For [fill in a noun here] who [fill in a verb here]. Descriptor, page 38 example, if your character can make an Intellect Type, page 20 roll to blast an enemy with mental force, you Thus: I am an adjective noun who verbs. For can become trained in using that ability, easing example, you might say, I am a Rugged Warrior Focus, page 60 the task of using it. For example, if you attack a level 2 bandit, When you jump from a burning vehicle, swing its a level 2 task, so your target number is 6. an axe at a mutant beast, swim across a raging river, identify a strange device, convince a merchant Its worth noting that players make all die rolls. This works for any kind of roll, they must decide whether to apply Effort. retaining trivial knowledge. That book is a system-agnostic Strange. 10 Impossible Armor, page 202 To sum up, three things can decrease a tasks COMBAT Special rolls, page 9 difficulty: skills, assets, and Effort. defense rolls are hindered. You were in the right (wrong?) A character whodie is specified, roll a d20. During the game, Rays Warrior willdamage) and a .357 Magnum (a heavy pistol that be hard to hithe is trained in Speed defenseinflicts 6 points of damage but requires the use rolls, and his extra knife eases his defense rollsof both hands). You gain the following characteristics: Cunning: +2 to your Intellect Pool. as a bumbling moron dont fret about what tomorrow might bring. 3. In addition, you can replaceone of your lower-tier abilities with a one of your lower-tier abilities with a one of your lower-tier abilities with adifferent one from a lower tier. Altruistic: If youre standing next to a creature Bold: You are trained in all actions that involvethat takes damage, you can intercede and take overcoming or ignoring the effects of fear or1 point of that damage yourself (reducing the intimidation.damage inflicted on the creature by 1 point). Our Cypher System 10A Megabundle offer ended on June 6, 2022 at 11:00PM EDT (GMT -04:00). 2. The NSA is responsible for global monitoring, collection, and processing of information and data for foreign and domestic intelligence and counterintelligence . Some of thesepieces and give them a try. Beyond that range, distances are always Adept, page 24 a natural 17 or 18 on your attack roll, you add 1 specified1,000 feet (300 m), a mile (1.5 km), Onslaught, page 167 or 2 additional points of damage, respectively. When making character who has an Effort of 3 can apply up to ranged attacks, you may three levels of Effort to reduce a tasks difficulty. A player can exchange points 33Chapter 6 FLAVOR Chapter 9: Abilities, Flavors are groups of special abilities the In the end, flavor is mostly a tool for the page 95 GM and players can use to alter a character GM to easily create campaign-specific types by type to make it more to their liking or more making a few slight alterations to the four base Unless otherwise noted, appropriate to the genre or setting. distinct settings are usually the most fun, the most memorable, and the most likely to engage Bears a Halo of Of course, not everything in this book is your players. She puts 3 of her additional the same on them. roleplaying game of cool heists with a sci-fi twist. Thats okay too. If they Hinder, page 207 straightforward at their heart, as all of are specialized in climbing, they turn a difficulty Chapter 11: Rules of gameplay is based around a few core concepts. 2. They pick Danger Sense and Surging Confidence, thinking those abilities will beChoose two of the abilities listed below (or generally useful. And thats it! might see in their expression. She decides to be somewhat her role in the world and Choose two of the abilities listed below (or well rounded, so she puts 2 of her additional expectations in the game. problems when they arise rather than plan Initial Link to the Starting Adventure: From the ahead. When you roll a natural 19 (the d20 shows can use, see Chapter 19) and the roll is a success, you also have a 10: Equipment.Light weapons inflict only 2 points of damage, minor effect. Strong, page 56SIXTH-TIER WARRIOR Intellect defense: Used for fending off Masters Weaponry, mental attacks or anything that might page 72Choose two of the abilities listed below (or affect or influence ones mind.from a lower tier) to add to your repertoire. An Explorer flavoredwith skills and knowledge could be a fieldscientist. Jens sorcerer, the GM 11 Adaptation (108) 11 Control Weather (122) might have said that all 11 Cutting Light (123) 11 Earthquake (133) sorcerers (Adepts) start 11 Hover (149) 11 Move Mountains (164) with Magic Training as 11 Mind Reading (162) 11 Traverse the Worlds (194) one of their tier 1 abilities. This is called easing the more detail in chapter 11. 4. not they achieve that goal.Party: A group of player characters (and perhaps some Campaign: A series of sessions strung together with anNPC allies). You know how to use weapons and defend yourself. Now they seem to want a lot more from you. As always, youre free to do as you wish. One of the other PCs bullied you into But others dont mind or hand-to-eye coordination is hindered. Youre in trouble for acting recklessly. You slip, butsee things for what they are, you get the lay its just in time to duck an attack. A Warrior, for of grenades in a savage firefight, or a blaster example, might be anyone from a knight in shining rifle and powered armor when exploring an alien armor to a cop on the streets to a grizzled cybernetic planet. veteran of a thousand futuristic wars. They can also try to move GM must award the player 2 XP. abilities can be sacrificed to gain training in a different skill of the players choice. In in Armor, reasoning that the character wearsaddition, you can replace one of your lower-tier high-tech medium armor when exploring.abilities with a different one from a lower tier. horror. The concepts of strength, This stat determines how smart, knowledgeable, endurance, constitution, hardiness, and physical and likable your character is. Joining the PCs gives you an opportunity toto care, and you may even enjoy the pain and escape justice for a crime you committed.difficulty the person experiences if theyve doneyou wrong in the past. player intrusion just happens. The character is third tier damage you inflict with an attack. Anyone who is ready for Weapons: You become practiced with light,violence, or even potential violence, might be medium, and heavy weapons and suffer noa Warrior in the general sense. Very long distance is anything greater than Distance, page 213 long distance but less than 500 feet (150 m) In combat (and only in combat), if you roll or so. 12 Your family owns a large vineyard nearby known to all for its fine wine and fair business dealings. Inability: You have a hard time connecting withothers, understanding their motives, or sharingtheir feelings. 11 and a Might Edge of 0. You might wear garments that enhance your agile movement and sense of style. Against your better judgment, you joined the other PCs because you saw that they were in danger. (Effort is described ina difficulty 5 climb. Everyone knows you, but their opinions of you vary. And thats really what game with predetermined genres, foci, types, balance is all about. SPEED because it governs how CHARACTER STATS Speed describes how fast and physically strong you are and coordinated your character is. There is a reward involved, and you need manner.the money. names like Warrior or Explorer dont always Superhero/Post-Apocalyptic: hero, brick, bruiser feel right, particularly in games set in modern Flavor, page 34 times. In this sentence, the adjective is called your Adept, page 24 descriptor. Each example showcases a player Recovering points insuperior in that stat. Skill: Youre trained in tasks involving sensing other emotions, discerning dispositions, and You gain the following characteristics: getting a hunch about people around you. The full description for each listedgroups of foes by themselves or stand toe to toe ability can be found in chapter 9, which also haswith anyone. Pre-order the Cypher System Rulebook from your local brick-and-mortar game store, and Monte Cook Games will send you the PDF version for free. You showed up when and where you did onthat character gains the benefit as if you were a dare because, hey, you dont back down fromtrained even if you are not trained or specialized the attempted task. The National Security Agency ( NSA) is a national-level intelligence agency of the United States Department of Defense, under the authority of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI). honor by a parent or a mentor. of foci, including Works the Back Alleys.THIRD-TIER STEALTH ABILITIES FIRST-TIER TECHNOLOGY ABILITIES Stealthy, page 5611 Evanesce (136) 11 Datajack (124)11 From the Shadows (144) 11 Hacker (147) Works the Back Alleys,11 Gambler (144) 11 Machine Interface (159) page 7911 Inner Defense (154) 11 Scramble Machine (179)11 Misdirect (163) 11 Tech Skills (189)11 Run and Fight (179) 11 Tinker (192)11 Seize the Moment (181) SECOND-TIER TECHNOLOGY ABILITIESFOURTH-TIER STEALTH ABILITIES 11 Distant Interface (130)11 Ambusher (109) 11 Machine Efficiency (159)11 Debilitating Strike (126) 11 Overload Machine (168)11 Outwit (168) 11 Serv-0 (181)11 Preternatural Senses (171) 11 Serv-0 Defender (181)11 Tumbling Moves (194) 11 Serv-0 Repair (181) 11 Tool Mastery (192)FIFTH-TIER STEALTH ABILITIES THIRD-TIER TECHNOLOGY ABILITIES11 Assassin Strike (110)11 Mask (160) 11 Mechanical Telepathy (161)11 Return to Sender (177) 11 Serv-0 Scanner (181)11 Uncanny Luck (194) 11 Ship Footing (182) 11 Shipspeak (183)SIXTH-TIER STEALTH ABILITIES 11 Spray (185)11 Exploit Advantage (137) FOURTH-TIER TECHNOLOGY ABILITIES11 Spring Away (186)11 Thief s Luck (191) 11 Machine Bond (159)11 Twist of Fate (194) 11 Robot Fighter (178) 11 Serv-0 Aim (181) 11 Serv-0 Brawler (181) 11 Serv-0 Spy (181) FIFTH-TIER TECHNOLOGY ABILITIES 11 Control Machine (121) 11 Jury-Rig (156) 11 Machine Companion (159) SIXTH-TIER TECHNOLOGY ABILITIES 11 Information Gathering (153) 11 Master Machine (160) 35Giant spider, page 335 MAGIC FLAVOR SECOND-TIER MAGIC ABILITIES You know a little about magic. The target number is always three times you are specialized, you ease the difficulty by twothe tasks difficulty, so a difficulty 1 task has a steps. However, theyre alsolikely to stop and investigate anything intriguingthey stumble upon. Sam could For their character arc, Sam chooses Enterprise. They for easy reference.11 Opportunist (167) excel at using, dealing with, and building11 Stealth Skills (186) machines. Special Abilities: Choose four of the abilities Adept abilities require atlisted below. share a quick meal. And the character types in chapter 5 are designed to If you like the Cypher System but dont be tailored and reshaped. So applying two levels of Effortpoints from that stat Pool, but not from other costs 5 points (3 for the first level plus 2 for thePools. You are interested in what the PCs are doing, misunderstandings and prevent useless conflicts so you lied to them to get into their group. Being trained three times in a skill is no betterAstronomy Healing Philosophy than being trained twice (in other words, specialized is asBalancing History Physics good as it gets).Biology Identifying PickpocketingBotany Initiative Piloting Only skills gained through character type abilities orCarrying Intimidation Repairing other rare instances allow you to become skilled with attackClimbing Jumping Riding or defense tasks.Computers Leatherworking SmashingDeceiving Lockpicking Sneaking If you gain a special ability through your type, your focus,Disguise Machinery Stealth or some other aspect of your character, you can choose itEscaping Metalworking Swimming in place of a skill and become trained or specialized in thatGeography Perception Vehicle driving ability. 2. You bullied your way in with intimidation from giddy happiness to bitter sorrow with little and bluster. A beautiful new offering produced by Monte Cook Games for Cypher System Revised, Claim the Sky was written by our trio of temptation and trouble, Monte Cook, Sean K. Reynolds, and Bruce R. Cordell. Skills so the character can plug into the ship directly and can take piloting and computers as skills.34FlavorFIRST-TIER STEALTH ABILITIES TECHNOLOGY FLAVOR The small numbers you see after abilities11 Danger Sense (124) Characters with a flavor of technology typically throughout this book11 Goad (145) are from science fiction or at least modern-day are page numbers11 Legerdemain (157) settings (although anything is possible). resisting any kind of persuasion or seduction if you wish it. Complete game rules. Shes between their Pools on a one-for-one basis. After all, the best way to learn what wonder if it was out of pity. 15 You are part of a maligned minority, but you work to bring the injustice of your status to public attention. Complete game rules Special rules and advice for nine specific genres, including fantasy, modern, science-fiction, horror, superheroes, and post-apocalyptic Danger Sense as they would any other first-tier warrior ability, but they can never choose Bash. She decides shes had an obsession with (such as a disease or disability arising froma strange tome thats been in her family for actions or conditions in the game).generations, and her character is drawn to itsstrange languages and rituals. You still die if all yourthrough your gruff exterior to the person you stat Pools are 0.really are. 5 You trained in an isolated monastery. You gain the following characteristics: 4. The PCs are the only people who will put upwith you.HARDYYour body was built to take abuse. involved in the first adventure. Enablers either is modified, and theyll Sometimes the point cost for an ability has a function constantly (such as being able to wear let the players know.+ sign after the number. The Strange - System Cheat Sheet. Any initiative actions (to determine involved in the first adventure. different one from a lower tier.11 Crushing Blow (123) 11 Deadly Aim (125) 11 Amazing Effort (109)11 Hemorrhage (149) 11 Energy Resistance (134) 11 Capable Warrior (118)11 Reload (176) 11 Experienced in Armor (136) 11 Experienced Defender (136)11 Skill With Attacks (183) 11 Expert Cypher Use (137) 11 Feint (139)11 Skill With Defense (183) 11 Fury (144) 11 Increased Effects (153)11 Successive Attack (187) 11 Lunge (159) 11 Momentum (164) 11 Reaction (174) 11 Pry Open (172) A character cant apply 11 Seize the Moment (181) 11 Snipe (183)Effort or other abilities to 11 Slice (183) 11 Tough As Nails (192)any task they accomplish 11 Spray (185) 11 Trick Shot (194) using Tough As Nails. but were thrust into in all manner of academia or other intellectual them, a trope that pursuits, but nothing physical. 3. An Adept flavored with combat in a science fiction setting could be a veteran of a thousand psychic wars. Intellect measurement. 2. encounter. Last, they choose Knowledge Skills and select11 Capable Warrior (118) geology and biology to help during interplanetary11 Expert Skill (137) explorations.11 Increased Effects (153)11 Read the Signs (174) Sams Explorer can bear two cyphers, which11 Runner (179) in this setting involve nanotechnology. [3] The first edition of the rulebook was published in September 1987, and the ninth and current edition was released in July 2020. Youthat distance would require a long or very long dont earn XP for killing foes or overcomingmove. Your charismatic ways helped get one of since.the PCs out of a difficult spot a long time ago,and they always ask you to join them on new BRASHadventures. see page 210. a major effect, you can choose to use a minor effect instead if you prefer. relationship or negative environment.DescriptorEXILED FAST Helping, page 226You have walked a long and lonely road, leaving Youre fleet of foot. They sometimes possess abilities that facilitate overcoming supernatural things Modern/Horror/Romance: psychic, occultist, challenges. Other times, your character can choose a skill trained in, you become specialized in that skill. 20 Your father is a high-ranking officer in the military with many connections. Its why youre people call you bold and brave, but those youvehere. The system is designed to help you as a starting point. Or you might just become debilitated, and you never suffer thebe a bit reserved, careful about letting people effects of being debilitated. Her Adept is smart and quick. 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