J Nutr 1995;125:2483-92. Weve already discussed that astaxanthin is likely safe and has few side effects when taken as directed. Kuhn R, Sorensen NA The coloring matters of the lobster (Astacus gammarus L.). Fassett, R. G. and Coombes, J. S. Astaxanthin, oxidative stress, inflammation and cardiovascular disease. View abstract. BMC.Nephrol. Human trials will be needed to find out more. Antitumor activity of astaxanthin and its mode of action. Specifically, it's a type of carotenoid1, or a natural pigment that gives foods like pumpkin and carrots their red-orange-yellow hue. Astaxanthin is the pigment that gives seafood like lobster, shrimp and crab that characteristic red hue. Yuan, J. P., Peng, J., Yin, K., and Wang, J. H. Potential health-promoting effects of astaxanthin: a high-value carotenoid mostly from microalgae. View abstract. Astaxanthin may reduce the growth of H. pylori bacteria, which cause peptic ulcers. J.Med.Food 2003;6(1):51-56. This can be further supported by a human study which found that astaxanthin supports healthy fertility. Toxicities Doses of up to 50mg have been tolerated. Higuera-Ciapara, I., Felix-Valenzuela, L., and Goycoolea, F. M. Astaxanthin: a review of its chemistry and applications. Therapeutic Research Faculty 2020. Extracted astaxanthin can be found in dietary supplements. 2002;30(1):73-84. View abstract. View abstract. Mar.Drugs 2011;9(3):447-465. (At doses above 30 mg taken for an extended period of time) This is just one more reason why its essential to only use carotenoids like astaxanthin as directed. Am J Cardiol 5-22-2008;101(10A):58D-68D. 2003;19(4):299-304. It has been used safely in combination with other carotenoids, vitamins, and minerals at 4 mg daily for up to 12 months. Information from this source is evidence-based and objective, and without commercial influence. We know that carotenoids are antioxidants and may have certain health benefits. Nutr Cancer 1994;21(1):47-58. Hormone imbalances, problems with ejaculation and varicocele, or the swelling of the veins in the scrotum, are all typical causes of male infertility. View abstract. Chew BP, Wong MW, Park JS, et al. 2010;26(5):457-467. Eur J Nutr 2010;49(2):119-126. Jyonouchi H, Sun S, Iijima K, Gross MD. View abstract. Cell Biol Toxicol. However, the strongest results have been observed at 6 milligrams a day6. Astaxanthin improves glucose metabolism and reduces blood pressure in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Overview. View abstract. Nutrients 2021;13(12):4381. McNulty, H., Jacob, R. F., and Mason, R. P. Biologic activity of carotenoids related to distinct membrane physicochemical interactions. People begin adding astaxanthin to their diets or taking supplementation for many different reasons. Our astaxanthin is natural and sustainability harvested from phototropic, Himalayan water-fed algae. Trends Biotechnol. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Note that the numbers in parentheses (1, 2, etc.) Effect of astaxanthin supplementation on muscle damage and oxidative stress markers in elite young soccer players. pii: E817. Another one of the benefits of astaxanthin is its demonstrated enhancement of immune health. View abstract. 2002;21:489. Dietary beta-carotene and astaxanthin but not canthaxanthin stimulate splenocyte function in mice. This ad is displayed using third party content and we do not control its accessibility features. For optimal health, women need a proper balance of these hormones. Best For. Medicament for improvement of duration of muscle function or treatment of muscle disorders or diseases. Bennedsen M, Wang X, Willen R, et al. Asian J Androl 2005;7:257-62.. View abstract. Some laboratory studies have shown astaxanthin may hinder an enzyme called 5-alpha-reductase. 2000;44(9):2452-2457. A small study conducted at Ghent University Hospital actually found that astaxanthin improved the movement of sperm cells and enhanced the ability of sperm to fertilize eggs. Arch Biochem Biophys 8-1-2011;512(1):96-106. Farmed salmon, on the other hand, are lacking in this important carotenoid as they follow a diet composed primarily of fish meal and oils, giving them a grayish hue. Dietary carotenoids inhibit aflatoxin B1-induced liver preneoplastic foci and DNA damage in the rat: role of the modulation of aflatoxin B1 metabolism. Other potential astaxanthin uses include improving skin health and reducing inflammation. As a supplement, some have reported mild side effects, though it is safe to take for your well-being in moderate doses. Astaxanthin is an antioxidant with a range of health benefits, including female hormone balance. In fact, its ability to fight free radicals has been shown to much higher than vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene. Karppi, J., Rissanen, T. H., Nyyssonen, K., Kaikkonen, J., Olsson, A. G., Voutilainen, S., and Salonen, J. T. Effects of astaxanthin supplementation on lipid peroxidation. View abstract. Nutr Res 2022;99:40-50. With astaxanthin to help support skin hydration, elasticity, and smoothness. Cancer Res 1995;55:4059-64. * And a 2020 study found that due to its antioxidant properties, astaxanthin may support overall cardiovascular health. Ma B, Lu J, Kang T, Zhu M, Xiong K, Wang J. Astaxanthin supplementation mildly reduced oxidative stress and inflammation biomarkers: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Liver / drug effects* The information in our articles is NOT intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Spirulina is rich in a range of vitamins and minerals essential for maintaining a healthy immune system, like vitamins E, C, and B6. J Agric Food Chem 6-28-2006;54(13):4593-4599. Nishigaki, I., Rajendran, P., Venugopal, R., Ekambaram, G., Sakthisekaran, D., and Nishigaki, Y. Cytoprotective role of astaxanthin against glycated protein/iron chelate-induced toxicity in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Hormonal changes are also among the Astaxanthin side effects. Side Effects With extreme doses (48mg daily) feces may turn a reddish hue due to the red pigmentation of astaxanthin. Wang, X., Willen, R., and Wadstrom, T. Astaxanthin-rich algal meal and vitamin C inhibit Helicobacter pylori infection in BALB/cA mice. Fortunately, several studies have found that astaxanthin can improve the health of the eyes and help maintain 20/20 vision. This could have far-reaching benefits and may even reduce the risk of certain types of chronic disease. Astaxanthin is an antioxidant. Researchers note that synthetic astaxanthin is chemically different from synthetic astaxanthin. Initially, its best to start with a low dose and work your way up to assess your tolerance. 2003;21(5):210-216. J Neurochem. neutralize free radicals at a higher rate than other carotenoids, no documented negative side effects to date, extremely high and chronic intake of beta-carotene, skin inflammatory pathways and photoaging, shown to improve natural hydration levels in the eyes, https://lpi.oregonstate.edu/mic/dietary-factors/phytochemicals/carotenoids, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5946307/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3917265/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/labs/pmc/articles/PMC5946307/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK534878/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5946307/table/nutrients-10-00522-t001/, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22428137/, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1756464621005090?via%3Dihub, https://www.cdc.gov/heartdisease/brain_health.htm, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7705074/, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0014483520303729?via%3Dihub, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4997915/. J Nutr 2005;135(11):2507-2511. Tell your doctor about any supplements you're taking, even if they're natural. View abstract. Astaxanthin is a potent antioxidant, with studies showing it provides significantly greater antioxidant protection than the carotenoids beta carotene, lycopene, and lutein as well as alpha-tocopherol, and thus it is considered one of the best agents for protecting cellular membranes. For optimal health, women need a proper balance of these hormones. Similarly, an animal study published in PLoS One also found that astaxanthin was able to significantly improve symptoms of atopic dermatitis in mice. There has been a lot of study on how astaxanthin can affect endurance, as well as fatigue levels after exercise. View abstract. Ikeuchi, M., Koyama, T., Takahashi, J., and Yazawa, K. Effects of astaxanthin supplementation on exercise-induced fatigue in mice. Brown DR, Warner AR, Deb SK, Gough LA, Sparks SA, McNaughton LR. Astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant that may help protect cells from damage from oxidative stress. Some medications are changed and broken down by the liver. Choi HD, Youn YK, Shin WG. View abstract. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab 2005;15:401-12. *, As astaxanthin supports the heart, it may also benefit the brain. One 2009 study showed that combining oral supplementation and topical application of astaxanthin improved wrinkles, age spots, skin texture and moisture content of the skin. Natural Standard Professional Monograph: "Astaxanthin.". But lets first review any potential issues from taking astaxanthin. 8-1-2003;307(3):704-712. Astaxanthin Potential Side Effects . Many studies have found that astaxanthin can reduce markers of inflammation in the body. 2005 - 2023 WebMD LLC, an Internet Brands company. Astaxanthin supplementation enhances metabolic adaptation with aerobic training in the elderly. It may be helpful in preventing plaque buildup in arteries in the heart. The potential for astaxanthin to support hormones is present in early stages of animal studies. Pashkow, F. J., Watumull, D. G., and Campbell, C. L. Astaxanthin: a novel potential treatment for oxidative stress and inflammation in cardiovascular disease. Continuous astaxanthin intake reduces oxidative stress and reverses age-related morphological changes of residual skin surface components in middle-aged volunteers. Promising research has found that astaxanthin benefits male fertility and may help improve sperm quality. Suganuma, K., Nakajima, H., Ohtsuki, M., and Imokawa, G. Astaxanthin attenuates the UVA-induced up-regulation of matrix-metalloproteinase-1 and skin fibroblast elastase in human dermal fibroblasts. Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats. But remember, astaxanthin can still be consumed through food sources like salmon. Another study comprising 48 adults complaining of eye strain found that a supplement containing several nutrients, including astaxanthin, helped reduce symptoms of eye fatigue. 3. Additionally, men treated with astaxanthin achieved higher rates of pregnancy compared with a placebo group. J Nutr Biochem 2010;21(5):381-389. *, Astaxanthin, like other carotenoids, can contribute to healthy peepers. J Am Coll Nutr. Kistler, A., Liechti, H., Pichard, L., Wolz, E., Oesterhelt, G., Hayes, A., and Maurel, P. Metabolism and CYP-inducer properties of astaxanthin in man and primary human hepatocytes. Side effects. Despite the above recommendations . Chitchumroonchokchai, C., Bomser, J. View abstract. 2008;15:391-99. Peng, C. H., Chang, C. H., Peng, R. Y., and Chyau, C. C. Improved membrane transport of astaxanthine by liposomal encapsulation. MF Afragil(R) in the treatment of 34 menopause symptoms: a pilot study. View abstract. Side Effects and Toxicity Because astaxanthi influences hormonal changes one should be aware that it might negatively interact with some hormone-altering medications. As a result, it could keep testosterone from changing into the hormone DHT in the body. 2021;24(1):92-97. Brain Res 11-11-2010;1360:159-167. 2017;48:40-48. Santocono, M., Zurria, M., Berrettini, M., Fedeli, D., and Falcioni, G. Influence of astaxanthin, zeaxanthin and lutein on DNA damage and repair in UVA-irradiated cells. J Sci Med Sport. Astaxanthin may also lower blood pressure and calcium levels. verified buyer of cellular beauty+. Note that astaxanthin is only included in the Women's Balance supplement. Miyashita, K. Function of marine carotenoids. Whether youre looking to kick up your workout routine or give your energy levels a boost at the gym, an extra dose of astaxanthin may be able to help. And while carotenoids, in general, are associated with brain, eye, and cardiovascular health, astaxanthin is particularly impressive. As weve discussed, astaxanthin is an antioxidant that protects against oxidative stress. Click here to find out. Canthaxanthin retinopathy. Anderson, M. L. A preliminary investigation of the enzymatic inhibition of 5alpha-reduction and growth of prostatic carcinoma cell line LNCap-FGC by natural astaxanthin and Saw Palmetto lipid extract in vitro. View abstract. Here, we look at eight of the facts and myths surrounding saw palmetto. Biosci.Biotechnol.Biochem 2007;71(4):893-899. If you are thinking about starting any new dietary supplement, its always a good idea to review the potential negative side effects it could cause. That way, your doctor can check on any potential side effects or interactions with any medications. Kobayashi M, Kakizono T, Nishio N, et al. CONDITIONS OF USE AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION: This information is meant to supplement, not replace advice from your doctor or healthcare provider and is not meant to cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions or adverse effects. Phytother.Res 2010;24(1):54-59. . Primary ingredients like vitamin E have shown improvements in correcting oxidative stress, or an imbalance between free. It's unclear what effect this may have, but prescription medicines that affect the same enzyme may cause side effects, such as: This information may not fit your specific health circumstances. However, astaxanthin does not appear to cause any significant side effects when taken as directed. Not only is wild salmon naturally higher in this important carotenoid, but its also been shown to be safer for consumption and contain fewer contaminants. Chalyk NE, Klochkov VA, Bandaletova TY, Kyle NH, Petyaev IM. Arch Ophthalmol 2008;126(10):1396-1403. View abstract. In fact, astaxanthin may help support the health of these body systems. Despite being associated with a long list of health benefits, astaxanthin found itself at the center of controversy just over a decade ago. In case you missed it above, astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant. Mahmoud, F. F., Haines, D. D., Abul, H. T., Abal, A. T., Onadeko, B. O., and Wise, J. Other high-antioxidant foodsthat can help relieve inflammation and ward off disease include turmeric, ginger, dark chocolate and blueberries. In addition to astaxanthin, other important eye vitamins include lutein, zinc, vitamin A and zeaxanthin. In men and those with penises, progesterone plays a role in sperm and testosterone production. 2007;50:244-48. It can also be found in some other supplements, such as krill oil, some omega-3 formulations and Arctic Ruby Oil. J.Pharmacol.Sci. Potential Benefits vs. Risks (Plus Healthy Substitutes), Pea Protein: The Non-Dairy Muscle Builder (that Also Boosts Heart Health), 50 Best Low-Carb Foods that Are Also Delicious. This article is based on scientific evidence, written by experts and fact checked by our trained editorial staff. Gastrointestinal: Abdominal pain Blood: Bleeding, low blood sugar levels, low calcium levels, aplastic anemia (lack of red blood cell production. Many people think of lutein as "the eye vitamin." Lutein is one of two major carotenoids . Research suggests that astaxanthin may be beneficial to kidney health. View abstract. View abstract. It's also available in natural supplement form. Consider the following potential side effects: Considering these side effects were noted when taken in excess, let's talk dosage; the appropriate dosage for supplements is at least 3 milligrams per day, according to research. It is carefully extracted from astaxanthin-rich algae and converted into convenient capsule form to help you get in a concentrated dose quickly and easily. Comhaire FH, El Garem Y, Mahmoud A, et al. View abstract. 2015;54(2):301-7. But before taking the supplement, it's a good idea to understand the possible side effects, along with how much to take. 2013;45(6):1158-65. It also interacts with herbs, including saw palmetto, black cohosh and vitex. *, Carotenoids in general are associated with heart health, and astaxanthin is no exception. Also, by reducing oxidation in the brain, it may protect against Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Astaxanthin influence on health outcomes of adults at risk of metabolic syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Still, there are a few things to keep in mind. View abstract. Andersen LP, Holck S, Kupcinskas L, et al. View abstract. View abstract. Its also responsible for providing that perfect pink color you might notice when picking out a fresh slab of salmon. Astaxanthin is a type of carotenoid, which is a natural pigment found in a variety of foods. Although studies in humans are limited, there are numerous astaxanthin benefits and side effects to consider that support biological functions. 2002;21(5):490. Nutrients 2022;14(10):2050. This effect might protect cells from damage. Were not talking about detox fads, but the process of detoxification that your body must do to stay healthy. This Dr. Axe content is medically reviewed or fact checked to ensure factually accurate information. Lignell, . Daily consumption of 4 mg of astaxanthin provides significant protection of the skin against the effects of UV rays and that a consumption of 6 mg per day showed a quick improvement in skin elasticity, wrinkles, dry skin, age spots and eyes. Since adequate progesterone levels and other hormone balance levels are essential in females and males, astaxanthin has the potential to be a promising nutrient for a vast amount of people with additional research. Photoreceptor cells in eyes are exposed to extensive amounts of oxidative stress on a given day, from both light and oxygen. J Dermatol Sci 2010;58(2):136-142. This powerful pigment provides certain types of seafood a red-orange hue and has been shown to support healthy vision, promote brain and heart health, and even increase male fertility. In rare cases, a person may develop an allergic reaction to astaxanthin. Nir, Y., Spiller, G., and Multz, C. Effect of an astaxanthin containing product on carpal tunnel syndrome. Hussein, G., Sankawa, U., Goto, H., Matsumoto, K., and Watanabe, H. Astaxanthin, a carotenoid with potential in human health and nutrition. *) After all, it's not a competition. You can also get astaxanthin naturally through salmon, but you'd need to eat a lot of it every day to get the recommended amount. 2008;107(6):1730-1740. View abstract. By boosting T3 and T4 thyroid hormone levels, ashwagandha may play a role in managing hypothyroidism but worsen symptoms of hyperthyroidism. highest oxygen radical absorbance capacity. A 2008 animal study showed that astaxanthin helped protect retinal cells against oxidative damage. An upper toxicity limit is not known. The severity of allergic reactions may vary. Inflammation is an important part of the bodys immune response. Avoid taking astaxanthin if you're allergic or sensitive to it. Supplement ingredients that are absorbed by the digestive system must pass through your liver. Astaxanthin (3,3'-dihydroxy-,'-carotene-4,4'-dione) is a nonprovitamin A carotenoid classified as a xanthophyll and is found in high amounts in the red pigment of crustacean shells (e.g., crabs, shrimp), salmon, trout, and asteroides. Fun times. *, Other noteworthy carotenoids include beta-carotene (a specific form of vitamin A), lycopene, lutein, and zeaxanthin. 2000;7(4):216-222. One of the largest sources of astaxanthin is in certain types of marine algae. View abstract. In my opinion (and experience), why take the risk? Astaxanthin might help the heart in a number of ways, as well. Phytomedicine. 2002;21:490. Nir, Y., Spiller, G., and Multz, C. Effect of an astaxanthin containing product on rheumatoid arthritis. * Astaxanthin can also enter the layers of cell membranes, ultimately helping to protect the cell from oxidative stress.*. These health benefits of astaxanthin span multiple areas of wellness, below:*, As it turns out, biotin and collagen aren't the only superstar skin supplements. Be sure to look for a brand that uses natural astaxanthin derived from microalgae rather than synthetic astaxanthin. Park, J. S., Chyun, J. H., Kim, Y. K., Line, L. L., and Chew, B. P. Astaxanthin decreased oxidative stress and inflammation and enhanced immune response in humans. Needless to say, that's more salmon than what the average would (or could!) Astaxanthin might also improve the way the immune system functions. Eur J Nutr. Side. We wont get into all the nerdy metabolic pathways that astaxanthin can impact (if thats your thing, you can read the full review article here). Czeczuga-Semeniuk, E. and Wolczynski, S. Dietary carotenoids in normal and pathological tissues of corpus uteri. Cicero, AF, Rovati LC, and Setnikar I. Eulipidemic effects of berberine administered alone or in combination with other natural cholesterol-lowering agents. Of course, you have to weight this with all the chemical toxins in fish. 1999;Patent Cooperation Treaty application #9911251, Lignell, . Interactions with Herbs and Dietary Supplements This can help you keep an eye out for these concerns. J Clin Biochem Nutr. 4-20-2011;585(8):1249-1254. Select a condition to view a list of vitamins. View abstract. Folia Histochem.Cytobiol. Oxidative stress can occur from daily bodily processes, including exercise and additional stressors like environmental toxins, injury, unhealthy diet, and is a normal part of aging. This means astaxanthin provides two major health benefits in particular: Combats oxidative stress Reduces inflammation Oxidative stress and inflammation are very closely related. Arzneimittelforschung. Fatty acid balance is also very important. Astaxanthin is a powerful carotenoid with antioxidant properties, which is a natural compound that can reduce oxidative stress in the body caused by free radicals. Jyonouchi, H., Zhang, L., Gross, M., and Tomita, Y. Immunomodulating actions of carotenoids: enhancement of in vivo and in vitro antibody production to T-dependent antigens. However, when taken in large dosages, potential side effects report changes in sex drive, increased skin pigmentation, hair growth, decreased blood pressure, altered hormone levels and . Let's explore what you can expect from taking astaxanthin, below. You may be right, but there is no cause for concern! Astaxanthin biochemical properties website. J.Atheroscler.Thromb. View abstract. Lets talk about astaxanthin side effects. Yes, in the body, its antioxidant properties are believed to helpprotect against certain types of chronic disease, reverse skin aging and alleviate inflammation. Liu SZ, Valencia AP, VanDoren MP, et al. Therefore, its best to choose a natural form of astaxanthin! Some of the other common side effects of astaxanthin include hair growth, increased pigmentation of the skin - making the skin have a slight red or orange tinge, reduced calcium levels, enlargement of breasts and hormonal changes. View abstract. Liu, X. and Osawa, T. Astaxanthin protects neuronal cells against oxidative damage and is a potent candidate for brain food. Astaxanthin is a carotenoid derived from oxygen-containing non-vitamin A sources and is mainly obtained from marine organisms. Comp Biochem Physiol C.Toxicol Pharmacol 2004;139(1-3):99-110. The role of nutritional supplements in the prevention and treatment of resistance exercise-induced skeletal muscle injury. View abstract. It is recommended that you should take 8 mg of the drug per day, which is equal to 1.6 kg of fresh salmon. What are the side effects of Astaxanthin? Once inside a cell, astaxanthin can lend its electrons to stabilize free radicals. Earnest CP, Lupo M, White KM, Church TS. Zhou X, Cao Q, Orfila C, Zhao J, Zhang L. Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on the Effects of Astaxanthin on Human Skin Ageing. J Cell Biochem 4-15-2008;103(6):1925-1937. Manabe, E., Handa, O., Naito, Y., Mizushima, K., Akagiri, S., Adachi, S., Takagi, T., Kokura, S., Maoka, T., and Yoshikawa, T. Astaxanthin protects mesangial cells from hyperglycemia-induced oxidative signaling. Studies on mice show that it can boost the body's use of fatty acids, which helps. It may also play a role in eye and brain health. Parisi V, Tedeschi M, Gallinaro G, et al. Astaxanthin is an antioxidant. FEBS Lett. Antimicrob.Agents Chemother. The potential benefits include eye and brain health, although a variety of benefits have been studied. Cardiovasc.Hematol.Agents Med Chem 2006;4(4):335-349. Antioxidants are well known for providing a protective role for different immune functions. 2018;10(3). Learn how to use astaxanthin to support your health goals. The two major female reproductive hormones are estrogen and progesterone. These foods are especially beneficial because most provide an array of important nutrients in addition to astaxanthin, such as vitamins, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids. Side effects of astaxanthin may include increased bowel movements and red stool color. View abstract. View abstract. Astaxanthin | Perry Krichmar, MD Mol Nutr Food Res 2006;50(11):991-995. One study of young healthy females showed enhanced immune response following astaxanthin dietary supplementation. Some of the most commonly reported astaxanthin side effects include: Additionally, because research is limited on the safety of astaxanthin supplements in women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, its best to stay on the safe side and stick to food sources to get your daily dose.

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