The dog weighs 66 lbs. I thought when do I get a sweet little puppy? I have a reactive German Shepherd female who just turned 3. If not this is something that you should consider and at least discuss with your vet as it can make a big difference to a dog's behaviour and calms them down considerably. They are protection dogs not companion animals. I hired a dog trainer that could help me understand her and give us the best tools to help her succeed. She is so excited to meet people she bowls them over. I am having to keep them separated. He's 12 lbs. They met when Eli was a puppy before the aggression kicked in. Our Aussie was socialized very young. My husband wished we never got her and she is the love of our life inside the house. We had the trainer come again right after this started to happen and he was even vicious towards him, who hes meet several times. I love him to death though. Probably rare but still it can happen. This breed is very very very challenging, exhaust all of your options, be positive with the breed they respond to enthusiasm and redirection much better than negative reprimand, that being said sometimes force is needed. He used to be socialized when he was young playing and rounding up all the kids. I have an almost 2-year-old Australian Shepherd. I am so happy she is out of the anxiety and can be by our sides with a smile on her face! He will grow out of this. This is just a phase. Somehow, I convinced myself things that I knew to be untrue were true - I know that dogs rarely grow out of, and almost always grow into, behavior problems. The Aussie coat is thick and rugged, and comes in a few different colors or patterns. But to own a dog like that and perhaps taking it out for a walk or it getting loose, it could attack another animal or person. It works by inhibiting reuptake of the neurotransmitter serotonin. This sweet sweet little dog was found in S Korean meat market, saved there and shipped to the US. I recommend AS International. Please get that dog out of your house before it kills one of your others. Research, commence. Recently, one of these clients returned and told me that her dog had been diagnosed with generalized anxiety gisorder. The Australian Shepherd is a breed of herding dog from the United States.The name of the breed is technically a misnomer, as it was developed in California in the 19th century, although it has its origins in Asturias, in the northwest of Spain; the breed was unknown in Australia at the time. He learned so fast and could sit still for anyone, even chickens walking right in front of him, never jumped on any kids, never barked at my neighbors or strangers, and passed the AKC Canine Good Citizen test with flying colors. I honestly dont think that dog should be placed any place. Dont let them suffer if there is an alternative! My boy is still just as fearful as the day I rescued him. but i can't let her kill one of my other dogs and now i'm at the end of my rope. i talked to a lot of experts and they all said, no guarantees she could be rehabilitated. PLEASE contact the breeder you got her from. She is a wonderful dog and very smart. I have had hercat 3 different trainers & she is still reactive towards other dogs. Hes a beautiful deaf boy with a tremendous amount of anxiety. My new Aussie is 11 weeks right now and he bites me continuously. Thats a personal decision between you, your family, and your vet. We are just avoiding those situations to keep from ingraining the habit of aggression. He nipped a lot. They are prone to MDR1 related drug sensitivity and may not take certain forms of medication. We had a puppy with similar issues and more. Some nights hes fine and doesnt have a problem with people coming into my room at night, and other nights hes growling and snarling at them. Is it herding behavior? look up CARE dog training. I have a 3-year-old going on 4 yrs. If I am silent or have headphones when I go for a walk he won't be in stride with me to much distraction. I knew she would be more of a challenge than most other dogs. You must truly make a sacrifice of your time and pleasures for the things you love, and stick to your commitments. i had a red tri for twelve years. Thinking of the Prozac route. I have a friend who is a Farrier [a person who trims horses hooves] He puts lavender essential oil on his hands. I didnt know this dogs back round and I know about alpha dogs, I have had dogs all of my life. Everyone in my extended family wanted her put down. This is similar to the issues we have with my corgi. Every time. The methods I use are sound - I have friends who train service dogs and who have used much the same protocol with great success. Is a shock collar the right thing? Fluoxetine is for short-term use until a condition is manageable without it. I also read about the traits of hearding and "nipping." As I watched all Zak George's you tube videos I think you need to anticipate the reaction before it happens and catch her attention and reward it. He has one dog friend he loves and is protective of. A big key factor is lots and lots of exercise. Did your dog improve with Prozac? She would get the smaller dog put her mouth around the dogs head and shake it. The drug has several uses for treating conditions in dogs such as behavioral problems, separation anxiety, fear, and aggression.. Always exceptions to the rule with situational behavior. But every once and a while he dislikes a dog at the park and end up in a scuffle which has caused us to have to leave a few times. Hi there. To where I have gotten bit 2x, and can't break them up. I have attributed a lot of this to her just being an intense dog. But when he is locked in I feel like im trying to get the attention of a 45 pound 2 yr old who is throwing a very dangerous tantrum. Your email address will not be published. We also have a ACD and she has been doing the same training. At about 6 months, he began charging at the gate when my kids went up the stairs. lol. we have an aussie, currently 9. its been mostly a terrible experience. This drug also helps to regulate mood swings in dogs. He went from being a hyper, normal puppy, 7 mos at the time, in May. Something in my brain clicked - that sounds like Cuba! It usually starts with a smaller more feisty dog showing signs of being top dog and then she turns on smaller timid dogs and attacks them. April 15, 2023 at 7:00 a.m. EDT. In Greece, we live in a medieval era about medicines that correct behavior. He's an amazing dog. I've used a muzzle to help with growling and barking around people. Aussiedoodle live for up to 11 or 12 years. Good luck. He had "nipped" at the previous owners 5 yr old child, who had cornered the dog. It's been a nightmare for me. A while back, I came out of the training closet. It comes in the form of tablets, capsules, or liquid which can be given with or without food. We also have issues with. She is very trained and hasnt ever done this before. Finally she let go. In fact, he'll look at me now expecting a treat when a stranger is approaching and doesn't much pay attention to them at all. We had a very difficult time with him a couple of weeks after we got him. Here are some of the conditions in dogs that veterinarians may treat with fluoxetine: Dosage of fluoxetine for dogs will vary based on the condition that needs treatment, the size of the dog, and the dogs response to the drug. We slowly weaned our dog off the Prozac and he was loving and sweet for the rest of his life. Shes been on intermittent Trazadone when there is thunder, fireworks, but she needs more help. Since their introduction in the 1800s, the active, playful, and unfailingly loyal Aussie has become one of the country's most popular dog breeds. As a person who has received treatment for mental illness, I know this is not true. In fact, these dogs are the happiest when they are physically stimulated with various dog tasks. I have always used snapping my fingers, or a short whistle with my mouth when I trained him. I have a 7 month Aussie male. Hi, I was on here looking for answers for the same thing and have had mine from 6 weeks and also have another Aussie, the only difference is the aggressive one is a mini, and, same thing, I can't even try to redirect him because he is so in his own mind at the time and yes even people that are far off as long as he can see him and when we pass them on walks he keeps looking back at if he is making sure they don't come at him from behind, he gets very stressed out and I just don't understand. and a "terror" to our neighborhood and their small dogs. I have a reactive dog I have raised since puppyhood. He and his sister were in a kennel for 18 hours flying. I have stressed obedience and pack mentality since we brought ours home. I just wanted you to know that someone is in your corner and hopefully you can get this issue resolved with some good advice here and a great trainer. Judging by all the other comments on here about aggressive Aussies it would seem to be all too common of a problem. The immersion training seems extreme for this sweet dog as hes already been in very rough real experiences as a meat market product. You most likely have to look within yourself. Those are getting less, so room for hope. She is well exercised so that is not the issue! I would also suggest a full checkup on your pup to rule out any physical issues. the other dog (a husky mix who is a little smaller than him) was shaking in the corner of the yard scared. I have a 30# Frenchie who after a move into our new home would NOT tolerate our older Olde English Bulldog. Which one we have not started any of these yet. Come winter, after the noise of rain, thunder, fireworks is done she goes back to pretty normal. Even "Ceasar Milan" stresses this. I have 4 children, and she would literally herd them when they were outside playing. He eats everything he can find (dirt, leaves, plastic, rocks, board, wood, cardboard, etc.) I took an Australian Shepherd and Mountain Cur mix off my neighbor. We have the same problem with my dog but recently we got this canned air called. Because I thought I did an excellent job socializing Cuba, I turned to excuses as his reactivity worsened in adolescence. Labs, believe it or not, love putting their mouths on stuff - it is what they were bred to do. I got in the middle of one of the fights and got bitten. I took full responsibility for letting the biting get out of hand and I sat my kids down to make sure that this was everyones responsibility. Id originally thought the problem was that I was working two jobs and gone a lot of the day, despite the activity she was getting. Incredibly affectionate and sweet towards our family. Five months ago my husband and I were so excited to bring our 8 week, male minture Aussie home. This is obviously problematic because he will only be relaxed if he is not at home (yard or house) And we dont have somewhere else for him to just live! I'm very sorry about this behavior you are experiencing with your Aussie. We are at wits end with this little guy. We were recently around my mom's dad who she has seen before. I am going to the vet in an hour to discuss a prescription for prozac for my 1 year old Border Collie,Nikko. Simply click here to return to Australian Shepherd Q & A. You have most likely and still do give your dog signals that it is in charge each day. Did your Aussie recently have vaccinations or flea, tick or heart worm prevention medicines. He has been adopted out 3 x and always gets returned because of this. Has anyone tried Prozac and seen ZERO changes? But inside, as he meet our small family he loves us all. I think that if he responds to medication after 1-2 months he will be able to go to a good trainer for behavior improvement. Have you considered a shock collar? Vetsusually prescribe it with a behavior modification program until the condition is under control. He got aggresive the 1st time just passed 2 months old. IE: walk away,look at me,go to her safe spot'(kennel). There's way more to it, but hopefully this gives you a starting point. It is a vicious dog! Hes improved, but we still cant put a collar on him. Was she like this with them? So I know what your going through, I hope yours gets better. Dog/people! I chose the best breeders I can find, and his littermates are behaviorally normal. Are you nervous and uptight? Mine is on his 5th day. She is beautiful and 1-year-old. My female Aussie is 9 and has many of the same issues (but I don't think as severe) as your pup. Our dog went into a rage, bit my husbands hand and shook it and wouldnt let go. we took our aussi's to the groomers yesterday with explicit instructions on what to do. My house was secure with him home. But basically we still have a cute young dog that only allows one person in the family to pet her and only slightly wags her tail. The change started within three or four days. Vets should understand canine behavior and also which drugs are appropriate for specific behavior problems. Over the past six months he has become a demon dog. The one with the orange tennis balls. Herding. I am no expert, my AS is the 1st i have had except for a rescue. We hope and pray this drug can help our little fella calm his anxiety enough to learn hes safe now. SHE JUST DON'T CARE. We are not sure if he is neutered or not because our vet could not determine it. We had a smooth fox terrier on Prozac and one day as my husband reached for his bowl, he growled and my husband said, Thats weird, and continued to reach. I have spent hour upon hour training her and exercising her. He would literally attack the ocean, a lake, a pool, the outside side edges of a kiddie pool etc. That is a dangerous dog , I would seek professional trainers help asap - they may be able to set you up with a dog behaviorist also to assess things. On average, males weigh between 50 and 65 pounds . We got our female Aussie 2 weeks before our male. The first thing you need to do is rule out a physical problem. Cod postal pentru Strada Garlesti din Craiova. Too often I hear tragic reports of Aussies whose owners have unknowingly given medications thinking they were helping their dogs deal with things like fleas, ticks, or heart worms . Its been a rough 2+ years. I felt that might be a bit much. Im seeing some very slight changes in her behavior but shes definitely having stomach issues and lack of appetite. Keep at it! They're built rather low to the ground-remember, they were bred to run around herds of sheep!-and have high-set, forward-flopping ears. One had to have its eye removed and the other had its cornea scratched. And definitely get tat breeder to give your money back and taken that dog back. But she has suddenly become viciously aggressive toward my 12-year-old Toy Poodle. I brought a Dalmatian into my house that was abused. I got him at 6 weeks and brought him home. It took about 8 months to accept human touch, still he seems to have ptsd moments when he clicks out and just trembles. I recently Ive been working with a foster dog and using some of the techniques I used with humans also with her as she had a reactive personality and some bite history. I still have some challenges, but he is 6 months. She absolutely has a hard time relaxing, cars driving down the street bother her, dogs walking past bother her. If your Aussie is biting then you need to correct it NOW. They are tough dogs & have a high pain tolerance. I have owned three Australian Shepherds. I have to choose their vaccinations first. Take Sammy, an 18-month-old purebred Lab who was crated for nine hours a day when her busy owners were at work. Let's further examine each main color category and their beautiful variations. My 14 lb. We found out she has kidney and elbow displaysia and will probably not live long, so rehoming her to bigger pastures is not an option as it would not be right to pass vet bills and problems on to another owner. Thanks. The crate should not be a punishment but a place for him to get himself back under control and lay down. Now he is a different dog. So, for example, a 30-pound dog would probably get somewhere between15 and 27 mg per day. Each lived to a ripe old age without these issues. Very much appreciated. Wayne Kolweier places a heart on a cross for a vigil Wednesday in Louisville, after a gunman's deadly attack Monday at Old National Bank. Before I address how I treated Cuba, lets discuss medications. If he is people, other than family, aggressive, that is one thing. At first he was loving and playful with our other three dogs. it takes time and patience do not use aversive collars they will make her worse!! Your dog may be experiencing pain more than anxiety, just something to think about. My parents and I dont know what to do, our vet says the only thing we can do is put him to sleep, but Im having a hard time with that option. She refused to walk past him. The first time my Aussie nipped was the last time they nipped. Anytime a dog grabs another around the neck and shakes it is a dangerous dog. monitoring_string = "c1299fe10ba49eb54f197dd4f735fcdc", given in a dosage of 0.5 to 0.9 mg per pound. This is an athletic dog of medium size and bone; The Australian Shepherd is lithe, agile, and slightly longer than it is tall. I am also on Zoloft. Background: Edema represents one of the earliest negative markers of survival and consecutive neurological deficit following stroke. She eats well, plays and has interest in what is going on around her (not doped). The muzzle is the only thing that works and keeping him away from other dogs. Any suggestions? I've had him neutered. I had some success with a trainer that rescued shelter dogs with aggression issues. He went after a ball and she grabbed him and threw him around until we got her off of him. It appears to be happening more often. These dogs need to live in the country with room to run and herd they are not city dogs even through they are small. I got my Aussie at 12 weeks old; and he was potty trained in less than 3 days - never pooped in the house and pee'd just once - no accidents after that. My Aussie, Teddy, is super sweet to the family but if he didnt know you as a pup he will bite your face off. and they are herding dogs whose sole purpose is to protect the herd. I adopted a rescue pup 2 months ago. It was explained to me on a few occasions that the dog eats last. Fluoxetine is an antidepressant and anti-anxiety drug for dogs that is often referred to by the brand names Reconcileor Prozac the human form of the drug. My Aussie is about 2 years old and has recently become very protective of me and my mom. That dog is aggressive and could attack a child. She broke the jaw of one and developed seizures and had to be put to sleep. Can this actually happen that two lifelong friends could suddenly lose all perception of each other by the transformation that happened with the unrequested shaving? After 7 years with much success for training my very reactive border collie I am still having trouble in regards to separation anxiety & visitor reactivity. At night they were busy raising the human children in the family, so Sammy was lucky to get a 20-minute walk a few times a week. She has never been aggressive toward me or my hubby. Neither of them would take their after walk treats which my Robbie would normally nag my husband for. If not, get one. I do this over and over and over again. From what we know about him he is about a year old give or take a few months, he was an owner surrender and we are his third owners. My dog "Tiddlywinks" runs so fast to go get it. She doesn't care that the neighbor is out, she doesn't care about people walking by. I was going by this point we would see more changes although I know its not a magic pill. Wash, look for ticks , trim the feathers in the rear and regular grooming. i feel like rehoming her would traumatize her after this long of being with me but i don't know what else i could do besides, god forbid, putting her down. I would like opinions. So, we never know when she's strike. We bought his and hers Bose headphone just to try to survive in our house. I could walk up to him to tell him commands and he would "air bite" toward me and run away. i gave her back to the owner, who had a family with no other dogs. We did. I also realized im the only one that he really wants to be with, he never takes to others, vacations are tough, and im sure if i had a baby, jealousy would kick in. He is leash reactive but is fine meeting dogs in a large dog park. These Puppies nip all the time. Well watch for antisocial behavior and if he growls, well heed that and play it by ear but no reaching for food dishes if he starts growling, and thatll be the sign for weaning off. Dogs, i have had dogs all of my other dogs and now i 'm very sorry about behavior! Physical issues is 6 months weeks after we got him at me, go to a of... New Aussie is 9 and has many of the neurotransmitter serotonin Aussie have! 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