Nonetheless, her performance is still rather strong especially against any unfortunate Berserkers who see their 1.5x class advantage fall to a 0.5x class disadvantage against Abigail. With strong Quick buffs, impressive base NP gain, inherently high Star Weight and good star generation, he is incredibly self-sufficient andwell capable of performing multiple Noble Phantasms back-to-back. Her ability to soak up damage in the place of her allies can also be useful, although there are also other tank options at lower party Cost with arguably greater effectiveness at the role. On top of that she has an excellent supportive skill set to further bolster any Art teams survivability. Defensively, Karna has a 2-time, 3-turn Evade, giving him a decent measure for emergencies. Well, she's good for quick teams, but quick teams are altogether pretty bad now/are completely outclassed by Buster teams with 2030 and Merlin. She also has a plethora of buffs and has amazing survivability thanks to both healing and Invulnerability on demand. Her kit overall is unfocused, making it difficult to argue for slotting her in, as she provides essentially zero offensive support aside from critical stars on her NP. Her Noble Phantasm has been much improved, but remains vulnerable to enemy self-buffs all the while even with all debuffs active their damage can prove lethal. As a result, he is best fielded with the Argonauts for greatest effect, in which his support is quite impressive for a bronze Servant. As such, she is often called upon by many Masters looking for powerful single target Riders, and she can even often outperform several higher rarity Servants while requiring low maintenance over the course of battle. Her basic skill values are also lackluster, while their effects are disjointed enough that Medusa suffers an identity crisis in the sea of strong Lancers until her NP damage takes off. Astolfo will more than handily dispatch any Lancer bosses the Master may encounter, while providing some utility in their kit for more challenging situations. She is only truly competent at one aspect, and lacks the versatility and buff percentages to compete with more rounded Berserkers. I could easily change my mind, so Im not promising to skip, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. The Demon Commander of the Shinsengumi is a prime example of a glass cannon, packing some of the highest damage potential in the game alongside equally poor survivability. However, due to being highly dependent on certain cards and card chains, Musashi can be frustratingly inconsistent when things dont go her way. His NP, Imitation God Force, will ignore DEF and can Skill Seal enemies, giving him a bit of bonus utility outside of farming applications. Her second skill provides the interesting effect of draining NP Gauge from enemies, where her own Gauge increases depending on how many enemies actually had NP Bar actively drained by the skill, while also applying an AoE DEF debuff. Bartholomew is technically capable of looping with the double Skadi setup as well, although he requires substantial support to do so. Although this is a rare ability among the cast, and has usage in a select few encounters, it is not quite enough to push her to the higher tiers. While his relative fragility can be a liability, he deals strong damage to all enemy classes, and his general flexibility as a damage-dealer makes him valuable to Masters who lack higher-rarity AoE Arts options or who like using unconventional teams. A devastating skillset that fixes all Avenger weaknesses, along with the best Attack stat in the game, propel Jeanne Alter to the throne of one of the top Buster Critical Damage Dealers. Before yesterday the tierlist was separated by servants with non damage NP, AoE and ST and sorted by rarity. Its usually the best time to get rid of these CEs during increased success rate campaigns so you can get the most experience when using them to power up your other CEs. Amakusa Shirou distinguishes himself through his Noble Phantasms AoE enemy buff clear, making him a very potent choice for boss fights. For F2P Masters, Alexander is an effective budget AoE Rider for farming with decent team offensive support in the side, particularly for more Quick-oriented teams. His downsides are not so small however. She fills the role of the relatively sparse Arts AoE Lancer relatively well, in part thanks to her ease of NP5 as a Welfare. Providing a significant on-demand NP charge as well as performance boost for a certain duration, Zhuge Liang is most suited for fast-paced battles. Zhuge and tamamo will get 9 and merlin 9.5 based on how they as support with great skill and np. His Mental Corruption skill essentially only bolsters the success rate of his third skill, Evil Eye of the Abyss (only affecting the chance of the initial delayed debuff working, NOT the turn-by-turn stun success chance), and while the combo can be quite powerful, it has an enormous cooldown and is still not reliable even with both skills maxed. However as it is not a single target NP it will not burst down bosses quickly. A rare trait is her ability to eliminate her weakness against Caster enemies, making her an Assassin that can stand up decently versus Casters. He is certainly a strong addition for Masters looking for an affordable single target Archer, but he definitely requires a proper team setup to truly shine. She has 1-turn self Arts and Star Gather buffs, party ATK/Crit Damage/Star Drop buffs, and a self 1-turn evade with an NP Gain buff built in. All the Craft Essences listed are ones that are unavailable, and obviously good. Chen Gong, tactician of unconventional practice, finally joins during the fourth Anniversary as a new bronze Caster after his intial appearance during the Lostbelt 3 chapter. Her lower HP pool lends to her Berserker class fragility, however, and although this is somewhat mitigated by her Evade skill, which gives her 1 time evade that refreshes each turn for 3 turns, she can still meet an untimely demise if focused or from an errant critical hit. Caster of Midrashs Arts NP is a rarity for offensive single target Casters, and Caster of Midrash makes a good case for why that is so. Even against Berserkers she still competes against all other classes, if durability is not an issue. The Demon of Deceit is a very situational pick. Drag and drop items from the bottom and put them on your desired tier. However, this mad emperor can fall down with just a slight breeze, and the inconsistent nature of Imperial Privilege, his strongest skill, makes it extremely hard to maintain a high level of damage output. She does have one more Skill Upgrade to look forward to, which helps to shore up her offensive performance in particular. We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners. Helena is a great example of a Servant with a simple, but a highly effective skill set that does what they are supposed to do well. Her NP additionally has high hit counts and a three turn Quick buff, setting her up for future NPs and greater damage with each successive NP. First of all, he offers great team-wide support in the form of Attack and NP damage buffs, and great healing (particularly for female allies). While the Empress herself may not be a true powerhouse as of right now, she receives a much-needed upgrade to her Noble Phantasm in the future, bringing her closer to top tier Assassin options. She is technically capable of NP looping with Skadi, and is the only AoE Saber who can fit the bill, although her refund amount makes it rather difficult to do consistently without access to copious amounts of NP Support / MLB CEs. Her damage potential is nonexistent, as she lacks a damaging Noble Phantasm, has extremely low base stats, niche steroids, and competes with too many powerful Servants of the same class. Even then, he has excellent NP looping capability, and the ease with which he unsheathes his legendary blade will make him a prime pick for any Lancer nodes should the Master be graced with his presence. Not many bosses can survive a Noble Phantasm Buster Brave Chain from this man with all buffs active, making him a highly accessible burst specialist for many 1-turn teams. However, it should be noted that the support viability of this skill in most cases is not worth sacrificing a true support slot, as BB (Summer) has no other means of support aside from the card lock and Critical Star generation. He also has decent defensive measures via an Evade and self DEF buff. Her ability to remove defensive buffs further bolsters her utility in a wider variety of encounters, making Erice a welcome addition to the roster. She excels most in the correct party compositions. She still will perform her role as a single target Quick Rider-class damage dealer decently if called to action. In fact, due Assassin of Paraiso having only a single steroid to draw on, Hassan of the Hundred Personas provides a very potent freely accessible alternative for Masters who wish to experiment with an Arts NP spamming Assassins. Karnas downsides are his lack of survival tools as well as the lack of any means to reliably gather Critical Stars for himself. When Lancelot makes 20 Critical Stars for himself, he is likely to get all 20 of them. Here's a complete summary of the FGO Tier List for Best & Worst Servants: Zhuge Liang, Gilgamesh, Merlin, Arash, Kama, Achilles, Jack the Ripper, Nero, Okita Souji, Tesla, Ozymandia, Orion, Nitocris, BB, Chloe von Einzbern . In the midst of the overpopulated AoE Saber roster, Suzuka Gozen does find a way to differentiate herself. Fragment of 2030 is listed twice and Talk on the Heated Sands is using Kaleidoscope's description. With an utterly impressive Arts card, strong, even self-sustained to a degree,Critical potential, strong sustained damage and even extremely viable targetable Buster support, Raikou can practically do all offensive roles. His NP inflicts a DEF down effect before damage, has the added bonus of Instant Death chance, and receives a damage upgrade. and our While his NP damage will remain fairly high, his NP generation rate will heavily suffer., Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. Still, her niche farming uses and good starter value can make her Kira Kira valuable enough. But in reality, this Dark Souls boss in Servant disguise does not excel at any one of those aspects, resulting in a Servant with highly circumstantial usage. Vritra, the serpentine diety, manifests as an AoE Arts Lancer. However, these demerits are not significant enough to devalue her many strengths. Yet the sheer breadth of Arts teams he can function in (and his frequent Bonus Servant status) make him an awesome addition to any roster. Defensively, he has a 1-turn Invincible, Buff Removal Resist, Defense Up, and Charm Immunity. His sole weakness is his complete lack of defensive options, which tends to be of little importance if the enemy has been surgically removed from the field. All in all, while Gorgon can certainly work, especially after she receives some large improvements, she tends to require a large helping hand from her team. Also, avoid GameWith and everything below it. Generally, their specializations may be more rare, or they may not necessarily be a choice pick in all occasions, but still find value outside their niche. She fulfills her role well and easily avoids the lower tiers, but there are also more potent alternatives for each of her primary aspects. Still, her unsynced cooldown limit her a bit, while her overall survability competes with applying her steroids for offense. Superhuman Orion is a unique Card damage-centric Archer, who has an Supportive Arts NP that buffs himself, while having everything in his kit to support massive Buster Crit damage. Having a Quick AoE NP is also attractive for owners of Skadi, however he has trouble looping reliably without extra setup, and his card deck only has a single Quick card aside from his NP, making it somewhat more difficult to take full advantage of Quick support. Offensively, she has DEF and Arts Resist down debuffs. Her unique gimmick is her ability to continually "grow", stacking Max HP buffs over the course until her HP total gets an additional 30,000 HP tacked on. Thats how often I use her. Her damage is decent, although she suffers from Berserker fragility, lack of an NP charge skill, and somewhat niche supportive effects that perhaps would be more powerful on less fragile supports. However, Vritra's damage only just barely reaches the benchmark levels required for farming, sometimes requiring external support for beefier waves. She also provides party-wide invincibility for a turn, which can be used to absorb the damage from enemy NPs when the battle goes long. Furthermore, with both a decent NP battery skilland her innately good NP generation rate, she will generally have that AoE NP ready quickly. Voyager is an AoE Quick Foreigner Servant with a strong offering of team support and the ability to loop their NP. Unfortunately, damage wise, even with her self ATK buff at max, she comes up short compared to her competing Avengers (even those of lower rarity at this time), and her class further makes it less likely for her to benefit from class advantage. Carmillas strength comes from two simple factors in tandem - her incredibly good NP gain and her strong and widely applicable anti-Female niche, backed by a modest but functional skill set. His accessibility and simplicity make him quite beginner friendly. However, even at low NP levels, he is capable of hitting high amounts of damage due to his first skill's Special Attack versus "debuffed" enemies. Wether as the center of your team or as support, he plays a well-rounded role. However, he has no options when it comes to hard survival skills, making him entirely dependent on support for defensive options. When she unleashes her Noble Phantasm, few can hit as hard as Jeanne d'Arc (Berserker Alter). Fate Grand Order Best Craft Essences, Craft Essences Tier List, The Most Useful Craft Essences. She is a solid option for an AoE Assassin, although her damage can be somewhat mediocre given her class. AppMedia AppMedia : . While packing a highly similar skill set to his Fate/Stay Night counterpart, Cu Chulainn (Prototype) is a lot more well rounded. Although her command card shuffle is unique, in practice it is not particularly powerful, and only after its upgrade does it become a more desirable skill to use (since it can choose to exclude one Servant's cards from the shuffle). Event Craft Essences are separated into 3 general status categories: Dispose - CE that possess subpar effects and/or inferior to other event craft essences. While her Anti-Male attribute grants her a good niche, her low Attack and middling skill set ultimately hold her back in terms of general performance. His baseline performance can already give most of his Rider peers a run for their money, but he becomes truly ridiculous when properly supported, capable of looping his Noble Phantasm with proper support. Her reliance on an AQQ chain to generate NP, poor Attack stat and lack of powerful skills make her not worth including in generic teams most of the time. She also can buff herself and "Loved One" allies' Arts and Buster performance, which is a relatively common trait among Male Servants. It's a shame therefore that her availability is limited to Masters who have cleared her event during either July 2019 or July 2020. With high base attack, a decent steroid, single target Noble Phantasm, good NP generation and some utility to boot, he seems to have many things going for him. Her ability to still launch a damaging NP and charge NP Gauges is especially valuable to Masters without any other sources of teamwide NP Gauge boosting.

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