Though flea collars can be an effective way to control fleas on cats, they also pose serious and potentially fatal health risks. Thought maybe allergies. Are flea collars safe for humans? The vet put he. It describes everything the dog is going through. Both cats became ill very soon after the collars were put on them. My dog was diagnosed with acute myeloid lukemia in the past 2 weeks. The Techichi was believed to have mystical powers of foresight and were said to have guided their humans in the afterlife. The organization has since filed a Freedom of Information request for the incident database related to Seresto pesticide collars, but says that request has not yet been filled. We rushed her to the vet where they examined her and discovered a large mass in her stomach. We started treating her for that with antibiotics and steroids but within weeks her left eye bulged out of its socket. Fleas prefer tall grass and shaded areas near . I've been having non stop drainage and went to my ENT several times with them saying nothing was wrong. Within three weeks the seizures began, at first I thought she was going after a mouse..then I realize she's Frantically struggling to get her stand. She was walking practically sideways through the house. The vet told me that I put it on incorrectly. Now I think I know what happened to our Bubba. Brownie became very lethargic. I purchased the Seresto collar a few months ago and his health went down hill just like that. He kept getting worse so I took it off and washed around his neck. When we went to the vet t. I put one one my goldendoodle when he was about 5 months. He was perfectly healthy and never had any seizures before I put the collar on him. As a pet parent, spotting the difference between fleas and ticks can be tricky. The treatment of flea collar poisoning is based on the severity of the intoxication. She is on seizure medicine for the rest of her life every 8 hours. Talk with a BetterVet veterinary doctor to discuss better, non-toxic flea treatment and prevention methods for your cat. I bought seresto colors for my 3 dogs last March 2020 I had left them on over the time frame that they recommended. I just put a new one on her about a week or so ago. They became more frequent as time wore on. During his visit at vet also was noticed that he has several lumps all through his body. My dog seemed to be fine but within a few hours my face went numb and I thought I was having a stroke. I visited a vet on 07/15/20 who sold me and put on my dog's neck a Seresto flea collar. Vet gave her an injection of steroids n pills to take at home. Military service members between 2003 and 2015 may be eligible for a 3M earplug lawsuit payout over hearing damage or tinnitus. He also has lumps being monitored and they are on his neck where the collar would have been. Symptoms of human poisoning may include headache, weakness, sweating, blurred vision, nausea and diarrhea. I'm so heartbroken about this. I just took off the stupid collar and made an appt to have her checked. I bought a Seresto collar for my dog. My older dog seemed lethargic and unsteady walking. My 11 year old was diagnosed with Stage 3 Kidney disease in October 2020 and died in March 2021. This harmful chemical is hazardous to your pet and can transfer from your cat to furniture, children's toys, and sometimes directly to humans. Cat has health issues, since wearing this collarNever knew about dangers to animals, until I read this article 3/42021 I have ordered them on line and noticed that some were made in Germany, South Africa, Kansas, and China. This DEFINATELY needs to be pu[Show More]We just lost our 4-1/2 year old labradoodle from this collar. After a month of wearing the collar he was laying around and now his front legs give out and buckle under him. He was only ten and in perfect health. I took the collar off immediately and after 2 days Bo was feeling a little better. A week later, he developed ulcers on both eyes. This is heartbreaking. They are not innocuous as they suck blood occasionally to the point of causing anemia, transmit blood borne pathogens which can make pets sick, and cause a lot of irritation, dermatitis, itching and discomfort for pets. I'm still a mess over it. I held her comforting her and it passed within 5 minutes. We put her on pills, but she stopped eating and got to where she could barely get up and walk. convulsions. Cat flea collar poisoning can sometimes present within minutes of exposure but may be delayed several days in some cats. She wa[Show More]I bought this collar from I took the collar off immediately and after 2 days Bo was feeling a little better. It had been almost 8 months and I knew the collars had gotten wet at times so I purchased new ones. Im convinced it was caused by his Soresto collar! I wish I had done more and better research prior to purchasing Seresto collar and causing my cat such discomfort and misery. 2023 Copyright We have lost two dogs to cancer and one cat, plus, a dog to what the vet thought was DM ( which is neurological problem). I genuinely believe that the Seresto collar caused these neurological issues. We are on day 6 of no collar and still having issues. 4 days after putting them on, my 4yr old suddenly started having seizures for the first time in his life. They got him stabilized and gave me anti-seizure meds since. A couple of days later my Jack Russell Terrier developed a twitch in her left hind leg. We are going to have his body autotopsized and have a toxicology screening to find out cause of death, but all I can think of that changed in our household was bringing the collar into it. 1/25/2021 my Mom had massive stroke. We spent thousands trying to find out what was wrong with her. Mom bought Seresto flea collar for her cat Bella. Molly had a good life and we loved her. I called the vet and mentioned the collar and they assured me that it wasn't the problem. He was lifeless; I bathed him twice to get all remnants of that collar off of him and washed his bed twice. I feel awfulthought I was doing the right thing protecting him from ticks, and ended up killing him instead. he had another seizure several weeks later and then the next day, he passed out, then came-to, defecated himself and I immediately brought him to the emergency room. does not intend to provide veterinary advice. We tore it off after a day and a half of Sire vomiting and pooping blood. In addition, bathe your pet with mild soap and rinse with large amounts of water. Common signs of toxicity from flea products containing organophosphates are diarrhea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, small pupils, muscle tremor, weakness or falling over, and drooling. Took him to vet. Ive been using seresto on my Labrador for about 5-6 years. My sister was visiting and bought my smallest rat terrier mix a seresto collar Friday night. My sweet and health Chevy will have to have surgery to remove the large lump to be sent off to. Within a year my 13 year old dog Lola was diagnosed with lymphoma and had to be euthanized. This happened over and over until I made the connection that it was the collar and threw it away and after t[Show More]I bought the collar for my Golden Retriever a few years back. When we went to the vet t[Show More]I put one one my goldendoodle when he was about 5 months. Our Akita became ill, following the same pattern and passed last week. This stuff kills pets, I'm[Show More]I bought the seresto collar about a year and a half ago for my cat Bo. About a week ago I bathed him (I took his collar off beforehand.) She was fine for the first 8 months so I purchased a second collar for the next 8 month period but after wearing the 2nd collar for about 4 weeks her back legs started to buckle beneath her. Symptoms of Flea Collar Poisoning. Since the death of my cats, I have seen many similar scenarios. This stuff kills pets, I'm glad I was home and fixed the problem before something really bad happened. My cat Twinkles has been diagnosed with kidney disease. Was also going to bathroom in house even though he has been house trained for years. Had no idea it was the collars. Ticks are horrible here in Pennsylvania. Now my puppy who isn't a yr yet couldn't wear it because it broke her at in a rash around her neck and once the collar was off, the rash healed. I think it was the collar all-along. I took the collar off three or four weeks ago but last night [Show More]My 3 year old cat was in perfect condition with a thick soft luxurious coat. Since the death of my cats, I have seen many similar scenarios. But I feel so fortunate that we caught this early and saved our little guy. I believe Seresto caused the deaths of both of my Italian Greyhounds. I happened to come across this article about Seresto collars. Ive been trying to cleanse her insides with Pure Calcium Bentonite Clay and pushing fluids (chicken broth) trying to replenish her vitamins & minerals lost due to the excessive pesticide exposure of the collar. On April 8th I took my Main coon cat to the vets for her annual check up and shots. Bloods and scans were done and he could find nothing wrong with her, within the next 5 days her white cell count had dropped and her liver enzymes were high. Purchased fall 2020. My heart goes out to everyone who lost their sweet doggie. Bathed him in Dawn dish liquid to remove pesticides 3 times so far. One of the most common ingredients in flea collars is tetrachlorvinphos. Did this collar have anything to do with it? My sister in law then sent us info on this collar n couldnt believe that they would sell something like this to harm our precious fur baby . Don't buy Seresto collar. I went to 3 different vets, hooked him up to an IV for. We switched his food but they persisted. Take your dog to the veterinarian immediately if you see any of these symptoms after putting on the flea collar. Said seizures and put him on meds. The development of disease in water drinking pets is a coincidence as are most, but not all of the cases of illness in pets receiving parasite controlling insecticidal medications. Last year had hair loss on hind area. This had never occurred prior to wearing the Seresto collar. I have taken the collar off, but have not stopped her medication. The cancer was aggressive and quick - 3 months since diagnosis but could have started some time ago. I will never put another flea and tick collar on any dog. She fell making several attempts trying to jump into my husband's truck. It sickens me that they killed my precious babies. The breed was relied upon by the Toltecs as . Mind you at the end of June she was in very good health. They are not innocuous as they suck blood occasionally to the point of causing anemia, transmit blood borne pathogens which can make pets sick, and cause a lot of irritation, dermatitis, itching and discomfort for pets. Atropine is Bought a Seresto collar for my dog, within a month she had to be euthanased as she was so ill, despite having a clean bill of health from her vet just 2 months prior to putting on Collar. Well it got worst . I gave my 8 yr old German Shepherd a new Seresto flea/tick collar 12/12/20. My dog has symptoms of distemper, his upper body twitches, has a cold and cough, and seems to lose his strength and balance in his front legs. When we cleared up one within weeks the next came on. But based on what I have read some people have lost their pets within days of putting the collar on. I've been using these for a few years. Prior to her death after putting thr collar on she would.I thought she wanted to go out she had never done that in the ninteen years ive had her. Took him to vet and they done all the blood work and his white blood count was so high it puzzled the doctor. At 6 months, we went for a walk and when we got home she was acting very weird. I had tried the frontline drops but his skin is very sensitive so it was recommended I use seresto. It took a week before he seemed normal. The most common signs of poisoning in cats include: Vomiting Drooling Diarrhea Difficulty breathing Lethargy or weakness, wobbly gait Unresponsive Tremors, seizures, or twitching Appetite loss Drinking more than normal or excessive urination Red or raw skin or paw pads due to a chemical burn Bloody vomit, saliva, and/or stools Pale gums More than a week passed and his ears were normal and healthy, I check them every day due to his persistent problems. Bloods and scans were done and he could find nothing wrong with her, within the next 5 days her white cell count had dropped and her liver enzymes were high. Bought Seresto Flea collar at Walmart. We just lost our Jack Russell today. When I researched the cancer they were diagnosed with, I read it was tied to flee collars. My cat kept trying to pull it off, to the point of rubbing her skin raw. Another developed some unknown condition that caused him to ooze a foul smelling brown/black substance through his mouth. I had him euthanized by vet when he totally stopped eating and had no kidney function. Ticks are horrible here in Pennsylvania. ******************************************************************************************** I refused to believe it was the collar. I had No Choice , but to put Him to Sleep! So the dog had seizure medication since he was 3. I don't care old she was. My sweet and health Chevy will have to have surgery to remove the large lump to be sent off to [Show More]My soon to be 9 year old dog Chevy recently started having seizures. I called the vet she said it was probably due to the moon cycles. Suffice it to say that in retrospect it is easy to see the correlation between my health consequences and the regular use as directed of this product but until the news became public I had no clue what was causing me such grief. He developed an ear infection about 3 years ago, he is six now. I bought this for my 11-year-old Keeshond to prevent tick and fleas purchasing it from Petco . She said Molly had vomited, and was laying on the floor drooling. I'll continue to use them as they keep my dog flea and tick free with no side effects. He developed an ear infection about 3 years ago, he is six now. Chevy's blood count was 1800. I bought the collars in March, 2020. Was told by vet this was the safest for dogs with seizures over trifexis. We had to take the collar off our oldest dog because of neck irritation and find something else for her. The Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting, which cosponsored the investigation, said the EPA did not respond to a request about how Seresto compared to other flea and tick collars in terms of incidents. Just sickening I had to lose my pet over something that couldve been totally prevented ! I bought this collar for my 7 year old lab. I assumed arthritis was setting in. When you need your pet seen quickly, BetterVet offers same-day sick visits to ensure your cat is seen as soon as possible. They were both young, healthy, and active. These collars need to be removed from market asap. Put one of these collars on him and within months his failure on his neck is almost all gone and he has sores. He was lethargic and falling over not long after putting in on. Cats who have fleas may develop flea allergic dermatitis, one of the ten most common cat diseases every cat parent should be aware of. I started buying these a fee years back for both my dogs and cat. According to the website of the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA), "Toxicity [to cats] from dog flea and tick products is a medical emergency." Symptoms of exposure can include. I had just gotten a dog and didnt pay as much attention because the cat was staying out more. Dr. Iulia is a certified veterinarian with more than 10 years of experience in the field. Cut that collar off immediately. I bought the collars in March, 2020. He past away January 2021. April 15th while being patted she collapsed and died. I assumed arthritis was setting in. Another developed some unknown condition that caused him to ooze a foul smelling brown/black substance through his mouth. Was also going to bathroom in house even though he has been house trained for years. Ive been trying to cleanse her insides with Pure Calcium Bentonite Clay and pushing fluids (chicken broth) trying to replenish her vitamins & minerals lost due to the excessive pesticide exposure of the collar. She is not able to walk without falling or support. Bayer is evil, they don't pay enough money to do thorough testing important tests. All of my pets sleep with us i removed the collars so I guess we will see if anything improves. Put down day before Thanksgiving. We took her to the vet and had bloodwork done, which came back showing that she had low platelets and anemia. 4 days after putting them on, my 4yr old suddenly started having seizures for the first time in his life. My heart is broken, I believe the Seresto flea collar caused this. She looked super scared and[Show More]I also put this collar on my pup at 12 weeks. Some common signs of cat flea collar poisoning include: Difficulty breathing Vomiting Drooling Lethargy Agitation Hiding Weakness and falling over Muscle tremors Small pupils Symptoms of Flea Collar Poisoning in Cats Symptoms of flea collar poisoning can vary depending on the type of flea collar but most often include: Vomiting Drooling Do not induce vomiting on your own unless instructed by your veterinarian. 11/24/21. My other cat is totally fine. My dog could not stand did not want to eat, was lethar[Show More]Bought a Seresto collar for my dog, within a month she had to be euthanased as she was so ill, despite having a clean bill of health from her vet just 2 months prior to putting on Collar. I believe Seresto caused the deaths of both of my Italian Greyhounds. I went to 3 different vets, hooked him up to an IV for fluids. One of my cats developed cancer and had to be euthanized. I never realized that the seresto collar he wore could have been the cause. I knew her health was declining but I never took her to the vet. We have a beautiful loving almost 8 year old Golden Retriever which wore one of these collars . Sunday he went from normal to lethargic within momentsthen died in his arms. Five days later, Mr. Jones was at the Vet with a swollen face and his salivary glands were swollen. I have been using Seresto collars since my vet recommended them over 5 years ago. He kept getting worse so I took it off and washed around his neck. Now I hear these collars can cause seizure and death. Purchased fall 2020. I've been using these for a few years. I had not heard of problems with the collar and my vet was also unaware. He was getting better by the next day but not 100%. If your dog or cat is having a reaction to a flea and tick product, it may show some of the following symptoms. He was perfectly healthy and never had any seizures before I put the collar on him. Thank God I chose to not put her to sleep. He eventually stopped eating anything offered, became weak then also had to be euthanized. We have a beautiful loving almost 8 year old Golden Retriever which wore one of these collars . She was having them one on top of the other. Within three weeks the seizures began, at first I thought she was going after a mouse..then I realize she's Frantically struggling to get her stand. If you touch the area where the collar is placed, and then put your hands in your mouth or on your food, you may be ingesting harmful chemicals. Thought they are fine since I bought them the prior year with no issues.One of my dogs became very sick the vet wasnt sure what it could be he was 10 years old. Then he said about her lymph nodes on her neck, shoulders, back side n mamo glands are are swelled . My dad bathed his 12 year old fur baby last Friday. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Took our previous Lady to the vets . Needless to say I took off the collar n bathed her neck with Dawn soap. Chevy's blood count was 1800. Now I hear these collars can cause seizure and death. The modern Chihuahua is believed to be a descendant of the ancient, extinct breed, the Techichi, bred and admired by the Toltec civilization in central Mexico in the 9th century. [3], The active ingredients commonly used in flea collars are:[4]. I bought this collar from I hope there is a lawsuit coming, because I have spent over $4000 trying to figure this all out and Vet visits and medication and bloodwork. In severe cases, your dogs blood pressure, heart rate, urine output, and blood markers can be monitored at regular intervals. Unfortunately, I had to have him euthanized by Saturday. Saturday night after she petted the dog and then petted the cat, the cat went upstairs and died in his sleep. Unfortunately, I had to have him euthanized by Saturday. Right now he seems to be okay but his prognosis is not good and he most likely will not see his 8th birthday. A couple of days later my Jack Russell Terrier developed a twitch in her left hind leg. About a week ago I bathed him (I took his collar off beforehand.) Obtain medical attention or call a poison control centre at once. This is heartbreaking. Our once healthy 8-year-old mixed labrador started to decline rapidly after using the Seresto collar with no warning. She had it on for 2 days, before she stopped eating and drinking. He was lethargic and falling over not long after putting in on. The most common ones are amitraz and propoxur. Flea collars that contain permethrin, which your cat's liver cannot effectively break down. The only thing that has changed with me placing the collar on him the day before. My vet said there was nothing else we could do for my pup and I almost scheduled to have her put down due to the multiple seizures she has, but did not want to give up on her. I picked her back up and held her. The next morning she told me she was walking around but hadn't eaten yet. They became more frequent as time wore on. Teeth had to be removed and he still has problems with throat. I didnt notice it because he lives in and outdoors. I bought each of my 3 (indoor) cats and my dog Seresto flea collars. The vet put he[Show More]On the recommendation of my vet I purchased a Seresto flea collar for my be!oved 10 year old dog Bella. But wasn't sure what happened. We are heart broken. I instantly thought the flea collar must have something to do with it and removed them from all my animals (4 total, 2 cats and 2 dogs). The emotional and mental exhaustion Ive endured since March 1st is beyond what I could ever explain. Had seizures right away - thought that was an inherent problem with the dog who was a rescue at the age of 3 to our good home. Is there a link & whats the alternative? I had bought a Seresto collar for him two weeks before any of these symptoms devel. Ive been trying to cleanse her insides with Pure Calcium Bentonite Clay and push[Show More]I bought a Seresto collar for my dog. I had no idea the collars were highly rated on Amazon. :(. Most pets drink water and eventually as they age they unfortunately develop diseases and will pass away. An example of both reactions is flea allergy dermatitis. One of my cats developed cancer and had to be euthanized. The cats were euthanized within a year of each other, and were otherwise very healthy throughout their lives. It took 5-7 days of home cooked pured food, coconut water and bone broth. My 7 year old Jack Russel was diagnosed with Lymphoma today. I don't know if it related yet. Since cat livers are inefficient at breaking down this ingredient, the substance can begin to build up in their bloodstream when wearing a flea collar. At 6 months, we went for a walk and when we got home she was acting very weird. Did nothing. Purchased at Tractors Supply. Put it on him just after Easter. Since March 1st Ive paid over 7,000 for hospitalization. She is on seizure medicine for the rest of her life every 8 hours. [Show More]Bought seresto collars for my 12 year old and 4 year old Rottweilers. The very next week this article came out and we discovered it was this collar. Two and half weeks later Kitty started vomiting Several hours after eating. Suffice it to say that in retrospect it is easy to see the correlation between my health consequences and the regular use as directed of this product but until the news became public I had no clue what was causing me such grief. Lymph nodes on her neck, shoulders, back side n mamo glands are are swelled held comforting. 'S liver can not effectively break down and was laying on the severity of the most common ingredients flea... 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