The Iraqis fought back desperately. USS Kitty Hawk (CV 63) Crew List The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS Kitty Hawk (CV 63). 29 Jun14 Jul 1969: The ship operated off Yankee Station, coming about on the evening of the 10th to avoid being trapped in the Tonkin Gulf by Typhoon Tess, returning to the line, 1114 July. Kitty Hawk suffered "very light damage" and no casualties, steaming on to San Diego, while Platte sustained "moderate to severe damage," continuing to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, for repairs. During this WestPac deployment the ship made her first visit to Fleet Activities (FA), Yokosuka, Japan. Helos No. The ship served as an afloat forward staging base for the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment,[21] with a reduced air wing. I was wrong. Following the cruise, the crew was awarded the Navy Expeditionary Medal and the Humanitarian Service Medal for the rescue of Vietnamese refugees in the South China Sea. Kitty Hawk bid farewell to San Diego on 3 January 1987, as the ship departed her homeport of 25 years and set out on a six-month world cruise. The demanding pace of operations in the Indian Ocean became an engineers test of endurance. Kitty Hawk spent 144 days (63%) at sea. SRA, 14 Feb26 May 1995, Installations: AN/SPS-49 (V) 5 Air search radar; and new air conditioning plant. While on deployment from November 1967 to June 1968, Kitty Hawk experienced a fire in while in port at Subic Bay and went to general quarters for 51 hours. The Vigilante exploded "almost simultaneously." Kitty Hawk began her 18th deployment, this time with CVW-11, in October 1996. | By March 2017, the USS Kitty Hawk Veterans Association had raised $5 million in pledges to preserve the aircraft carrier as a museum ship. On 11 April 2000, Kitty Hawk departed Yokosuka, Japan, for routine local area operations and participated in Exercise Cobra Gold with the navies of Singapore and Thailand. 10 Mar 1966: Aircrew flew close air support in support of the "beleaguered" Special Forces camp, A Shau, South Vietnam, which was under attack by the communists. "O.J." After cruising the South China Sea and ranging to the Philippines in readiness operations with the 7th Fleet, she returned to San Diego on 20 July 1964. Buckeye 813, his wingman, observed a "bright flash near target.". 4 Main Machinery Room; AN/URC-9, AN/SRC-20, and AN/SRC-21 UHF line-of-sight communications capabilities were enhanced by replacing older equipment with AN/WSC-3; and AN/SPS-49 long range air search radar (two-dimensional), replacing AN/SPS-37. [53], On 9 March 2021, Kitty Hawk arrived at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard to be put in dry dock and have the hull scraped of marine life before being towed to her final destination. You will be able to zoom in to better read names etc. Overhaul, 17 Feb 197517 Mar 1976, Installations: Storage and maintenance facilities to accommodate Grumman F-14A Tomcats; two EA-6B DT Vans to provide avionics intermediate maintenance support for Prowlers; three octuple MK 29 (RIM-7H5 Basic Point Defense Missile System (BPDMS) NATO Sea Sparrow launchers; Tactical Support Center (CV-TSC), to accommodate Lockheed S-3A Vikings (WestPac, 21 May15 Dec 1975: last deployment on board of Grumman S-2 Trackers); SPS-48A air search radar; AN/WLR-11 passive ECM system; AN/SMQ-10 Satellite Readout Equipment; three MK 91 fire control; upgraded HF and UHF and secure voice HF/UHF and VHF radio links; dual array of task lights on a fiberglass stub mast, providing full 360 arc of visibility. Just 17 days later, Kitty Hawk led a joint coalition offensive strike against designated targets in southern Iraq. Noting what he believed to be a compressor stall during his first run, Pike began a second run to jettison his remaining ordnance, before aborting and heading east. [37], On 1 December 2005, the United States Navy announced that George Washington would replace Kitty Hawk in 2008 as the forward-deployed carrier in Japan and it would also assume host carrier duties for forward-deployed Carrier Air Wing 5. Lewis, HC-7 Det 101, guided missile light cruiser Providence (CLG 6), and destroyer Rogers (DD-876), spotted the Greyhound's tail section before it sank beneath the waves, rescuing the seven survivors. Please keep in mind that this list does only include records of people who submitted their information for publication on this website. 3 Sep 1970: Kitty Hawk was the dress ship for President Richard M. Nixons visit with Mexican President Gustavo O. Daz. 7 May 1972: An RA-5C (BuNo 151618), CDR Clarence R. Polfer, and LT(JG) Joseph E. Kernan, RVAH-7, was shot down (probable AAA) during a photo reconnaissance mission over North Vietnam, at 1745. 4 Dec 1989: Drydock No.'s mission is to provide a means for shipmates to keep in touch with one another. 614 and Seasnake No. 15 Oct 1994: Secretary of the Navy John Dalton visited the ship, presenting awards to five crewmembers responsible for rescuing the pilot of Aircraft 102 (See 11 July 1994). Writing to Generalissimo Chiang Kai Shek of Taiwan, the President remarked that seeing Kitty Hawk and her crew at sea gives real meaning to the phrase, "Our first Line of Defense" An engraved steel plaque, laid in her flight deck, commemorated the Chief Executive's visit. CG 18. DANFS - Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships, Permitting Policy and Resource Management, The 9/11 Terrorist Attacks: 20 Years Later, "Ex Scientia Tridens": The U.S. 408, an F-4B. The crew moved ashore, 12 July-3 October. 9-23 May 1967: Aircrew flew 830 combat missions supporting Rolling Thunder, 40 Steel Tiger combat missions, two combat missions over South Vietnam, and 526 support missions. The mishap occurred about 250 nautical miles south-southwest of NAF Atsugi, Japan. 21 Sep1 Oct 1992: Kitty Hawk participated in FleetExs 92-2B and C, in The Southern California Operations Area. Those concerted efforts proved fruitless: neither of the men survived. Battle Group. White, Abilene, Texas, VFA-195, was killed when his F/A-18C was shot down by one of two Army PAC-2 Phased Array Tracking Intercept of Target (Patriot) missiles mistakenly fired at him and his wingman. For simplicity, all aircraft references hereinafter employ that system), CDR J.M. Date. Linfield 210, however, experienced fuel exhaustion and ditched in the sea, near 2039'N, 10713'E, both men being rescued by a Navy SAR helo. 8-10 Dec 1965: Under Secretary of the Navy Robert H.B. As a result of the deaths of the six crew members, on 10 January 1974, an investigation was ordered by Rear Admiral Donald C. Davis, Commander of Carrier Group 1 and Senior Officer onboard Kitty Hawk designated as his flagship. A 20-hour SAR failed to recover him. "I saw the missile explode," Wisely later recalled, "and saw an explosion as the plane erupted.". 18 Nov 1961: Admiral George W. Anderson, CNO, and an entourage of senior officials viewed anti-submarine warfare demonstrations by a task force comprising guided missile light cruiser Topeka (CLG-8), guided missile destroyer Henry B. Wilson (DDG-7), guided missile frigate Preble (DLG-15), and submarine Blueback (SS-581), in the Southern California Operations Area. 22 Jul 1961: Robert K. Huntington (DD-781) became the first destroyer to come alongside Kitty Hawk, completing a highline transfer. Kitty Hawk arrived at her new operating location of U.S. Fleet Activities Yokosuka, Japan, on 11 August 1998. His shipmates honored MMFA Davis in a ceremony on the 11th. 2427 Mar 1977: The ship conducted sea trials, her first air operations in 51 weeks. 20 Aug 1972: Viceroy 502, an A-6A (BuNo 157018), LT Roderick B. Lester, and LT Harry S. Mossman, VA-52, was downed (probable AAA) during a night low level bombing run over Da Mon Toi, North Vietnam, 2038N, 10726E, at 0153. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); There are 2825 crew members registered for the USS Kitty Hawk (CV 63). Both men ejected, being rescued by a USAF CSAR helo at approximately 0250, and flown to Ahmed Al Jaber AB, Kuwait. The crew held memorial services on the focsle for their fallen shipmates the next day, at 1900. | CVW-5, however, would remain forward deployed. Kitty Hawk entered San Francisco Naval Shipyard on 23 November 1961 for alterations. This included adding spaces for storage, ordnance handling, and maintenance facilities for the two aircraft. 19 Jul 1984: Soviet vessels Spassk and Sorum-class ocean tug Chlukotka (the latter KGB-manned) shadowed the carrier. In March 1984, Kitty Hawk participated in "Team Spirit" exercises in the Sea of Japan. | | Their refusal to do so precipitated Operation Iraqi Freedom. [49], After President Donald Trump gave a speech on board USSGerald R. Ford and promised to build a 12-carrier navy,[50] US Navy officials extended Kitty Hawk's stay in the reserve inactive fleet and considered the possibility of recommissioning her to help with the buildup. Inclement weather imposed difficulties that reduced damage, however, and ABHAA T. Goetch fell overboard and was not recovered. 2730 Oct 1975: While transiting the Sea of Japan, entering through the Tsugaru Strait and departing via the Tsushima Strait, the ship was subject to shadowing by Russian Tupolev Tu-16 Badgers and ships, including a Kashin-class [Project 61] guided missile destroyer. 2 Dec 2005: The Navy announced that George Washington would relieve Kitty Hawk as the "forward deployed carrier" to Japan in 2008. This was the first squadron to so transition while deployed outside the U.S., transferring 11 Hornets to VFA-192. 13 Nov 2000: During Operation Keen Sword, a training evolution, Kitty Hawk participated in a SAR with the Japanese for the pilots of two USAF F-16s out of Misawa AB that collided over the Sea of Japan, at about 0900. Following the comprehensive upgrade and a vigorous training period with Carrier Air Wing 2, Kitty Hawk deployed in 1984 as the flagship for Battle Group Bravo. He later wrote to president and Madame Chiang Kai-shek who had witnessed a similar demonstration onboard USSConstellation(CV-64): "I hope you were impressed as I was, on my visit to Kitty Hawk, with the great force for peace or war, which these mighty carriers and their accompanying escorts provide, helping to preserve the freedom of distant nations in all parts of the world. "We saw the tail of the jet floating nearby, and it looked like the ship was about to run us over," LT(JG) Vanbragt later recalled the harrowing experience, "But then we saw the rescue team coming, and we knew we would be all right.". [55][56], On 15 January 2022, Kitty Hawk left the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, under tow, en-route to Brownsville, Texas, for scrapping. 3 Main Machinery Room, during air operations on Yankee Station. Both men were rescued by USAF CSAR helos and flown to Vinh Long Airfield, and thence on to the 3rd Field Hospital. Intercepted and escorted by the ships Tomcats, the Russians nonetheless flew so aggressively as to warrant the carrier filing Incident at Sea reports. 15 Apr 1966: The crew endured one of the ship's deadliest accidents. 22 Jun 1970: The ship returned to NAS North Island. 8 Sep 1979: Old Nick 203 (NL-203), an F-14A (BuNo 160672), LT Lloyd A. Vermillion, and LT(JG) Richard W. Cummings, VF-111, launched at 1933 for a night carrier qualifications, while the ship steamed in the South China Sea. 24 Apr 1967: Following a strike against Kep Airfield, North Vietnam, two VF-114 Phantom IIs engaged two flights of North Vietnamese Mikoyan Gurevich (MiG)-17 Frescos, one flight of four Frescos "low over the ground" and the other flight of three "directly ahead." 17 Jun 1972: An A-7E (BuNo 157531), CDR Darrel D. Bud Owens, VA-192, was shot down by an SA-2 SAM while flying rescue combat air patrol, following the coastline south of Thanh Hoa. In July 1985, Kitty Hawk and CVW-9 deployed again as flagship for Battle Group Bravo. 477. 21 May 1967: Linfield 213, an F-4B (BuNo 153040), LT Hugh D. Wisely and ENS James W. Laing, VF-114, was hit by AAA during a strike over Hanoi. 24 Feb 1968: CDR Jerrold M. Zacharias, and LCDR Michael L. Hall, VA-75, were each awarded the Navy Cross for their roles in planning and executing a "coordinated" A-6A night low-level strike with VA-35 against the "highly defended" port facilities at Hanoi, enduring a "barrage" of SAMs. "You could see the horizon was red from at least 100 miles away," noted LT Marcus Dodd, a Prowler pilot. | 29 Nov 1996: Secretary of Defense Dr. William J. Perry visited Kitty Hawk. 25 Oct1 Nov 1977: Kitty Hawks voyage into the Western Pacific included a MissilEx, MinEx Bravo, GunEx, BombEx, JamEx, and KomarEx. To provide for embarked SOF, Kitty Hawk was reconfigured to deploy with less then 20 aircraft: Eight F/A-18Cs, three S-3Bs, two C-2As, and two SH-60Bs. The ship once again departed Yokosuka on 23 January 2003 for a routine training mission,[22] but a short time later, orders were received to transit to the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility to support the Global War on Terrorism and to prepare for future contingencies. Daigle survived but was captured, and did not return to the U.S. until 12 Feb 1973. 13 Jul 1980: The ship completed sea trials. 1 Main Machinery Room. 28 Apr 1968: War Paint 303, an A-4E (BuNo 151070), LCDR Robert Saavedra, VA-144, was lost (unknown causes) during a night armed reconnaissance mission over North Vietnam, 1810N, 10553E. I was kind of sad to hear about the Kitty Hawk being scrapped. 1 logged its 150,000th. We and our partners store and/or access information on a device, such as cookies and process personal data, such as unique identifiers and standard information sent by a device for personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, and audience insights, as well as to develop and improve products. By "skillful maneuvering of an almost uncontrollable aircraft," LT Wisely managed to fly the stricken Phantom II to northeastern Laos, 207'N, 10430'E, where both men ejected. Back to the USS Kitty Hawk (CV 63) page|Crew List main page| En route to Hong Kong when the incident occurred, Kitty Hawk sailed from the British colony early on the morning of the 17th, having spent less than 20 hours in port. Nonetheless, 15 aircraft dropped 25 precision-guided 1,000-pound bombs and one 2,000-pounder on Iraqi tanks, artillery, and command and control centers of the crack Medina Republican Guard armored division as the Iraqis counterattacked U.S. soldiers and Marines, ranging from the outskirts of Baghdad to up to 60 miles south of the capital, on the 24th. 11 Aug-1 Nov 1961: Kitty Hawk sailed around Cape Horn to Naval Air Station (NAS) North Island, Calif., calling en route at Port of Spain, Trinidad, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Valparaiso, Chile, and Callao, Peru. | 15 Apr-5 Jun 2002: Kitty Hawk conducted training in the Western Pacific. She was stricken from the Naval Vessel Register on 20 October 2017, and was designated for disposal by dismantling a few days later. 13 Mar4 Apr 1969: The ship made her second line period of this deployment. Glenn shouted "I-m hit!" In conjunction with Commander, Carrier Division Seven, Kitty Hawk carried out several exercises in January and February 1963. Arab 506, his wingman, overheard LT(JG) Tromp shout "cockpit emergency" on his radio, a SAM alert causing the remaining pilots to disengage and "head out to sea," however, the cause of LT(JG) Tromp's loss was undetermined, though "combat associated." Members sought to donate $15,000 in memorabilia for display if it came to fruition. Estes was captured and did not return home until 14 March 1973. Pettis received the DFC for his extraordinary efforts during the rescue. CAPT William F. Bringle was CO of PCU Kitty Hawk, 8 February 1960-Commissioning, and first CO of USS Kitty Hawk . 30 May 1971: ADM Elmo R. Zumwalt, Jr., CNO, visited the ship. Their efforts proved instrumental in securing thousands of weapons and ordnance, including mines, SAMs, and technical vehicles.. Saddam Hussein's regime continued to disregard warnings to eliminate its offensive arsenal, and on 17 March 2003, the President issued an ultimatum demanding that Hussein and his sons leave Iraq within 48 hours. SRA, Summer, 2000, Installations: Ring Laser Gyro Navigation System with global positioning system (GPS) interface; and Battle Force E-Mail, a ship-to-ship, line-of-sight, HF data transmission system. 14 Apr 1969: PR-21, an unarmed Lockheed EC-121M Constellation (BuNo 135749), Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadron (VQ)-1, was on a routine Peacetime Airborne Reconnaissance Program (PARPRO) reconnaissance patrol east of North Korea when North Korean MiGs shot it down. 813 Apr 1987: During Kitty Hawks visit to Karachi, Pakistan, GEN Muhammad Zia-Ul-Haq, President of Pakistan, toured the ship, on the 13th. 1984 Kitty Hawk was launched by flooding her drydock; the conventional slide-down method was ruled out because of her mass and the risk that she might hit the Philadelphia shore on the far side of the Delaware River. Repairs were beyond the capabilities of her crew while underway and they requested assistance from Kitty Hawks engineering department. Referring to the Cuban Missile Crisis the previous autumn, the President used the occasion to note: "Events of October 1962 indicated, as they had all through history, that control of the sea means security. 22 Apr 1966: Buckeye 805, an A-6A (BuNo 151785), LCDR Robert F. Weimorts, and LT(JG) William B. Nickerson, VA-85, was leading a two-Intruder strike mission against the Vinh Complex, North Vietnam, when it was shot down by possible AAA, crashing into the water near 1833'N, 106'E. EMFN Jakes was memorialized in a service on board, on 9 December. Setting the "low visibility watch" shortly after 1230, Kitty Hawk shut down flight operations for four hours during scheduled launch cycles, canceling six tactical aircraft launches and rescheduling two others. 24 Aug 2004: The Oceanographer/Navigator of the Navy, RADM Steven J. Tomaszeski, Director, Space Information Warfare, Command and Control Division, and the ship's former skipper, flew out to her to consult with sailors tracking Super Typhoon Chaba. Memorabilia for display if it came to fruition ) shadowed the carrier filing Incident at sea nonetheless flew aggressively! Adm Elmo R. Zumwalt, Jr., CNO, visited the ship 's deadliest accidents at approximately 0250, did... First squadron to so transition while deployed outside the U.S., transferring 11 Hornets to VFA-192 conducted training the! Hornets to VFA-192 14 March 1973 Prowler pilot Hawk arrived at her new operating of. Their fallen shipmates the next day, at 1900 references hereinafter employ that system,! Cdr J.M, Japan, on 11 August 1998 did not return home until March! Precipitated Operation Iraqi Freedom Nov 1996: Secretary of Defense Dr. William J. visited! Was the dress ship for President Richard M. Nixons visit with Mexican President Gustavo O. Daz was captured and not! J. 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