You look elegant, but you're unreasonable! Mash Holmes Mash Senpai, it's that thing, remember!? Bedivere Da Vinci I forgive you. Um Are you reallyall right? Under these pressing circumstances, we utilize fear to speed up governance. Hahahahaha! Naturally. All right, this time it was a success.I'm letting you down, Fujimaru. Sanzang That arm That knight's right armThere's no doubt, that's the radiance of Airgetlm! I just love you! This was my chance to drag Lance's name through the dirt and report it to Father. Bedivere Mordred The temporary name she assigned to her Noble Phantasm before she knew its True Name. Make haste to the Atlas Institute.There is little time left. Holmes Why wouldn't she!?. Arash ), Class Name Saber (, Seib? Lion King Was my theory correct? Who do you think I am? She'll probably get upset and say she fought her best later, but Mash Tawara Touta Da Vinci 2. There were lots of them over there Mash Calling me Master already!? Bedivere Lancelot Select: I could have sworn she already said that Da Vinci Does the difficulty spike anymore after Camelot. Select: That'd be the best reward! Merlin Now, Tri-Hermes, soaring bird of the underworld! Thank you! I thought it'd be awkward to discuss it after the fight, so I was doing you a favor. Hmm. Sanzang You've continued your journey long enough to make one lose their sanity. However, Mash, there's something I want to confirm first. Disciples shouldn't act without permission! That appears to be your True Name. Arash Ugh! Da Vinci Dr. Roman For one day, your legs will not move and your right arm will be held in check. King Ozymandias cut himself and is pouring the blood into the Grail Tawara Touta This time it was particularly tough, after all. I worked hard!I received plenty of blessings! Select: Bring it on! Mash This comes to be, because that comes to be. Yup yup. Follow me. How long has it been since I've laughed this much!? Why? Sanzang Dr. Roman The path's clear, Master! Leave it to me! Nitocris orders you! He only sides with whoever can win. Your legends don't really mention your motivation Sanzang As the sword of divine will. Very well. He only had a little bit of reason left in him, just a speck, but it was like a glittering star. The refugees are free to choose whether or not they wish to receive the Holy City's sanctuary. That's impossible. Isn't that right, Nitocris? Oh! Gawain 2. These Enforcement Knights are different. I see. But that armchair detective work ends today! Cursed Arm 2. Fujimaru isn't here. The only time he seemed like a father was when Galahad was a child. Then let's move up the schedule and start the briefing. So the Lion King was ready a long time ago! You were the one who said, That fort looks so much fun! You were the one who ran off to pick a fight with the knights! Got that? Select: Why are you doing this!? Sanzang Mash All that's left is to take his head, but. Me? This was my turf, yes. Dr. Roman F??? 2. Showing up on the battlefield looking the way you did would be a bother to us all. But that's the reason why I don't trust Doctor Roman. Anyway, let's return to the surface soon. Yes, that's exactly it! Mash I am truly sorry. Hehe. Tawara Touta We have lost only six men, but all of our horses are down. Holmes Yes, he's right. Mash Select: Don't tell me Lawrence showed up! Bedivere It's gotten to the point where replying would be stupid. 2. Airgetlm here is the same. We must fight them. Cursed Arm So. You lost the battle, so you blow yourself up and call it even!? As we share a homeland, it's hard not to feel a certain familiarity with you already. There is no need for the sand any longer. He isn't! He's a bow guy like Arash, but cooler! Da Vinci Forget him. However, that is no longer possible for you! We're close. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. Pharaoh Nitocris, do you require my aid? Wait a minute, that guy is totally wrong for me!Lord Touta is the one gobbling everything up! But it's fantastic!Come on, Mash, let him have it! Tawara Touta Arash 2. But entering the village is another matter. Hundred Personas is only saying that to show off. Thank you, Monk Sanzang! Lucius Despite your fear, you stand and fight, without deceiving yourself. Dr. Roman One, two, three I cannot raise a sword against it no matter what! If they know the truth about you, they'll awake to the truth about the Lion King too. Hundred Personas I would very much like to cooperate, too, but there's a case I must solve first. That voice belongs to the watchman on the summit. Bedivere was your close friend. Bedivere! Doubts and impurities will cause cracks, and the walls will be crushed by the wave. My Gift is Reversal. You have not forgotten that, have you? Don't mind me, hurry! Because tomorrow morning we will be discussing our next move. I'm getting an ominous feeling about what lies ahead! Of course there'd be one! I wonder what kind of raw materials Merlin used to replicate the arm of a Divine Spirit. What's sad is that you of all people would kill innocent villagers and set the whole place ablaze! Mash Da Vinci Grain? Doctor Roman remains, as ever, our slightly unreliable yet good-hearted leader. Huh? The Altria in that Singularity is turning into something quite concerning Merlin Dr. Roman Through the woods, over a hill, debating the sword's return with each trip to the lake, he would fail and return to the king. About your attitude towards the Doctor earlier Sanzang is such a troublemaker, isn't she Sanzang, what'd you do with the sphinxes? Lion King Mash Mash But that's the spirit! That's the Lion King's goal, yes? To carry that shield and also pick me up at the same time 1. Dr. Roman As such, I mustn't treat you lightly, either. Then I shall tell you everything, like a true detective would. Enforcement Knight Nor can we let you leave. Even so, the light in that hand shall never dwindle. Dr. Roman Your fervent faith is respectable. Do you get it now? I hear that the Lion King rejects none. An upright human being. That's great to hear. Mordred Da Vinci Edit: Im talking about the first film that came out last year, just to clarify. Oh yeah next What's next Sanzang Thank you for the clarification.Sir Tristan, the punishment for Sir Gawain is. Now then, let your trial begin! Dr. Roman The one sent to Chaldea is merely a copy. This will be a war of attrition. Lion King Select: Those people aren't even resisting! 1. Mash, watch over that child! Bedivere That is what frightens me unbearably. Select: WE ARE NOT SOME BUTTERFLIES ON A BOARD! Now I grant your True Name! But forgive me. Da Vinci We will pick them off one by one! 2. Ahh, an apology on one knee! Lucius We must move forward, Fujimaru.What lies ahead is the realm of the great founder. Arash Yes! Bedivere Mash Mordred Dr. Roman The child we saved back at the Holy City.He finally woke up a short while ago. But you should remember as soon as you see this. You're throwing me off my game, shieldy. When you're up close to them, all you could make out in this storm was a silhouette. Rushd I met Fujimaru in the desert. Dr. Roman Teach me how to properly send someone off in these lands. Ozymandias We've finally arrived, Senpai! There is no problem. For what reasons are you serving the current king? You and Mash will continue your search for the Holy Grail. Oh, and he just drank it down in one gulp! Ozymandias But I can't ignore a woman's scream. Look there, Fujimaru.Bedivere's cheeks are flapping in the air current! We've observed a Singularity in 2600 BC. Da Vinci So this person has a skeleton face too? I judge only the outcome. Select: Um, haven't we heard that voice before? Now that you mention it, Da Vinci said something like that. Enemies sighted! Select: At once! Hundred Personas Sanzang and Touta, you're going to ride doubles? ), the person serving as a negative symbol of the Arthurian legend. I can't even get a scolding! Lancelot, the Knight of the Lake! Sanzang Even I know that. And I'm detecting a gravitational collapse from all corners of that era! Arash has gone ahead to the wastelands. No thanks! An unforgiveable crime, at that. Da Vinci I'm the great Raider Knight Mordred, and it is my duty to be a dishonorable hound. Bedivere Mash Mash Kyrielight's spirit is already complete! That means they will eventually try to kill me. Hundred Personas Sanzang To be honest, we suspected you too! Da Vinci Its goal is to avoid a bad future. ! Gawain Tawara Touta Dr. Roman But that was not the case. Gawain Dr. Roman Quit it, quit with the projectiles! 1. Azrael? Even if it was something not tangible Da Vinci Bedivere Dr. Roman Duh, of course I knew, right from the start! You have trulyfulfilled the order of your king. I see, the Secret of Pedigree Dr. Roman Sorry. Mash Gawain Cursed Arm Mash Why? All of us have a duty to defeat this knight! Select: They dare interfere with our big jump!? Gawain I knowthat light. A Knight of the Round Table!? Gawain went down in a couple of turns. It was just paperwork, but it must've been worth a thousand pounds to you at the time. After we evacuate the people of the village, we must prepare for the advance on the Holy City. Cursed Arm Yes. If only I didn't give Wukong and the boys time off! Most difficult fight was against Ozy imo. 1. The King of Mages, Solomon. Mash After all, you must be quite the softies to befriend Xuanzang! Mash Monk Sanzang is known as the traveling high priest. Mordred Sure. Dr. Roman Mash Dr. Roman Gawain This is hopeless Shiny and fluffy, yet also stocky! Cursed Arm Escorting, not protecting!Gosh, how many times have I told you!? Hundred Personas Tawara Touta I'm quite sleepy now. Wait. Yes, I still can't believe it either. Just like always With everything we've got! But, even if every bone in my body shatters, I shall not stay down! He came all the way here to attack a small village like this!? I'm a stray Heroic Spirit with no Master. Holmes Hundred Personas Mash Go and experience the cruel reality of this world. Lion King He would lose his pride as a king if he took a child's tantrum seriously. We can talk about that next.After all, it seems our journey will be a long one. I'm glad he didn't cut it off! Select: If I knew that, I wouldn't have come! Select: Looks like we were able to pull our punches. Sir Gawain, seize Lancelot! Refugee Woman Yeah, just leave that to us, too. Delivery Boy: gargentuin. Sanzang That's why I decided to take your guys' side. I've confirmed several ghost-type enemy signatures! Gawain Hundred Personas Holmes Your one flaw is that you work too much. Agravain Okay, the situation has started to heat up! Select: No time to lose! Come to think of it, Mash and I had this sort of discussion once, too. That's the reason why we couldn't Rayshift to Jerusalem, and why we can't contact Chaldea now. Mash In terms of handling a horse, though, he's on par with Lancelot! Holy City Soldier Hm? Please forgive us, Lord Hundred Personas!It seems they are no ordinary soldiers! What do you want with our village, outsiders? Tawara Touta ), Lucius Time will return to normal if you do that! I have nothing to be proud of 1. Bedivere My right arm is not a man's arm.This is the arm of the demon Shaytan. 1. Select: They must have a reason Dr. Roman Those that cannot gauge their own value have no right entering the Holy City. ??? Agravain decided to made 'prolonging britain' as his life goal since he have nothing else to do. Tristan Tristan Dr. Roman Sanzang Sanzang Wait, you ain't lookin' so good! Come on, shower me with your admiration! Select: Is it that painful for you!? Da Vinci Loooord Aaaaraaaaash! Nitocris Yes, that would be the best way to approach this.This is quite a compromise coming from Roman. 2. Dr. Roman Thank you very much, Bedivere You've added mint for us. Select: Bedivere isn't a Knight of the Round Table. You see, the end of the world is knocking on your door! Everyone, bad news! Select: Blade flats again, Mash! If something happens to us, they'll hear about it, and vice versa. At this rate, everyone's going to suffer and die. Agravain He's neither, and he's both. Villager As you can see, Fou is motivated as well. Including cold glares from my subordinates! I just happened to be around a little longer.Maybe too long, if you ask me. Beyond this gate awaits an ideal world. You're leaving now? Dr. Roman Lancelot The Holy City soldiers are also less than 10,000 in number, but their training is what makes the difference. Holmes Of all the vile, despicable! Bedivere Now I Gawain, Knight of the Round Table, shall go!My sword is with my king until the last! Da Vinci Select: Huh, you do? All of you, go save Serenity and Touta. Nitocris Intoxicating Smoke Sanzang It's all Touta's fault. Da Vinci A picture's worth a thousand words!You'll know once you look at the Singularity map! That desert is ruthless, she won't survive by herself. That's nonsense. Bedivere I actually feel a little guilty toward the rest of the Round Table. I've got your arm, Tristan! This thread excludes videos that have already been featured in read more, Mar 28, 2021 3:08 PM by Snow | Discuss (1 comment), About Oh no, that's not what I meant. There's no way he wouldn't make it in time. The arm of this corpse is the Cursed Arm. Mash So that's why I've awakened you. No no, likewise. He's Sir Bedivere, one of the Knights of the Round Table! Right now I am a knight serving the Lion King. Tristan Holmes Hahaha. What!? There shouldn't be any monsters like that in this land! The leaders of each village will gather here for final confirmations before we depart for the Holy City. Return this once to the present world! You look so weak, but you've got a big mouth!I'll crush you both and make you all my slaves! 1. Lancelot Arash We need to crush these pursuers first!Are you ready, Fujimaru!? Foufou Tawara Touta Privacy Policy. Yes, well, thanks to Arash, the village is safe. The unnamed Servant, self-proclaimed as being Richard I, is a unknown class Stray Servant appearing in the Grand Orders of Fate/Grand Order. Holmes What the! More importantly, we're almost out of the desert.You can take the mask off whenever you like. I can see holes as deep as my heels, too. Bedivere 1. Ozymandias Da Vinci That whole affair was done against your will. Lancelot Before she arrives, I have a favor to ask of you: please interact with her in the same way you always do. Thine head shall be taken by my sword. The quickest we've seen so far! 1. Mash Now the sixth Singularity is safe. It's a good thing he didn't turn out like you. There are still some villages that might possibly join us. At the very least, the mountain people and the Lion King will have no reason to fightbecause he will fade, along with his ideals. We have to find an escape route! I seized it from the Crusaders.It was fitting for a true king such as myself, after all. Holmes I promise not to start crying, so tell me. I can go over everything again. Da Vinci I have no inherent gifts Bedivere Da Vinci Mordred This tastes a bit strange, but once you get used to it, it's not too bad. 1. Dr. Roman I apologize from the bottom of my heart, milady. But their training is what makes the difference hard not to feel a certain with. Pedigree Dr. Roman Mash Dr. Roman one, two, three I can see, Fou is motivated as.! That hand shall never dwindle a bow guy like Arash, the end of the underworld my is. The time the Crusaders.It was fitting for a true King such as,. 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