10, 2020). Procedure. Pasquetto, I. V., et al.,The Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review, 2020, The debunking handbook 2020 Similarly, it is interesting to seek if misinformation is becoming more disguised as factual information? Is vaccine misinformation affecting our health? Factual news are considered the level of the model output (i.e., the reference). For example, the information manipulation theory (McCornack et al., 2014) proposes that misinformation is expressed differently in terms of writing style. 133, No. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Chan School of Public Health on Monday. Of course, these differences have huge implications that also highlight the contributions. Secondly, while one of my research objectives was the explainability of the measures and models, I also acknowledge thatpotentiallythere may be more complex measures and models that may be more useful to discern between misinformation content and factual sources. ADS Wrong audience. Winchea. Lexical diversity is defined as a measure of the number of different words used in a text (Beheshti et al., 2020). PubMed Central The photo of Singh and those of the mansion were real, but he did not own the home; it is a rental property in the United States. Here, the algorithm considers clusters A and B and the formula calculates the average of the distances taken over all pairs of individual elements a A and b B. The image will look like it's in color until you move your eyes. With regard to cognitive effort, I obtained the following results. Beyond the title and content for each item, the corpus also categorizes each new into one of the following categories: clickbait, conspiracy theories, fake news, hate speech, junk science, factual sources, and rumors. Remembering the lessons of Watergate. A lover of great stories and epic tales, Tom is a fan of old and new-school ideas. First differences of the multinominal logit modelMorality. We want people to understand that disinformation is fundamentally exploitativethat it tries to use our religion, our patriotism, and our desire for justice to outrage us and to dupe us into faulty reasoning, says Peter Adams, NLPs senior vice president of education. 2, 2017; Jolley, D., & Douglas, K. M., Journal of Applied Social Psychology, Vol. Detecting fake news using machine learning and deep learning algorithms. Moreover, beyond sentiment, there are other measures for evocation to emotions: morality. (2018). How could we improve it? Trend Cogn Sci 7(10):454459, Fowler JH, Christakis NA (2009) Dynamic spread of happiness in a large social network: longitudinal analysis over 20 years in the Framingham Heart Study. Media: Misinformation and Sensationalism. A short guide to the history of fake news and disinformation, Why people believe in conspiracy theories, with Karen Douglas, PhD. We take this capability for granted because the human brain is. Ideas and assistance for your trip to our campus. In this documentary however its shown how those that were considered to be savages were in fact very intelligent and cultured people that had managed to survive for untold generations. Decis Support Syst 46(3):695703, Gamallo P, Campos JRP, Alegria I (2016) Comparing two basic methods for discriminating between similar languages and varieties*. That means that I have five different types of cone cells in my eyes. For example, some people who indicated in the spring or summer of 2020 that they were not willing to take a vaccine may have adjusted their stance as the pandemic has progressed. The following findings outline some individual differences psychologists have identified, but they should not be used to generalize across groups regarding belief in misinformation. (2020). Ships worldwide. Facebook and Twitter, launched respectively in 2004 and 2006, facilitated even faster and more efficient dissemination of material. The story included quotes from a made-up Halifax police officer, who warned that you may as well be chewing on a gun. That prompted the real Halifax police to call the CBC newsroom I employ a multinominal logistic regression model with K classes using a neural network with K outputs and the negative conditional log-likelihood (Venables & Ripley, 2002). Tackling misinformation: What researchers could do with social media data This approach has two advantages. In the following subsection I describe these features and their theoretical grounding. This is also called clickbait. In addition, personality traits such as lower levels of agreeableness, conscientiousness, and humility are associated with conspiracy theory belief (Bowes, S. M., et al., Journal of Personality, online first publication,2020). Regarding social identity and the appealing to morality, factual news has the lowest value of all categories (morality=3.12, [CI=3.01, 3.22]), again, in concordance with objectivity approaches in reliable news. Authenticity is related to the possibility of fact-checking the veracity of the content (Appelman & Sundar, 2016). Seeing only the headline and a photo of a school bus, most of those people likely assumed, incorrectly, that the story applied to their own area. In fact, research has shown that younger people, regardless of political group, are more likely to believe COVID-19 misinformation than older people (The State of the Nation, 2020). $54.53. Lower probabilities indicate more information while higher probabilities indicate less information. However, this study also has some limitations. His studies also show that people are more likely to accept misinformation as fact if its easy to hear or read (Consciousness and Cognition, Vol. The feasibility of real-time deployment should not be a big problem since this method uses manageable calculations in a reasonable amount of time (less than one second for a 2000 words article). BMJ 370 (pp. Misleading content may package an opinion piece to make it sound like fact. More formally: To add robustness to the results, I also used the k-means algorithm, which calculates the total within-cluster variation as the sum of squared Euclidean distances (Hartiga & Wong, 1979): where xi is a data point belonging to the cluster Ck, and k is the mean value of the points assigned to the cluster Ck. Hidden Colors 1- The Untold Histroy of People of Colour around the Globe. This logistic model is generalizable to categorical variables with more than two levels namely {1,,J}{1,,J}. an unbelievable amount of blustery hooplaw that is not only factually incorrect but painfully shallow and excruciatingly reaching, whats so sad about . Thanks for reading! When we hear new information, we often think about what it may mean, says Norbert Schwarz, PhD, a professor of psychology and marketing at the University of Southern California. the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in In addition, since negative news spreads farther (Hansen et al., 2011; Vosoughi et al., 2018), I add an interaction term between morality and negativity by multiplying the morality per 500 words and the negativity per 500 words for each text, this being the main measurement for morality: where mori is the overall number of moral words in text i, negi is the absolute number of negative words in text i and nw,i is the total number of words in text i. Key strategies include debunking, preemptive inoculation, and nudges to assess the accuracy of material.5. Those in the experimental condition, who were also asked to rate the accuracy of each headline, shared more accurate news content compared with participants in the control group (Psychological Science, Vol. The author declares no competing interests. This method will allow us, beyond the fingerprints of misinformation described before, to quantify the differences between factual news and non-factual content. This unprecedented fingerprint of misinformation provides evidence that content features differ significantly between factual news and different types of misinformation and therefore can facilitate early detection, automation, and the use of intelligent techniques to support fact-checking and other mitigation actions. The story found a huge audience in the United States. Psychol Sci 28(11):15311546, Choudhary A, Arora A (2021) Linguistic feature based learning model for fake news detection and classification. For example, after a man drove a van along a Toronto sidewalk in 2018, killing 10 people and hurting 16, misinformation Therefore, words that are certain to appear have 0 surprise (p=1) while words that will never appear have infinite surprise (p=0). The main intuition is that misinformation creators have a different writing style seeking to maximize reading, sharing and, in general, maximizing virality. However, conspiracy theories are non-factual, meaning we are not able to fact-check their veracity. 47, No. Organizational identity: A reader, 56(65), 978020350598416, Tambuscio M, Oliveira DFM, Ciampaglia GL, Ruffo G (2018) Network segregation in a model of misinformation and fact-checking. Hum Commun Res 47(1):124, Cinelli M, Quattrociocchi W, Galeazzi A, Valensise CM, Brugnoli E, Schmidt AL, Scala A (2020) The COVID-19 social media infodemic. S3, 2020). Even in the best of all possible worlds, correcting misinformation is not an easy task.. 3, 2020). J Commun 50(1):4670, Lang A (2006) Using the limited capacity model of motivated mediated message processing to design effective cancer communication messages. The limited capacity model of mediated motivated message processing (Lang, 2000, 2006) states that in information sharing, structural features and functional characteristics require different cognitive efforts to be processed (Kononova et al., 2016; Leshner & Cheng, 2009; Leshner et al., 2010) and, since humans attempt to minimize cognitive effort when processing information, content that requires less effort to be processed is more engaging and viral (Alhabash et al., 2019). Joan Donovan, research director of the Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics, and Public Policy, explains: Misinformation: Spreading false information (rumors, insults, and pranks). For example, some fake news sources may use a more neutral tone, while others may show a higher appeal to negative emotions. 6, No. A box of Aunt Jemima Blueberry Waffles was covered in pictures of large, plump blueberries, creating a reasonable expectation of real blueberries. Actually, said Michael Jacobson, the products flavor came from artificially flavored blueberry bits that contained partially hydrogenated soybean oil; there were no real blueberries. PubMed In a reversal from previous stances, multiple social media companies suspended or banned President Trump from their platforms for inciting violence at the U.S. Capitol in January, while Congress was certifying the electoral vote of the 2020 presidential election. Websites ending in .edu are for registered universities or colleges, while official Government of Canada websites include the following suffixes: .gc.ca; .gc/en; .gc/fr; .ourcommons.ca; .canada.ca; .parl.ca. For each variable I performed 100 simulations with confidence intervals settled at 0.025 and 0.975. Simply put, the longer a sentence or word is, the more complex it is to read. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 116(16):76627669, Shearer E (2021) More than eight-in-ten Americans get news from digital devices. 1439 The science of fake news. Thus, the results contribute to the explainability of the misinformation characteristics to better target interventions by providing evidence that these differences are important and that they can be counter-balanced with higher media literacy. 15). Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (Humanit Soc Sci Commun) For this, I assess the importance of quantitative features grounded in psychological and behavioral sciences through an operationalization based on Natural Language Processing. . J Exp Psychol Gen 149:118, Bai X (2011) Predicting consumer sentiments from online text. Also 93-95% of all genetic variation is within groups NOT between them : Since 1972 geneticists have have confirmed that 85 per cent of variation exists within a population. Inauguration events for Claudine Gay, Harvards 30th president, will take place on September 29 in Tercentenary Theatre. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Nielsen F (2011) A new ANEW: evaluation of a word list for sentiment analysis in microblogs. Harvard Laws Martha Minow says there are plenty of steps the federal government could take to clean up the flood of disinformation and misinformation. This measure estimates the educational level that is needed to understand a given text. This is important because scientific-sounding misinformation is strongly associated with declines in vaccination intent (Loomba et al., 2021). The results of the multinominal logistic regression were used to get insights into the probabilities of categorizing content using a baseline category (factual news). These results show that the junk science and fake news categories are both the most sensible to changes in the readability score in opposite directions: increasing the readability score significantly increases the probability of being categorized as junk science while decreasing it significantly increases the probability of a given content being categorized as fake news. Some contemporary approaches. Such falsehoods, which research shows have influenced attitudes and behaviors around protective measures such as mask-wearing, are an ongoing hurdle as countries around the world struggle to get the virus under control. The dictionary contains 411 words like abomination, demon, honor, infidelity, patriot or wicked. After calculating all the measures (readability scores, perplexity, appeal to morality and sentiment analysis), I deleted all the outliers (lower bound quantile=0.025 and upper bound quantile=0.975). Learn to decode the intricate system of symbols that are a part of everyday life -- from advertising messages to traffic signs. Step 2: About Us Analysis. The fourth film in the series, Hidden Colors 4: The Religion of White Supremacy was successfully funded on Kickstarter in March . Three California communities sued 37 oil, coal and gas companies, including ExxonMobil, for contributing to sea level rise while engaging in a "coordinated, multifront effort to conceal and deny their own knowledge of those threats. Then, I change the value of the variable to its ending point (high range), keeping all the other variables at their means and repeat the simulation. To avoid that, one should first click through to the story being shared. Since the 2016 U.S. presidential election, when misinformation spread widely on Facebook and other social media platforms, psychological research on the topic has accelerated. Psychol Scie Public Interest, Suppl 13(3):106131, Liu Z, Park S (2015) What makes a useful online review? In the meantime, to ensure continued support, we are displaying the site without styles Here are some tips to help you tell fact from fiction in todays news. Exp Syst Appl 37(9):61826191, Ragini JR, Anand PMR, Bhaskar V (2018) Big data analytics for disaster response and recovery through sentiment analysis. online for other versions of the story. Sources that entirely fabricate information, disseminate deceptive content, or grossly distort actual news reports. The usual way of measuring polarity in written texts is through sentiment analysis. Imagine how the many rows and columns that consist of numbers can be very confusing to interpret, hence the need for data visualization . The story was correct for the provinces 155,000 residents, but wrong for the more than 5.8 million people who viewed it on Facebook over the following six months. Media Psychol 22(2):196216, Allcott H, Gentzkow M, Yu C (2018) Trends in the diffusion of misinformation on social media. Navigate away from the story to investigate the site, its mission and its contact info. The crowdsourced participants are asked to Google every domain and person named in the About Us section of the website or whether it has a Wikipedia page with citations. If material is not included in the articles Creative Commons license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. The labeling of each website was done through crowdsourcing following the instructions as follows (Zimdars, 2017): Step 1: Domain/Title analysis. More specifically, following the definition proposed by (Zhou & Zafarani, 2020) the style-based categorization of content is formulated as a multinominal classification problem. How can American cities prepare for an increasingly destructive climate? 6, 1980). While the Flesch-Kincaid score measured the cognitive effort needed to process a text based on grammatical features (the number of words, sentences, and syllables), it does not account for another source of cognitive load: lexical features. After calculating the factual and misinformation categories profiles, I calculate similarities among them through clustering analysis. Finally, an increase by one-unit in the morality appealing in a given text is associated with an increase in the log odds of this content being misinformation (\(\beta _{{\mathrm{morality}},\,{\mathrm{clickbait}}} = 0.18\), p<0.001; \(\beta _{{\mathrm{morality}},\,{\mathrm{conspiracy}}} = 0.18\), p<0.001; \(\beta _{{\mathrm{morality}},\,{\mathrm{fake}}\,{\mathrm{news}}} = 0.20\), p<0.001; \(\beta _{{\mathrm{morality}},\,{\mathrm{hate}}} = 0.16\), p<0.001; \(\beta _{{\mathrm{morality}},\,{\mathrm{junk}}\,{\mathrm{science}}} = 0.16\), p<0.001; \(\beta _{{\mathrm{morality}},\,{\mathrm{conspiracy}}} = 0.14\), p<0.001). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-022-01174-9, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-022-01174-9. Implication for travel product websites. James Gunn and Peter Safran Named Co-CEOs Of DC Studios, 10 Things You Didnt Know about Jee Young Han, Hulu Welcomes Newcomers To The Black Stories Hub. For each scenario, I calculate 100 simulations giving us predicted values (that I later average) and the uncertainty around the average (confidence intervals: 0.025, 0.975). However, if one opt for explore the results increasing the number of clusters (Fig. information that can be separated into three distinct types: misinformation, disinformation and mal-information. The result is a full probability distribution that I use to compute the average expected value and the confidence intervals. A test of COVID-19 misinformation led by Pennycook and his colleagues found that a simple accuracy nudge increased participants ability to discern between real and fake news. Those who heard Oxford dictionaries or Encyclopedia Britannica can also generally be trusted. 5Lewandowsky, S., et al. Science 359(6380):10941096, Leshner G, Cheng IH (2009) The effects of frame, appeal, and outcome extremity of antismoking messages on cognitive processing. As an educator I HIGHLY recommend 'Hidden Colors' for EVERYONE. Too many leaders and influencers, including politicians, journalists, intellectuals, and academics, surrender to the cognitive bias of assessing the world through anecdotes and images rather than data and facts, says Steven Pinker, Johnstone Family Professor of Psychology. 5. Next, I complement the results with predicted probabilities based on simulations for each category in four scenarios corresponding to the four variables using the previous multinominal logistic regression model. In contrast, for content with high appeal to morality (morality=13.75), the probabilities per category are: factual (p=0.003, CI=[0.003, 0.004)], clickbait (p=0.158, CI=[0.150, 0.166]), conspiracy theories (p=0.182, CI=[0.174, 0.191]), fake news (p=0.221, CI=[0.212, 0.230]), hate speech (p=0.151, CI=[0.144, 0.158]), junk science (p=0.165, CI=[0.158, 0.171]) and rumor (p=0.119, CI=[0.112, 0.125)]. The advance of computers into all aspects of our lives and the rising role of the Internet have led In this dictionary, 2,477 coded words have a score between minus five (negative) to plus five (positive). July 2019. PLoS ONE 10(2):e0118093, Article Contrarily, the same change in the scenario is associated with an increase being classified as conspiracy theory (p=0.021, CI=[0.009, 0.033]), clickbait (p=0.026, CI=[0.012, 0.040]), or fake news (p=0.066, CI=[0.055, 0.079]). (Eds. A tendency to see the world as a threatening, nonrandom place without fixed definitions of moralityor to use intuition over analytical thinking when processing informationfurther predicts conspiratorial belief (Moulding, R., et al., Personality and Individual Differences, Vol. Use the Previous and Next buttons to navigate the slides or the slide controller buttons at the end to navigate through each slide. Misinformation false or inaccurate information of all kinds, from honest mistakes to conspiracy theories and its more intentional subset, disinformation, are both thriving, fueled by a once-in-a-generation pandemic, extreme political polarization and a brave new world of social media. When stories shared online dont clearly show the source, satire can be mistaken for real news. 8, No. Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Ju Y, Back KJ, Choi Y, Lee JS (2019) Exploring Airbnb service quality attributes and their asymmetric effects on customer satisfaction. "Misinformation in Canada.". For example, Chrysalis Wright, PhD, an associate lecturer and director of the Media and Migration Lab at the University of Central Florida, is studying how misinformation on COVID-19 affects anti-Asian sentiment. If friends or family share information via Thinking, fast and slow. 149, No. In other words, the results should be interpreted on the aggregated or average effect, and not in the specific source effect. It seemed to be a well received documentary . Comput Hum Behav 65:567575, Kraft PW, Krupnikov Y, Milita K, Ryan JB, Soroka S (2020) Social media and the changing information environment: sentiment differences in read versus recirculated news content. 3, 2014). He points to attacks on 5G cellular towers in the United Kingdom after an online conspiracy theory linked 5G technology to the viruss spread, and methanol poisonings in Iran following false claims that alcohol cures COVID-19 (Shokoohi, M., Alcohol, Vol. After calculating the distance matrix, I employed a hierarchical clustering technique using the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean. To do so, I calculate a set of quantifiable characteristics that represent the content of a written text and allow us to differentiate it across categories. Psychologists say more research is needed to understand whether susceptibility to misinformation is a general or context-dependent traitfor example, whether people who believe political fake news are the same people who believe COVID-19 fake news (Scherer, L. D., & Pennycook, G., American Journal of Public Health, Vol. () Even better is the fact that people who get the lens surgically inserted will never develop cataracts. Number one: Declaring war on the press is a high-risk strategy because they have the biggest possible incentive to get you. Similarly, These results indicate that increasing the perplexity of content increases the probabilities of a content being classified as junk science, clickbait or factual news while decreasing perplexity augments the probability of a piece of text being classified as conspiracy theory, fake news, hate speech or rumors. CAS Health Commun 24(3):219227, Leshner G, Vultee F, Bolls PD, Moore J (2010) When a fear appeal isnt just a fear appeal: the effects of graphic anti-tobacco messages. Studies of motivated reasoning by psychologist Peter Ditto, PhD, of the University of California, Irvine, show that people deploy skepticism selectivelyfor instance, when theyre less critical of ideas that align with their political beliefs (Gampa, A., et al., Social Psychological and Personality Science, Vol. 1Posetti, J., & Matthews, A. Harvard sets date for Claudine Gay inauguration. This finding is important because existing research tends to overemphasize the role of sentiment while neglecting the prominent role of appeal to morality. Harvard Law Schools Cass R. Sunstein says as social media has made the world smaller and more connected, its also driven people further apart, pushing them into fragmented camps, which threatens democracy. However, this measure is extremely influenced by the denominator (text length). The problem with the truth is that it lies in the eye of the beholder and even those that have evidence arent always believed. The Women in Data Science looks at what is needed to prevent truth from manipulation? Universitat Ramon LlullESADE Business School, Barcelona, Spain, You can also search for this author in Players assume the role of a manipulator and practice interacting with others in a social media simulation. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. All else being equal, a smaller vocabulary generally yields lower perplexity, as it is easier to predict the next word in a sequence (Koenecke et al., 2020). One study documents hundreds of deaths and thousands of hospitalizations around the world associated with COVID-19 misinformation, including rumors, conspiracy theories, and stigmas (Islam, M. S., et al., The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Vol. With an increasing stream of contradictory information coming at us on a daily basis, it can be hard to determine what misinformation is and whether its actually dangerous. Harvard is perhaps best-known because of its enduring history of innovation in education. If you said brown, then you're wrong. One group was asked how fast the cars were going when they hit each other, while the other was asked how fast they were going when they smashed into each other. For example, posts promoting unvetted claims can be endorsed and shared by friends and family. 5, 2015; van der Linden, S., Political Psychology, online first publication, 2020). Google Scholar, Goel S, Anderson A, Hofman J, Watts DJ (2015) The structural virality of online diffusion. To do so, researchers could look at common characteristics and relationships between sources for each category. Step 5: Esthetic Analysis. The readability scores are high for junk science (FK=13.94, [CI=13.90, 13.99]). On the other side, an increase in readability shows 9.96% more probability of being classified as hate speech (CI=[0.087, 0.111]) and an increase of 40.19% of being classified as junk science (CI=[0.390, 0.414]). Dave Cullen, a decorated journalist, wrote Columbine over a period of ten years with the intention of "setting [the facts] right.". Breadth benefits: Not all disinformation is created equal. If a text has a neutral evocation to emotions will have a value around 0, if a text is evocating positive emotions will have a value higher than 0 and if a text is evocation a negative emotion will have a value below 0. text or in person, ask them where they got the information. In other words, I employ a set of mechanics that are easily explainable in human terms. Add both to Cart. These results are important because the proposed fingerprints of misinformation provide grounding for the refinement of previous results and better interventions to mitigate their spread in the realm of technological companies, fact-checkers and media outlets or public policy in the light of the volume, breadth, speed and explainability challenges. For example, the information manipulation theory (McCornack et al., 2014) or the four-factor theory (Zuckerman et al., 1981) propose that misinformation is expressed differently in terms of arousal, emotions or writing style. Tattrie, Jon. Psychol Sci 31(1):7587, Ellis R, Yuan F (2004) The effects of planning on fluency, complexity, and accuracy in second language narrative writing. 30Th president, will take place on September 29 in Tercentenary Theatre always believed, Hidden 4! The following results in other words, I employed a hierarchical clustering technique using the unweighted pair group with. Use to compute the average expected value and the confidence intervals steps the federal government could to. At What is needed to prevent truth from manipulation ) Predicting consumer sentiments from online text contains 411 like. High-Risk strategy because they have the biggest possible incentive to get you and assistance for trip... You move your eyes I employ a set of mechanics that are a part everyday... It sound like fact, conspiracy theories are non-factual, meaning we not! Cells in my eyes imagine how the many rows and columns that consist of can! 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