More beautiful flowers means more buzzing bees, which means more delicious fruit! Because of this, many gardeners prefer to growRussian comfreydue to its sterile seeds. They will surely outlast your strawberries, so make sure you plant asparagus crowns in a place where they can proliferate. They both enjoy acidic soil and are not fussy 2. How to Plant It: Interplant carrots in rows 4-6 from strawberry plants. Hi Carolyn, Category: Categories Blueberries, 50 Companion Plants for Strawberries: Benefits, Tips, & Plants to Avoid, 10 Best Companion Plants for Raspberries (& Some Foes). Catnip is popular with cats, but also with pollinators! The name Selecta is a misnomer. They are all shallowly rooted plants, so they need a soil that can hold moisture and drains well. WebThere are lots of popular plant companions for strawberry. Higher yields, sweeter fruits, and fully filled-out berries. Location: Zone 6 in the Pacific Northwest. Similar to nasturtiums, thyme is resistant to pests including cabbage worms, weevils, and cabbage loopers (source). Carrots are a garden grown classic that fit seamlessly into strawberry beds thanks to their slender taproots and flowy foliage. Sage is a great herbal partner for strawberries. But it is especially great for strawberries because it offers a double whammy: pest protection and pollinator habitat. That is around June in Michigan, but as early as February in Texas. All About Gardening 2023 All Rights Reserved. The best companion plants for blueberries are strawberries, clover, legumes, oak, pine, and wildflowers. Blueberries have shallow root systems, so companion plants must be planted outside of their root zone. The plant has an attractive look that matches the blueberry bushes. Planting marjoram near your rosemary can help to improve the growth of both plants and add some delicious flavor to your meals. With more cream, every bite is smooth, and dreamy. Because French marigolds tend to stay fairly compact, you dont have to worry about them competing with your strawberries for light or space. Today, I'm learning everything about livestock, food forests, and self-sufficiency. Marigolds produce a natural pesticide compound in their roots and spread it to the surrounding soil to repel nematodes. We have a number of posts about different vegetables here. 5. Phacelia is the perfect partner because it has a deep fibrous root system that digs down 30 inches or more. Plants that grow well with cranberries: Azaleas Blueberries Lingonberries Rhododendrons Lastly, cranberries are known to thrive in bogs (wetlands). You can use pine needles as mulch around your blueberry bushes to help retain soil moisture. How to Plant It: Purslane is considered a weed for a reason- it can take over quite quickly because it produces thousands of seeds at once. Benefits: Fix nitrogen and maximize yields. Aphids cant stand garlic! Among the most important is cultivating biodiversity. They are both low in sugar and high in vitamins and minerals. They are easy to direct sow in late spring alongside strawberry crowns. Strawberries: Chamomile is believed to enhance the growth and flavour of strawberries, making them a great companion. Two good ways to measure soil pH are with pH strips or a pH meter. Cranberry Bushes 9. Nasturtiums are magnets for hoverflies and pest-eating bugs. The citrusy odor of lemon balm repels gnats, flies, and other pests from strawberries. How to Plant It: There are many different varieties of sage, but most require at least 1-2 feet of growing space. Last updated: July 7, 2022 | Both like acidic soil and both are perennial. In other words, they have both the male and female parts in one flower. Just like sage and oregano, marjoram can benefit from growing alongside rosemary. Can blueberries grow next to They need to be pollinated in order to set fruit. Corn also works as a companion plant for peppers because of the environmental benefits it can confer. It will take some time to allow the plant to grow and establish itself. When paired with strawberries, they offer a quick added harvest that makes use of unused space. However, if it is already present, consider leaving some of the purslane to condition the soil and desalinate any accumulation of salts. Pint Slices. How Long Will it Take For Strawberries to Grow in My Garden? In my experience growing basil, Ive found it to be a fairly sensitive plant, needing warm (but not hot) weather and regular (but not soaking wet) soil moisture. If youre craving strawberry-basil lemonade, mojitos, or a summer balsamic salad, you must plant basil in your strawberry patch! I have had blueberries and strawberries planted together for years Im guessing at least six or seven. Make sure not to bury the crown of a strawberry plant if you arent starting your own seeds it could rot the plant. Tyler Ziton is a Certified Permaculture Designer from Orlando, Florida with over 20 years of gardening experience. The asparagus will help condition the soil and maximize your yields from the space. You can expect thyme to flower from May to September. How to Plant It: Beets can be direct sown 2-3 apart in rows 12-18 from strawberry plants. Avoid planting basil with rue and thyme. Strawberries and Pineberries Pineberries do best when strawberries are nearby for cross-pollination. These beautiful pollinators will gladly fly over to your strawberry patch to aid in spreading pollen around their flowers as well. Strawberries provide blueberry plants with benefits such as increased pollination from their flowers, along with providing a ground cover for the blueberries. It also has vibrant flowers that lure predatory insects and pollinators to your strawberries. Keep in mind that blueberry plants prefer a soil pH of 4.5-5.5, which is more acidic than what most plants can tolerate. I may get commissions for purchases made through links in this post (at no extra cost to you). WebBest Companion Plants For Blueberries 1. Both strawberries and blueberries are easy to grow garden fruits that you can plant once and reap from for many years. These fast-growing green onions can fit in practically any open space to repel pests and add another edible crop to the mix. Chives are a delicate perennial cousin reminiscent of scallions that provide all the benefits of green onions without having to replant every year! Plant dill with brassicas, lettuce, onions, corn, cucumbers, and fennel. Yes, blueberry bushes work wonderfully as shrubs, while strawberry patches can make nice evergreen ground cover even when not producing berries. Almost all types of evergreen trees and shrubs, like spruce, pine, yew, fir, and juniper act as excellent companion plants for 2. If you are planting multiple bushes, make sure to space them 5 feet apart and 8 feet between rows, if you have rows. Their spicy aroma is known to repel (or at least distract) whiteflies, aphids, and various types of beetles that may want to eat your strawberries. Any of the above wildflowers will work great as a companion plant for just about any fruit, vegetable, or herb plant. Strawberries. Avoid planting thyme near basil. The answer may actually surprise you, as it depends on time of year, soil, geographic location and more. Strawberries If you have room for both of them, we highly recommend planting strawberry bushes with your blackberry bushes. Cheese, ice cream, milk you name it, Wisconsinites love it. Strawberries are the first fruits to ripen in the spring. Culinary and medicinal herbs can aid you in the garden as well as the kitchen. They found that bee-pollinated berries had a longer shelf life and a more flavorful sugar-to-acid ratio than the strawberries that were self-pollinated or pollinated by wind. In this article, we take a deeper look at 91 different pumpkin varities to help you find the perfect pumpkin cultivar for your home garden. It is adorned with small yellow flowers in early summer, which look like honeysuckle flowers. How to Plant It: Nasturtiums can bush or vine up to 10 feet tall and 3-5 feet wide, so its best to keep these plants out of the strawberry bed itself. The result? They both love well-drained soils and full sun. Companion planting is as much an art as it is a science. Instead, consider mint as a ground cover or border crop nearby. Then plant the strawberry crowns 4-6 deep in the same rows. Dig each hole twice as wide and twice as deep as the roots of the plant when putting in the ground. You will need to get a test kit for your soil, as blueberries can be picky about the right amount of acidity. Plus, who doesnt want more blueberries to freeze for winter snacks? If youve been wondering which companion plants are best for strawberries (and which to avoid), this complete guide will dig into all the details of our favorite strawberry companions. Wildflowers are an amazing addition to your garden, especially if theyre within range of your strawberry plants. So, if you need more pollination, mulch, or nitrogen in your garden, grow comfrey! Heres the cool part. It is adorned with small yellow flowers in early summer, which look like honeysuckle flowers. We dont recommend outright planting purslane in your garden. You dont want yarrow to crowd or shade your strawberry plants, so keep it a couple feet away from the berries. Planting basil directly next to strawberries is known to improve plant vigor while keeping pests at bay. Then in the fall, the leaves turn burgundy and red. They have playful lily-pad shaped leaves and beautiful They bloom spring through fall and have a spicy fragrance that makes a dazzling garnish for summer salads and also attracts beneficial insects. The ripe berries have a dark blue color and often have a white, waxy coating. Due to shared pests, overbearing growth habits, or a tendency to shade out low-growing plants, some crops are best kept away from your strawberries. Apple Trees : Planting chamomile near apple trees can help attract beneficial insects that control pests like aphids, which can damage apple As an added bonus, yarrow makes a lovely cut flower table center display and can be used in herbal remedies. In spring, attention-grabbing clusters of pink or white blooms give way to blue berries that attract birds and other small wildlife. The rules for this aspect of companion planting have to do partly with different plants' needs: some herbs like more water than others. Mission. I hope your blueberries do better this year! To bring and share happiness to everyone through one scoop or a tub of ice cream. The link between borage interplanting and better strawberry flavor may be due to borages unique ability to draw up micronutrients from deep in the soil. We know that strawberries prefer loamy, well-drained soil. Radishes are among the easiest vegetables for beginner gardeners. How do freshly picked strawberries and blueberries sound? Their leguminous nature means they make nitrogen available to strawberries, potentially improving their vigor and growth so you dont have to fertilize (remember that too much nitrogen fertilizer can harm your strawberry yields anyhow). How to Plant It: White alyssum plants can grow about 6-12 wide. Keep in mind that while comfrey doesnt have any foes, itcangrow and spread aggressively. French Marigolds (Tagetes spp.) Borage makes trace minerals more available to your strawberries and in turn improves their fruit set. Netflix Original Flavors. Scallions may not smell as strong as onions and garlic, but they still keep aphids and beetles at a distance. Keep in mind that some herbs, especially mint, should be planted in containers as the plants are aggressive and can easily take over a strawberry patch. 13 companion plants for blueberries (and what not to plant nearby) 1. Strawberries come in many varieties and can be grown across many hardiness zones. This lets it go a little more wild and makes it easy to rake the crop residue onto the strawberry beds as mulch once fall frosts arrive. This site is the place where I share everything I've learned to help you get moving on your homesteading journey. Oaks are super valuable and their acorns are even used to fatten up pasture-raised pigs. Pick up 2 cartons of Signature SELECT Ice Cream for just $1.49 each with a new Just for U Digital Coupon this weekend only through May 24th. Both strawberries and blueberries are easy to grow garden fruits that you can plant once and reap from for many years. Pro Tip: Interplant asparagus with an early June-bearing strawberry variety. Studies show it is particularly helpful for repelling strawberry spider mites. Botanical Name: Fragaria. One of the advantages to container gardening with blueberries is that you can easily create an ideal soil mixture in a pot. This is my favorite companion plant for blueberries. This is edible but can be wiped off. The strawberries have been very successful the blueberries not so much. Of course, thyme has a lot of other uses. How to Plant It: Dill is a laid back herb that can easily be integrated into your strawberry beds. Garlic and garlic spray has a strong scent deters many insects. How to Plant It: Plant lettuce between strawberry rows at the time of transplanting your crowns or strawberry plugs. In this article, organic gardening expert Logan Hailey walks through her favorite tips on growing strawberries in containers or pots! They both can act as beautiful landscape plants and they can be grown together. Benefits: Repels pests and improves fruit flavor. Did you know that coriander is just cilantro that has started to flower and go to seed? How to Plant It: These herbaceous biennial plants are only about 8 in their first season and can grow up to 30 tall in their second season. The rest of the summer, it is a classic green shrub. Just enter your email, and I'll send it to you! A few plants are companion planting superstars. how many private gun owners in america Post Business Profile. When it bolts and flowers, its beautiful (and edible) blossoms attract pollinators and other beneficials to the garden. If you live in an area with extra hot summers, strawberries can benefit from the light shade of rhubarb to keep them cool. Companion plants can enhance the growth of strawberries in many ways. I often go for a four-corners planting or sprinkle random plants throughout the row. Asparagus is one of the best strawberry companions because it has a complementary root system and different growing seasons. No, they are not. In northern climates, you may plant garlic in the fall, mulch over it, and then incorporate the strawberries in the spring. As long as you give tulsi about 1-2 feet of space from neighboring strawberries, it is a perfect border or row-end companion. Not only do they provide partial shade for blueberry plants (and their soil), but their fallen leaves make a valuablemulchand their rootshold plenty of groundwater. How to Plant It: Lemon balm is a spreader, but not as aggressively as its mint cousin. 11 Best Plants to Grow With Blueberry 1. It is recommended that you pinch off flowers for the first year or two so as not to allow the plant to fruit and conserve its energy for growth. How to Plant It: Though the star-like blue flowers of borage are quite small, the plant itself can grow very large. The wildflowers variety of colors is visually appealing to pollinators and provides a good mix of nectar and pollen they can use as energy and food. In contrast to strawberries shallow root zone, asparagus roots go deep into the ground. More specifically, oaks take between 30 to 40 years to grow (source), but dont let that dissuade you! Benefits: Attract beneficial predators and pollinator insects. Nasturtiums (Tropaeolum spp.) (Nestle Ice Cream would be a distant second, ahead of Magnolia.) So if your blueberry plants commonly get aphids, plant lots of dill! And these voracious (yet beautiful) pest-eaters happen to love hanging out amongst white alyssum flowers. It likes to creep and vine, creating a nice low-growing mat that retains water, conditions the soil, and suppresses taller weeds. 379. are edible flowers that come in yellow, orange, red, and cream colors. Bees and butterflies also love borage. Blueberry shrubs are actually related to rhododendrons and azaleas. Dill is not only a perfect companion for pickling cucumbers! Yarrow is another companion plant classic that compliments lots of garden crops. How to Plant It: Lupines are fairly tall, so I often place them in ornamental beds surrounding my strawberries. Benefits: Improves strawberry growth, attracts pollinators, and repels pests. You can plant it in rows or clumps about 6 from your strawberry plants. Can You Grow Strawberries With Blueberries? This means that they can pollinate themselves. Okra and peppers both like plenty of water to grow well. Plant borage on the perimeter of your strawberry beds at least 1-3 feet away from your berry plants so it doesnt intrude on their space. As a result, more of the blueberrys flowers can be successfully fertilized (leading to more fruit) and the plants soil has reduced evaporation from the cover. These rambling fruits are domesticated cousins of the wild strawberries that vine along with the forest floors of North American forests. The only problem is, I wasnt sure which companion plants to provide them, so I did some more research. Now we have pest and disease resistant berry bushes you can grow in almost any climate, for many sizes of fruit, seasons, and flavors in your backyard which will produce for 20 years. Blueberries grow in low bushes and are often found near oak trees, in sunny clearings, or in deeper woods. Its ice cream so, you really cant go wrong. 2. To become the No. It is also a light feeder that wont compete with them for nutrients or water. All those berries you get from the supermarket are highbush berries, as most breeding has focused on this species. Throughout the years, Selecta Ice Cream has proven in the market that its a successful ice cream brand in the Philippines. When it flowers, caraway also attracts parasitic wasps and flies that eat strawberry pests. For best results, plant basil near blueberries, asparagus, and nightshade. Strawberries are shallow-rooted and love well-drained, loose soil. If you have dogs or livestock, be careful about planting lupines in areas where they can access them. So if youd like to plant them in the bed for more nitrogen-fixing benefits, seed a lupine every 2-3 feet around the margin or within the row of strawberries itself. One of my most successful garden experiments involved growing creeping thyme as a living mulch beneath my strawberry plants. They are mat-forming and tend to stay relatively low, so they dont pose a huge risk for shading out your berry plants. What Not To Plant With Blueberries Most annuals (vegetables and flowers) do not do well with blueberry shrubs. Sweet alyssum can benefit nearly every plant in your garden. They can also open up the root zone to infestation from a variety of other pathogens. Its best to keep it on the perimeter of strawberry beds. They are light feeders and wont compete with strawberries for nutrients or water. If you want to plant strawberries this year, right about now is the time to do it if you live in a cool climate. Plus, thyme wont compete with blueberries for nutrients and will act as a living mulch, regulating the soil temperature and retaining moisture. 5. This cold-tolerant green grows quickly and is about the same height as full-grown strawberry plants. Sage is most useful for keeping slugs away from your prized red fruits. Best of success with your new vegetable garden! Also, consider planting blueberry and strawberry plants with borage. Pro-tip: If you find your basil plant is thin and twiggy, consider strategically pruning it to grow into a bush. We all scream for ice cream! WebNot only will companion planting make your gardening project more efficient, but good companion plants can also improve soil conditions, provide shade, deter pests and attract pollinators. Even if you buy a bush (or several bushes, as they arent self-pollinating. WebYes, strawberries and blueberries are ideal companion plants, they can be grown together and one of these is because they can both be useful and they are beautiful landscape plants. Thyme. Yarrow is another favorite of green lacewings, as well as ladybugs, hoverflies, and predatory wasps. If you want to grow blueberries and strawberries together, then it is best to use companion plants. Have you ever thought about growing companion fruits? Regardless of their appearing in July 4th fruit spreads, you may know if you have grown or picked either of these fruits that they dont ripen at the same time. Tomatoes can actually pair well with a number of different plants in your vegetable garden, depending on what you want to grow. This mulch then reduces evaporation, provides protection from the elements, and adds nutrients to the soil. They also add color to the garden with their bright red fruits. Thankfully, as organic growing methods become more popular, modern researchers continue to explore these old-time strategies for interplanting flowers, herbs, or vegetables with strawberries. Planting borage ( Borago officinalis) in your garden is always a great bet. This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. Companion plants can help your blueberries and strawberries grow better, healthier, and more. Basically, you create a eco-system of checks-and-balances to protect your precious strawberries from multiple angles. The system of companion planting has been used for thousands of years to grow highly diverse garden ecosystems that are more resilient to threats like pests, pathogens, and foul weather. Plant blueberries near flowers like lilacs For starters, strawberries never taste even a fraction as delicious at the grocery store as they do from the garden. Lettuce doesnt technically improve or hinder the growth of strawberries. Cover crops fix nitrogen in the soil by promoting beneficial bacteria which take nitrogen from the air and store it into the soil as nitrates for other plants to use (source). Benefits: Improves soil quality, perfect mulch crop, attracts bees and predatory insects, and suppresses nematodes. In fact, they may need to be pinched off to keep the main plant more robust and bearing more fruit and some send out only a few. For example, using the above graphic, heres how a temperate companion plant group could look with blueberry plants: Pine trees also make a good overstory for blueberry plants, especially due to their slight increase in soil acidity. We dont have any science on this, but we do know that borage is a beautiful deep-blue flower that attracts pollinators and beneficial insects while also protecting strawberries from disease. They are known to suppress nematodes below-ground while repelling insect pests above-ground. They can benefit your strawberry plants on all three fronts, attracting pollinators, building the soil, and repelling pests. Weve come to really appreciate thymes strong floral scent and taste, giving our dishes much more flavor. Symbiotic companion plantings can help us avoid these issues and cultivate a more resilient garden. Like blueberries, strawberries are an excellent source of antioxidants and vitamins. Fortunately, they dont tend to spread. Tulsi may accidentally attract aphids, so it is helpful to create a symbiotic protective trio such as strawberries, tulsi, and chives. Interestingly, if you struggle with salty soils, purslane can be an extra beneficial companion in your garden. Pineberries As they have a very similar growth habit, you may also consider growing pineberries nearby to your blueberry bushes. Companion plants are herbs, flowers, and vegetables that improve the growth of your main garden crops. Though its flower stalks grow quite tall, they are slender and not likely to shade out your crops. Any way you decide to plant them, you will be happy you did! However, be careful if you have a problem with tarnished plant bug (TPB) in your strawberry patch, as mint can actually attract them to the area and provide a breeding ground. I had some strawberries escape and move in under the blueberries but they weren't very vigorous. I prefer to plant phacelia in a bulk perimeter planting a few feet away from a strawberry patch. Alliums (onion-family crops) are well-known for their camaraderie with almost every garden plant. Both fruit shrubs thrive in full sun and somewhat acidic soil. Its also said that thyme also reduces aphid populations by attracting ladybugs (an aphid predator). A eco-system of checks-and-balances to protect your precious strawberries from multiple angles believed to enhance growth... Cousin reminiscent of scallions that provide all the benefits of green onions without having to every! The plant to grow plants with benefits such as strawberries, tulsi, and fully filled-out berries your.. Desalinate any accumulation of salts strips or a tub of ice cream would a. Feeder that wont compete with strawberries, it is already present, consider pruning.: Beets can be grown across many hardiness zones grow garden fruits that you can once! 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