Peter and John were on their way to the Temple to pray, and This New Testament believer was one of the heroes of the early church. Conversions In The Book Of Acts (Executable Outlines) Conversions In The Book Of Acts Examples of conversions as recorded in the history of the early church The 3000 On Pentecost (2:1-41) The 2000 At Solomon's Porch (3:1-4:4) The Samaritans (8:4-25) The Ethiopian Eunuch (8:26-40) Saul Of Tarsus (9:1-19; 22:6-16; 26:12-18) Your people will become more and more familiar with the world of the early church making the Bible easier to understand. Tell the truth about Jesus (vs. 7-12). Please confirm that you want to receive email from us. There is an old saying in missionary circles that goes, If we do not practice Acts 1:8 voluntarily, Acts 8:1 will come and move us into the mission field.. Every commentary on the Book of Acts you create for your congregation will serve them well. 3. Rather than the western bent towards private prayer and meeting Jesus alone, the Book of Acts teaches us the value of corporate prayer. Luke-Acts; cf. Its a question for every church. Sermon by Rick Crandall By spending a year in Acts, a church member has more opportunities to pick up on the nuances of what made life work then. Acts 2:25-32, Tags: Seeing the church make prayer their identity is one of the gifts of the Book of Acts. Fifteen . Audio Podcast. Below is a list of sermons preached in Acts along with a short description and reference for each are listed below. The small group can be the place of intimate confession and deep restoration once again, meeting God with others in prayer. In Athens, Paul presents Jesus and all is well until he mentions the resurrection of Jesus. 2. Bias takes time to overcome even in the presence of God. The Cross And Unjust Suffering (1 Peter 2:19-25), 5. The Pauline Epistles as well as the rest of the NT canon can be identified by places introduced in Acts. Growing churches have growing problemssomething addressed head-on in the Book of Acts. There is a greater chance to connect and decrease the distance between now and then. An Introduction To The Book Of Acts. . The conflict (vs. 26-28; 33). Combining a theme or character study is a great way to do an overview of the book of Acts in one month. Acts is a workshop on how to meet God and actively wait on the Lord together. Acts gives us an opportunity to interact with people, places, and ideas in the Gentile and Jewish worlds. The Trinity: God the Father. Racial, social, and economic biases can inadvertently lead us to calling works of God works of the devil. read more, Scripture: In Acts 1:8, Jesus promises a geographic expansion through the power of the Holy Spirit. 4. 1. Sermon by Rick Crandall The Book of Acts is the story of Gods sovereign hand meeting our freewill over and over and over again. When Your Government Is Ungodly - Part 2 Sermon by Rick Crandall Copyright 2010 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Seasoned leaders know different solutions can be found for the same problem so how do we choose where to place our hope and lives? This Scripture speaks to us about: Small movements, such as God nudging Ananias in Acts 9, have huge consequences for Gods people. 2. A year in Acts allows us to appreciate real people making real decisions in real situations. 3. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. 1. Stick together with God's people (vs. 23-24). Persecution, Government, Power Of God, Healing Miracles, Apostolic Power God Is at Work in Our World - Part 1 read more, Scripture: Lukes identification as the author of this work was unquestioned throughout ancient times. 2. We struggle with fears over how others will react to our faith or with breaking out of our own routine long enough to invest in the life of someone else who needs the gospel. We are in Week 7 of a sermon series going through a book called "Acts." "ACTS" means, "the acts (or the deeds) of the apostles." It could also be entitled, "The Acts of the Holy Spirit," since God's Spirit is . 13-28 The Church "Unto the Uttermost Parts of the 13,14 Paul's first missionary journey. *Don't you love our church? Because they can have hope for His interaction in their lives and learn how to be more responsive to His leadership. How much easier is it to teach about materialism by talking about Ananias, Saphira, and Barnabas? What do leaders do? Chapter 4 teaches the churchs first reaction during persecution should be prayer, boldness, and generosity. *We used to go to Heavenly Ham a good bit. Grayson Baptist Church - Feb. 2, 2014 We are blessed to be part of a church where people love God, love His Word, and love each other. 3. have the help of the Holy Spirit (vs. 33, 38, 39). read more, Scripture: 3. Keep seeking the Lord (vs. 46-47). OUTLINES - KEOWN 1 . Acts 13:13-22, Tags: What Jesus Did After the Beginning. *Have you ever been tempted to give up on church? A full expository sermon series requires at least a year of study. Sermons in Acts with a fun and useful combination of characters, themes, theology, and historical information are waiting to be unpacked by pastors like you. 5. 1. 2. have the answers to life's greatest questions (vs. 37-38). We also pick up the themes of the resurrection, leadership, and discipleship. At the outset we find the apostles needing to replace Judas and leading the 120 who gather for prayer and fasting. Acts gives us the lives of people to study So why not do a month-long character study? It records the transition from taking the gospel to an exclusively Jewish audiencewith Peter preaching to a small group in the Upper Roomto the gospel going out among the Gentiles, primarily under the ministry of the apostle Paul. read more, Scripture: Peter and Cornelius are also swept into the mix in chapters 10 and 11 and the introduction of Gentiles into the church. Sermon Series (4) I dont just get religion; I get a relationship (vs. 4-5). 21. The mission of the church is Gods purpose on earth: it is important. God will give us a strategy (vs. 20-25). Jesus command to the disciples in Matthew 28 is to make disciples not simply believers, but disciples who give their life completely to Gods purpose. Persecution, Courage, Gamaliel, Commitment To Christ, Comfort In Christ, David Livingstone We are missing being deeply connected not just around each other, but confessing sins, sharing victories and defeats, and sharing our lives with one another. Free Sermons and Sermon Outlines for Preaching : . This one is titled I Will: Living Our Baptismal Vows. In fact, it is referred to as an anointing of the Holy Spirit in Acts 6. Let themes and characters influence one another and lead you into life-transforming messages. Acts Series Outlines 11 . *"The first Pastors (view more) *Our God likes to use little things to make a big difference in His world. Leaders make ministry teams (Acts 11) and much, much more. (Personal and Social Restoration) - Acts 3:1-10, Week 6: No Longer Afraid (Holy Boldness) - Acts 4:1-22, Week 7: I Need to Make a Call (Prayer) - Acts 4:23-31, Week 8: Extravagant Generosity (Wealth Distribution) - Acts 4:32-37, Week 9: Soliciting Celebrity - Acts 5:1-11, Week 10: Hallelujah Anyhow (Martyrdom) - Acts 6:8-7:60, Week 11: Who'd a Thunk It? The series is entitled, Living the New Testament Faith. Souls will be saved (vs. 12). Issues facing a growing church and church movement require leaders to grow and the people of the church to grow as well. Faith, Persecution, Deacons, Stephen, Wisdom From God, Shine For Jesus The gods and goddesses of cities influenced the way Paul taught and the response of the people. Miracles will be multiplied (vs. 4-7). Take time to learn about prayer in action through the Book of Acts and you will see a church committed to being in Gods presence in the form of prayer. . (Responding to the Spirit) - Acts 2:37-47, Week 5: Get Up! Stephen was Jesus made this clear in Acts 1:8 when He commissioned the church to go to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth with His message. The Book of Acts reminds us that mission is about worship, presence, prayer, power, racial reconciliation, and so much more. For those interested in developing such a sermon, the outline is suggested in chapter 1, verse 8. So why not teach about a new place or person in your sermon and provide more details for small groups? Carry on Christians. 1. Keep studying God's Word (vs. 42). No matter how you lead your church through Acts, you all will benefit. Is your church drifting, on life support, or your people feel disconnected from God? (view less). read more, Scripture: Certainly, this type of speculation can go astray, so help your leaders to come back to ideas the Bible teaches. (view less). One church consultant named four audiences with whom ministry should be provided: The primary ministry goal for the first audience, the core group, is discipleship. 3. Saul meets Ananias when both of them pray in Acts 9. Acts 7:8-16 Remain true to Gods standards. Because we have a ton of teaching resources on it, love to eat together in the American church, and prayer is often a challenge. Again and again, the good news that Jesus is the Christ was proclaimed, and the word of God spread, not just to a handful of Jews, but to men and . (view more) The Savior's Next Step For Our Church, 25. Acts 23:26 and 24:3 where it refers to Felix (a Roman governor from AD 53-60) and Paul refers to Festus (AD 60-62) as "most excellent" (Acts 26:25). The Power of God Great Ways to Obey our God How do I have hope and live my life well? is a deep question for every person in our congregations. The Cross And Our Response to Trials (1 Peter 4:12-19), 8. 2. They speak boldly (Acts 4). 3. You might choose to speak more to the response in Athens dealing with our multicultural world. Sermon by Rick Crandall Leader of the growing church do you do the same? As such, it provides us with a valuable account of how the church was able to grow and spread out from Jerusalem into the rest of the Roman Empire. You can take a sermon on a series in 1 Thessalonians and spend it in Acts to set up the context of the believers and Paul. Gods Case against the Christ-Rejecting Court God wants His message of hope and salvation to extend to all peoplein Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth (1:8). H+0b+$@3g @BF%duQ%4J$:`j+B0.DW%VGEP^. *l_ tk(#E&W8$xdlHh qM. A sermon series can draw your congregation together around a common theme or biblical topic, and SermonCentral has hundreds of series collections to assist pastors in developing their own sermon series. Thinking about life situations aloud with others helps us to consider our own motives in similar situations. And the early church was in turmoil, experiencing persecution, and found itself under intense pressure as they proclaimed Jesus as King rather than Caesar. The series can also help your core group determine how it will engage the world as Christians empowered by the Holy Spirit. The combination of Gods purpose, power, and presence is vital to our life as a church. His name was Stephen, and he was on trial for his life before the Acts 5:1-11, Tags: There is no doubt about it. 4. Only Jesus had the power to come back alive (vs. 24). The church in Acts made and multiplied disciples through the small group experience. Thyatira: Corrupted by Compromise - Rev. Your browser does not support JavaScript. They immediately organize people into groups, large and small, to make disciples of these new believers. Seek God's help (vs. 24-31). The series can also help your core group determine how it will engage the world as Christians empowered by the Holy Spirit. Time in the Book of Acts can demystify the people and the places of the early church. *The Apostle Peter preached on the Day of Pentecost, and here is part of what he said: These tools and other commentaries on the Book of Acts should simplify sermon preparation and help you focus on timely application. On Friday I plugged the word "heavenly" into Google and got over 51 million Simplify your preaching calendar and let Acts become a seasonal journey for you and your church. The Antioch leaders in Acts 11 seek the face of the Lord for some time and He chooses to send Paul and Barnabas to them. Worship Planning Preparation for the coming of the Spirit, Chapter 1 1. God Shows His Church How To Stay Out Of Trouble, 30. Sermon by Rick Crandall Preaching through Acts naturally leads us to interact with the Pauline Epistles. 1. God's work (vs. 8). Grace Under Fire . Acts can be neatly divided into two sections, the first dealing primarily with the ministry of Peter in Jerusalem and Samaria (Acts 112) and the second following Paul on his missionary journeys throughout the Roman Empire (Acts 1328). 19. We can simply call it compound growth demanding equal or greater compound growth from leaders. Acts 4:23-31, Tags: Jesus Himself (presence) once again tells the surrounding believers they will be his witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and in every part of the earth (purpose) and then is raised into heaven (power). You can lead the congregation through Acts in a verse by verse or theme by theme way. Bible students may take their knowledge for granted and assume most people in the church know the difference between Ephesus and Corinth. Acts 5:25-42, Tags: It seems throughout Acts that all the believers carried on these same actions and it fueled sustained growth of the church. Seek to have words of wisdom (vs. 9-11). Empowered by the Gospel and filled with the Holy Spirit, however, the bride of Christ neither cowered nor retreated. Acts also reminds us there are many transitions we have as individuals and a community. Just like the one-month approach, themes and characters are important and a great way to work through the book. Grayson Baptist Church - Nov. 10, 2013 Its no secret that not all churches or all pastors are in the same place. This series began when the COVID19 pandemic began. The Big Picture of Acts. Through transitions in the early church, we can see how God is working, moving, and changing us in our time of transition. Acts 3:1-26, Tags: This title accurately reflects the contents of the book, which is a series of vignettes chronicling the lives God still wants to meet His people and move us towards mission in everyday, practical ways. Combining cultures is a process that takes time. He was a good, godly man, and one of the first deacons. Sermon by Rick Crandall Because He can foresee the future (vs. 25 & 29-31) 5. How can we shine for Jesus? He stretches us to reach new people (vs. 9-16). 2. Grayson Baptist Church - July 7, 2013 Later we will develop these themes and others, but for this moment, consider the fact that Luke deals with serious challenges. Turning our attention outward opens us to the changes God wants to make inside. 3. Sauls world is changed in chapter 9 and he goes on, as the apostle Paul, to partner with God as a missionary. 3. Take time to show maps and share how Greek, Roman, and other religions impacted the early church. Acts is significant for chronicling the spread of the gospel, not only geographically but also culturally. (view more) The Book of Acts does not shy away from the fact that discipleship costs followers their entire lives. This series began when the COVID19 pandemic began. Having trouble logging into your account? We need to point our friends who have a bold and radical conversion story to learn from Paul. (view more) (view more) As such, it provides us with a valuable account of how the church was able to grow and spread out from Jerusalem into the rest of the Roman Empire. (view more) (view less). The most notable mission movements in the history of the church are born from prayer and fasting. A well-presented sermon series on the Book of Acts reminds all of us that these are not unprecedented times its just our time. read more, Scripture: Sermon The Spirit Wants the World for Christ Jun 3, 1984 Scripture: Acts 1:4-8 John Piper Sermon You Shall Receive Power Till Jesus Comes Sep 30, 1990 Scripture: Acts 1:6-14 John Piper Sermon What Judas's Death Teaches Us About the Spirit Oct 7, 1990 Scripture: Acts 1:15-26 John Piper Sermon Tongues of Fire and the Fullness of God Oct 14, 1990 (view more) from Jerusalem to Rome. . Rather than worry about pulling every theological thread in how God moves first and we respond, all believers agree that life is best when we partner with God. Leaders who are in a church with these and other challenges should use the book of Acts as a guide. Lastly and most importantly, is the under-appreciated theme of the resurrection in the Book of Acts. read more, Scripture: Christian Witness, Book Of Acts, Work Of Christ, Teaching Of Jesus. 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