan and she's on defense, when that should be their first, best option. Both were separated from their parents under the pretense of death, while only a select few knew what really happened to them; only Esther, Finn, and Dahlia knew that Freya didn't die of the plague, and only Hayley, Klaus, Elijah, Ansel, and Rebekah knew that Hope didn't die shortly after her birth. Malivore taunts her, questioning that she didn't place that spell there and that it wasn't meant to keep him contained. She then shows him the memory of the day she froze Connor's windows and tells Landon he had it coming either way. She has always been told what she was destined to be in her entire life and he's always had to wonder. With Landon on stage, Hope assumes he's a golem created from his remains. Klaus tells him there's one person who can. Hope entertains the thought. The dead can wait, after all, and he takes his place beside her. # 1. Lizzie, Hope, and Josie became best friends who viewed one another in high regard. Changing tactics, she tells them that her god problem is also their Lizzie problem. Hayley tells them there's another option. In The Originals, the witch Sophie Deveraux revealed that Hayley was, in fact, pregnant with Klaus' child. Hope immediately agrees. Cleo reveals that her sisters were murdered and that is why she hates violence. She's had a rough couple of days. At the wedding, she was a speech on the fact that this day was the best because they were all together and she had the impression to be part of the "Always and Forever". They love and miss her, as they do her. However, for many centuries, Elijah was the only sibling to escape his wrath, and Klaus led Elijah to believe that he had dropped their incapacitated siblings deep in the ocean where they could never be found. Lizzie is a hybrid and she has the best chance of surviving, admittedly, it's not really much of one. Hope is too concerned with the possibility of someone else finding them and all she wants is to be left alone. They eventually manage to find a "clue store", where they meet with the Keeper from earlier. She passes and a star goes up in flames. Humanity-less Hope warns her that the war between them isn't over. Damon happily takes the baby from her hands holding her close to his che TVD STORY! Ongoing. Cleo abhors violence, but she panicked when it was going to harm Alaric. The two meet again in the basement of the school when Hope saves Alaric after he is attacked by the creature. Hope believes this to be a load of crap and not what actually happened. She waves at Josh and is upset that Freya hasn't told Declan since he's in Ireland. Though Hope appreciates the box and spell, her problem is her dark side. Finch is just what she needed to let her loose, though. Hope wonders if he wants to grab breakfast, but he believes there's something she wants to ask him. She gives him a bleak outlook on his future; he'll be middle-aged with kids who can't stand him, a mortgage he can't afford, a wife that wants to know his every whereabouts, and a job as an assistant regional manager at a place he can't leave. ''Don't be so rude!" She thought he would have been mad, after everything he had to give up. This cycle of revenge always leads to more violence. Member of the Crescent Wolf PackMember of North East Atlantic PackMember of the New Orleans Witch CommunityStudent and Honor Council Member (Tribrid Representative) However, after Hope's parents died, they became closer and eventually became friends, such that Hope even covers for and protects Josie. She apologizes for the accusation and leaves. That makes her useless to her. Rebekah compels the girl to forget and leave; she's done with the charde. They share a hug, but she notices that footprints lead away from the crater and follow them to Andi's cabin. Meanwhile, Ben has returned to the school with an unconscious Jed mumbling about Trey and his father. These tensions are increased by the qareen, who causes issues around the Salvatore School, which eventually leads to tensions between Hope and Landon they are able to ratify these, however, when they realize that they are being influenced by the qareen. Lizzie berate her because she wanted to end it, until she didn't only to start torturing her. Hope notices the Second Line and notes that she hasn't killed her yet and they're early. While Landon is in the kitchen, she helps him out and tries to play him into getting the urn and going on a road trip. Nevertheless, Kai tells her that she has been looking at the wrong ascendant and shows her that the ascendant is hidden within one of Alyssa's stuffed bears. She hasn't and she thought she would have found her way back to the school by now. He manages to soothe Hope and she falls asleep. MG and Alaric listen from outside the Great Hall as Hope continues to seek an answer from them. The Little Miss Mikaelson Hayley sat at the kitchen counter, sipping a cup of tea and watching Rebekah over the rim. As she's sitting outside Alaric's office, she sees Roman and gets a little nervous. Hope tries a truth spell, however this is inhibited by the anti-charm spell Alyssa had previously taken. Previously, this has only been possible by an Original vampire. In the prison world, she and Landon traverse the post-apocalyptic hellscape that was Mystic Falls. The Red Oak tree, when sharpened to a stake, is powerful enough to kill Hope. "I know. With her father's assistance, she took her anger and frustration out on those she deemed guilty. Although on the TV series, Klaus saw Stefan as a brother and a best friend/companion after they bonded in Chicago in the 1920s, while in the books, Klaus was intrigued with Stefan due to Katherine's constant mentioning of him (and Damon) after Katherine fled Germany after faking her death and reuniting with him. She hands him a sword and questions what he would do to stop her. The students are unimpressed, but Kaleb encourages Hope to speak, as she too is a wolf. That is why Freya named her son after him, and the name he had given to her has meaning, too. Reeling from the banshee's words, Hope secludes herself into the library, searching for answers. The punished students arrive at the Town Square, Lizzie tries to find out what Hope has done but she doesn't say anything. Beneath them, a sapling sprouts. He's happy and it proves that the school wasn't such a failure after all. Lizzie didn't want Hope to endure the transition to a tribrid, hoping they could find another way to defeat Malivore. The Necromancer plays mind games with Hope inside his mind and leaves her alone in a dark abyss. They echo that the situation was too easy, and it becomes clear that the gremlin used Cleo as bait just as they tried to use Landon. She mistakes it for a veiled reference to her humanity, and tells her it's never coming back. She tells her mother about Henry and listens as she is told what Greta wants to do with her and her mother, given their hybrid status, clearly upset. Getting out is always about getting to the root of your problems. In One Day You Will Understand, with the real Landon seemingly back, she becomes curious and inspects his things, particularly his sword. Monique Deveraux later tells Genevieve that the baby must die in exchange for Genevieve's life. She arrives at Mystic Falls High School with the other volunteers, after Lizzie's speech, Hope has to team up with Landon. Hope takes it that Aurora has healed, and Lizzie confirms, though she's still unconscious. Her humanity has regained control. She then encounters Landon in the woods and uses his jacket to cover up. Lizzie is mad at her for making her lie to MG, but as far as he's concerned, she's going to spend some time with her mom to get accustomed to being a vampire. Wade questions about the potential death should they help her, but Hope reiterates that some would die, or it could be all of them. Extending a hand, she asks Aurora to break the cycle and Aurora accepts her hand. In Reigning Pain in New Orleans, Klaus tells Marcel how the witches forced him to help them take down Marcel by threatening to kill his unborn child. That's what Hope needs. In the end, she asked the question. Hope suggests that she stay behind, under the premise that a monster cannot come from Malivore if one remains, however Lizzie disagrees and knocks her out, attempting to take the Keeper's deal. Despite persistent questioning of the Necromancer by Alaric, nobody is sure of the reason of Hope's sleep. Seeing that Landon is dead, Hope takes him to the woods. Andi reveals that she's preparing a summoning and needed power as she performed an unbreakable covenant spell-a sacrifice was needed. Despite knowing that Kaleb and Alaric are performing a head dive into Malivore's conscious mind, it will prove to be MG and Hope's distraction into his consciousness to find Cleo. In Rebirth, Hope is living with Rebekah. Hope is able to calm him down, but he doesn't remember being possessed by the oni. In Hope is Not the Goal, after the assembly, Alaric and Hope are at the gymnasium for training in stick fighting, they talk about Landon and the fact that Hope is voluntary to investigate the disappearance of Dana and Sasha. She angrily wonders what he's doing and he tells her to knock Declan unconscious as he knows things are going to get worse. After being forced to kill the self-proclaimed love of her life, Hope's humanity switch flipped by itself to spare her the overwhelming emotions that would have followed. Hope is confused as to why he would do that but the Necromancer tells her that he's found his groove in Limbo. Many of the Mikaelsons have been said to have very quick tempers, especially Klaus, Kol, Rebekah, and Mikael. Their home and school is in trouble and Lizzie placed that above her emotional needs. Klaus heals Marcel from his Werewolf Bite and asks to hold the baby. He tells her that whether she believes it or not he would actually like it if she's there with him. They catch up over drinks, particularly Brandy. Hope knows this because she's the one who put him in that position. She also makes up with Landon. Kaleb will fill them in once they defeat Ken. She wonders what he remembers. All they need to do is encode their powers into the device. Instead he's found a coping mechanism with Jed. Gender With the bust complete, she inscribed 'luctus' on Landon's chest and cast an incendia spell to bake the bust. He asks if there are any questions or objections and Wade stands. As Hope turns around to go, Greta appears in front of her and blows some dust on her, knocking Hope unconscious. With planetary transit and the ascendant at their disposal, they have little time to prepare to rescue Landon. Hope believes this could be the beginning of a beautiful, mutually beneficial relationship, but Lizzie doesn't think that. If he gets Klaus to co-operate with their demands, since Marcel Gerard already drove the werewolves from the French Quarter, nobody will have to know of the existence of a hybrid baby. Despite their errors, they'll make it happen and get what they need. So when that battle comes, they will all be better prepared, armed with the stories of the ones that they love, and those who they have lost along the way. She ultimately decides to save the Saltzman Family, and is able to convince Alyssa who is unaware that the spell would kill the Saltzmans to stop the spell. Davina later comes to the cemetery to talk to her, she tells her that she is not well and that she doesn't want to attend Freya's wedding because her guilt will ruin the day but Davina retorts that it's her absence which will ruin the day and that even if it's hard she must live the moment. As a teenager, Hope was stubborn and brave as she was willing to put herself through extreme pain and possible death to get her mother back. Hope planned on confronting him about his betrayal, even armed with a death spell, but Alaric later rebuked her for this. Reply. Hope embraces Freya in a hug as they reunite. Later, Freya reveals to Finn that Dahlia decided to take her from Esther when she started to develop her great power at five years old and that when Hope starts to use magic, it will act as a beacon, calling her to the baby, unbeknownst to Hope's aunt, Hope has started to use magic much earlier than expected, which implies that Dahlia has already felt Hope's power and whatever they try, she is coming. Percy used a washable marker to draw pink hearts on the hybrid's cheek, near his eye. She can't be killed. Hope tells her that when they first got here, they passed a vendor selling stuffed animals. Hope Andrea Mikaelson is a main character in Legacies, and she was a former major recurring character in The Originals before being promoted to a main character in the fifth season. Landon believes it sounds like risking everything for the people you love is a classic Mikaelson move. When Elijah asked him about Hayley and their unborn child, Klaus replied to him that "every king needs an heir.". In Hope's story their are knights and that without Elijah, Klaus can't survive to his own love for his child. She believes it's spelled, probably by Freya, and likely how she found her. As a baby, she had dirty-blonde hair and round dark-blue eyes. Lizzie gets pushy with her, asking how long it will take because her whole life is on pause until she can find a way to explain what happened to everyone. She's the most dangerous piece. While doing school, Hope barges in, questioning if he really had a witch put a barrier spell around his office. She actually wants to compare blind spots, and she definitely has one for Landon. By accidentally killing Bill in 2026 Later that night, Hope sits in her room, alone, eating ice cream until MG approaches her. Hope remarks that Nature really doesn't waste any time, unlike her. Nightwalkers (as vampires)Emmett (as a vampire)Bill (first human kill)Gargoyle (with Josie)Arachne (with Josie and Lizzie)OneiroiHeadless HorsemanCyclopsMinotaurCroatoanGremlinGolem LandonCherufeBlakeMalivoreLandon KirbyGregLizzie Saltzman (as a Siphoner)Ken (with Cleo) She finds his actions odd but only after Wade pointed out his actions that he's changed. At least not things he shouldeverything's muted and dull on this plane of existence. Fortunately, the child was rescued by her parents, uncle, and surrogate brother, but was ultimately sent away to live with Rebekah after they faked her death to ensure that she would no longer be pursued by their enemies. She tells her to close her eyes, focus her breath and Freya casts the spell. She tries to fight the witches when Klaus walks in. This song encompasses everything he believes about love and death. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Hope believes she's doing the opposite, but Alaric explains that she's not. After Rafael is successful in convincing Landon to return, Hope awakens, and Landon tells her that he will always be with her. There's nothing to worry about and muses she's only there for the birth of the one and only tribrid because of family bragging rights. Hope is told that her dad did move on however he's concerned about Hope and that he wouldn't stop watching over her until she finally forgives herself. He tells her the baby is doomed anyway with a father like Klaus. Biographical information Rebekah, unfortunately, couldn't make it. Freya reminds her that she is equal parts her mother and father and she would never disappear without a fight. Hope throws the stake at her humanity-less self, and vamps toward herself, ensuring that she burns and turns to ash. Hope takes stock in who's coming with her to the prison world. In Haunter of Ruins, Hope finally meets the rest of her family, but due to her awe of them, she's shy around them. He tells her he'll find someone else to train him instead. Trudy said they shouldn't waste any time if they both knew what they wanted. At the hospital, Ryan is being discharged and presented with a bill of $81,000. "I wasn't aware that vampires actually celebrate the holidays," Hayley said, slight sarcasm dripping from her tone. In Peace, and Hayley soothed her guilt - she 's not toward herself, that... Up in flames 's words, Hope has done but she notices that footprints lead away from the and... Say that he will always be with her to close her eyes, focus her and! Anyway with a death spell, however this is inhibited by the creature werewolf and. Hope unconscious it proves that the war between them is n't over Andi reveals that sisters. Josie became best friends who viewed one another until Hope struggles to fight through the pain school! 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