I have in the past yr n half lost 3 cats, one was my precious I had 15 yrs. My personally experience has of this cat walking on the bed has been for years, but I have never owned a cat before only dogs. No activity other than that. I know what it feels like when they jump on the bed. I have burned white sage in there and a friend sent me holy water. ITS BEEN OVER A YEAR AT FIRST I WAS SCARED. Whatever it is it doesnt like it so its lashing out and fighting back. Scared me because I was just settling down to fall asleep, it was late around Midnight or so. When I was a child the elderly women on my mothers side of the family spoke of an invisible cat that sometimes would visit them some say it would brush up against your leg or just sit by them they also said afterwards someone usually a woman in the family became sick and passed away so weve always taking it as a warning. For a while after she passed it felt like she was there but that was because she slept with me every night for years). I do believe,like someone else metioned that there is a whole other life that us people have no clue about and maybe some of us are more in tune with that other so called life.who knows?? Thats a plausable theory. LOL I knew of an old hospital that was made into apartments in Northeast Indiana. I just stumbled upon your blog. I was about to fall asleep, and I felt something pulling my blanket down. When I woke up again about 8 I lay there thinking and I remembered that in the middle of the night I felt something holding my foot, by the toes actually. Sometimes I might go 3 or 4 days without anything happening,then it might show up and do this every night and day for a week or two. Then I felt him at the bottom of my bed another night, kneading away, so I just talked to him, as crazy as that sounds. I think it is because I have a cpap machine. But last night it came back and its gone up a level. But last night the cat like walking happened again and I had just told my Mom about it. Ive had it walk on me, and lay above my head on my pillow. I searched after dealing with it for months. I could tell that it was small, and it was warm. I still see it vividly as if it happened last night. I am not afraid to go to bed tonight. Lately Ive had a hard time sleeping in the bed. Anyway I cant believe the accuracy of those 2 Clairvoyants. Thanks for sharing your experience. At first I thought that whatever shook my bed was trying to warn me or protect me, but I never figured it out. IDK but it feels good to share with those whove felt it too. And when you see it as a blue and white spirit, does it appear as a solid object that you can touch or can you see through it like a ghost? I dont ever feel as though there is any malevolent intention. But to think that the cat walking on the bed may now be getting mixed in with other bizarre phenomenon is somewhat alarming in my view. They I felt its weight shift and settle like its about to go to sleep. Sometimes I feel them jumping up on my bed, walk the full length of my body and ends up settling at my feet. Now, I jumped up from laying there and scrambled for my nightstand light and turned the light on. Start by getting rid of the mattress topper and try another one. Tonight I was able to force myself awake and I looked on my bed but everything was back to normal. I decided it was just me missing her and my imagination was going beyond when I was really tired. Perhaps in this span, it occured 10 times or more. I had enough and talked to a Medium. Based on the walking jumping on and off my bed Im sure they are cats. Since i love cats beyond description, i am very happy with the phenomenon. I can even hear a light thud on the floor right before the crawling starts. Hi, Alexander. It almost feels like an invisible, electronic, pulsating device that can crawl like a cat. I just proof read this and realized that how I described the image of the demon in my head sounded like the devil, although in my head it didnt look like what images I have seen to be the devil in books, etc. This is going to sound funny, but I put my extra pillows in front of the closet door before getting into bed. An invisible, remote-controlled cat, lol. Good afternoon all Im glad you are all feeling thing as Im am mine are many different thing and they seam to start as so as I get into bed like they missed me there one that seam like a rat on hamster clawing on the sheet and then come closer and closer I open my eyes but nothing there and I can still feel it I kick the blanket waiting to hear it hit the wall or floor but nothing then there is a small deer or sheep that like to prance around the bed now this has to leave foot print because I can feel it on the bed and it want me to know it there after a little while it go down and lays on my feet and nibbles or sucks on my toes then I have people that crawl on my bed and lay right next to me it seam like they are cold and want to get warm up they rub on my back and legs and play around with my ecap mask now I can feel the weight of them and their movement and ever their heartbeat so how does a ghost have weight or a heart beat hand that I can feel on me and does this ever stop I am not scared so much and more but then again not sure why it going on what do they want there other people in my house but no one ever said any thing about them well it not normal and like most of you starting to thing Im crazy. I READ ALL THE ONES ON HERE HAS THE SAME AS ME.IT ALL HAPPENS AT NIGHT WHEN IM LYING DOWN RELAXINH,I FEEL THIS MOVEMENT ON MY BED.FIRST IT STARTS BY MY FEET WALKS UP ALONG MY LEFT SIDE TURNS AROUND STEPS OVER MY LEGS THEN COMES UP MY RIGHT SIDE AND STOPS THERE.WHEN IY DOESNT MOVE ILL PAT MY HAND ON THE BED AND IT WILL STSRT WALKING UP MY SIDE. But I call it a gift. Matt: 5:44 says: But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; I thought it was him that jumped on my bed, but he would never come into my room and never has. It scares me to feel something that I cant see. There is something. That was the only logical conclusion I could come up with. Im just going to stick to its nothing but a ghost cat laying with me. It is easy to put on and take off, as well as quick and easy to wash and dry. . I was terrified the first several times I felt it. At least Im not the only one. Its not imagined. Since we dont know what causes this phenomenon, there is no way of knowing what, if anything, will stop/prevent it. However, there was no denying it was the outline of a black cat! I often feel a cat jump onto my bed, but nothing is there, of course. There is no such place as hell its a many made story. I have no cats, all my wondows are closed and hear the purring. Check the back of closets, open dresser drawers, under the stove, radiator, refrigerator and yes, in the chimney. I dont know what it is but I would like to find out. I feel the same thing. But I never gave it much thought in the light of day. Well some would say otherwise. Be sure to come back and post again if they discover anything. Also as if I have no energy next morning.. Thats scary, Tina. I do not have any pets. Although I was initially full of trepidation, curiosity won out. Oddly..it appeared to stop for good after my cat died at age 24. I dont know if I will continue to keep my eyes closed or if my curiosity has increased after reading this that I may try and interact with the cats. I too have found this presence of this cat to show up before a death. For the most part I kept ignoring it and just passed of off as nothing, my body settling, or sometimes I would tell myself that it was my deseased dog of a few years laying with me again suddenly (which I still kind of believe. I will see what happens in the next few days and make another post. I would do it now, though. Go by your emotions when you feel that sensation of a cat walking on your bed. Serious, this cat just keeps it up, digging claws in till it falls asleep. I decided to ignore it. Four years ago, it finally happened when there was a witness. The scratching part is its frequency changes that allows it to sort of exist in two different dimensions at the same time. I looked up and although I did not see anything, it growled at me but not like a cat. Thats the part that scares me, but they seem harmless enough. I cant recall if this started in 2015, or 2016, but I know it hasnt been happening for much longer. Its worth a try. Ive heard that if you ask for something to bother you instead of someone else, it will. I have felt this a couple times, I have a cat that is outside. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. You could not have made me believe this for a second just a week ago. So Im now really awake (00:50) and all of a sudden Im mulling over other experiences of presences. Oh, Jane Im so sorry about your husband and for all of your loss. Its not a feeling of something sitting on your legs, but on the bed. Kneading is an activity Again. I had no idea there would be so many people replying to this question! My hand went right through it. And I yelled for (it? My experience started only a few months ago and up to this point I had been fine with it. They are ghosts! Ive gotten so used to them after a few years. You described exactly what is happening to me with the invisible cat jumping and walking around and the entire mattress moving or rocking. Keep us posted if you see it again. Shining my light around the dark room turned up mothing. It stands for movement, respiration, sensitivity, growth, reproduction, excretion and nutrition. But I do know this is definitely not the most comfortable thing to deal with,the bed shaking thing has been going on for so long it almost like the norm for me.I just wish we had more answers.thanks for reading!!! See if that makes a difference. This amused me and i tried to lift my right leg thinking it was nothing more than a leg cramp. Its hard not to be afraid when you cant see what you feel. I have 2 cats now and have had 3 others that have passed away. However, I never feel it actually landing on my bed. Hi Susie: You have had quite an experience., At first it is very confusing, you almost look for other possibilities rather than confront the obvious. Thanks for sharing your situation. I thought for sure my husbands cat was on my bed but nothing was there. This is a deception by the devil. And then as I had sat back down to join my friends at the table another Clairvoyant came over to me and said You seem to attract attention from Spirits as 2 have followed you back to where you are sitting vying for your attention. He then went on to describe my Husbands Father and that he had died from a chronic lung disorder ( He died from Emphysaema) and then stated that I was to tell his son to stop smoking or he would go the same way. Are there any other current websites or chat rooms where people who are experiencing this can discuss it openly? At first I thought it was my imagination so the following night I turned off the lights, layed very still in bed and waited and thats when I was absolutely sure I wasnt going nuts. I never tried speaking out loud to whoever or whatever it was. As we held each other in fear we heard it say pray or stay. I thrn saw two glowing green eyes & heard a growl. The Clairvoyant said she didnt talk when she was alive but all was well now and she was blessed. I am an empath and have had many experiences with the paranormal and I know this is my cat Debo that passed away a few years back. Before going to bed, I put some Tea Tree oil on my heart, forehead & head front head sides. I wouldnt talk to it as I have done and others have done. This is happening to me as well although I feel something a little larger than a cat or maybe its more that one thing. Its like a long legged, delicate trouncer has come upon me. It felt heavy like my Cat. How cats can affect your sleep Dr. Steve Weinberg, founder of 911 VETS, said it can feel nice and comfy to have your cat sleep on a bed with you some literally Ive had many, many experiences with human entities. i am a rational level headed person and this has really rattled me. Sometimes its two cats and sometimes only one. Started work the feeling of someone sitting at the side of my bed when I am just laying there trying to go to sleep. Well usually. All I know is once I battled this out and yes it attacked me in the end (the cute little animals that would crawl and vibrate on my covers) I felt this weight gone and the anger and sadness too. Felt slightly defensive toward it as it wasnt to be here. Yes I am happy to have experiences beyond the normal life; and maybe because of this I still have these feelings .lately they become more frequent and thats why I searched for the subject . Ive been experiencing it more lately. Im so sorry that your cat passed away. The pressure is intense and it feels like someone or something is crawling from the bottom of the bed towards and around me. Hi, John. Thanks for sharing, Brenda. Now that I have read that it actually is happening to others I feel so comforted. I didnt really know what to think of it, pulled the covers slowly above my head, listened with my eyes closed and payed attention to whatever it was. Maybe it is our kitties. It could be something other than the Spirit of our animals especially since others have reported this phenomenon to progress. The cat dissapeared from my vision after a few moments in the dark. Strange phenominon. Ive noticed my bed slightly vibrating, and I dont have an explanation. Theyve never hurt me so Im not too worried, just curious. At one point I heard the phone ring and my wife answered the phone and said oh hi sis. Its one you really gotta press em to even hear the click too. If you are a Christian I have no remedy for you. I look and theres nothing that could have done it. I was laying awake on my left side with my left arm next to a pillow in the middle of the bed. Glad to have come across this blog so that I dont feel totally nuts. It felt heavier and two footed. I suppose some things will remain a mystery, at least for now. It feels VERY real. Hi Ann I sometimes have weeks with no encounter. I chuckled at the part where you mentioned a skunk. So this ghost cat sensation just happened to me last night staying at a holiday Inn in Florida. About four years ago, my bed was on the floor (no frame) and I felt something pushing up from under my bed. Crystal Ray) began her online writing career in 2005 with PageWise Incorporated and went on to become a top writer for both Associated Content and Yahoo Voices under the pen name Crystal Ray. Both my mother & I would have this happen if we slept in their spare room we would joke that it was the ghost of our neighbours deceased cat Claude. After my American Eskimo dog passed away several years ago I heard her bark each time I came home and rang the doorbell. I have had the exact same experience yesterday morning. I really dont know. One night it walked to the bend of my back and stopped. Also,at times I will barely move as if Im gonna roll over and can feel this thing react like it is going to leap away but then it stops,when I stop and resumes its walking. However, what I tend to do, right or wrong, is to try and force myself to remain as calm as I can and not show fear in order to possibly remove some of their control. We had a lady come out and pray over the home & us. I distinctly sensed that there was something around the bottom half of my body and as in the past, my legs began to vibrate and for the first time ever, my back began to vibrate as well which took me by surprise. Very exciting for sure. and even if it was we couldnt all be imagining this. I suppose if youre seeing cats all of the time and read a scary book about cats your mind could create that type of dream. The rebuttals to all of those that experience this were all giving potential logical explanations. The painful cramp was now been bent over a bar with all its might. Very unsettling. Nice to know, I am not crazy!! Pray! I found your post from Google and thought that I related to it to a certain point. Sorry for the long winded nature of this but I am a little tripped out here. It sounded like 3 of them. Iam a pshizophrenic so its funny that someone mentioned there not. I feel the same thing. Im good on that. Ive been feeling the cat on my bed again. I also feel them on top of my left leg (I sleep on my right). Thats when I got scared and pulled the blanket over my head and prayed. It out me to feel something that I have read that it was,... Awake and I tried to lift my right ), sensitivity, growth, reproduction, excretion nutrition. 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