Furthermore, it is noted that toxicity does arise from several minerals if they are given in quantities beyond recommended maximum amounts and some dogs have shown sensitivities to yeasts. Rockhounding Around The WorldScience QuestionsLearn About Different Kinds of Rocks, About UsPrivacy PolicyTerms Of UseArchives. If you have pets around your house, you need to be extra careful and yes I am telling you this with experience. Selenium (Se) is one of the necessary micro-minerals that cats require. Again, the emphasis here is a high level of selenium. You cannot clean selenite it as you might quartz. Selenite is a calm stone that instills deep peace and is excellent for meditation or spiritual work. And since they tend not to bathe with their selenite again, theres not much to report as to the long terms impacts of repeated bathing with their selenite. Is there a decrease in appetite or an increase? Selenite is a soft mineral, so its important that you dont soak your selenite lamp in water or it will slowly dissolve. Restoring the chemical balance is not done easily, since serotonin cannot be given as a shot or in pill form. We just found out. This is another first. Is Selenite Toxic? Use Code USA25! SAD in felines, as in people, is influenced by the amount of sunlight that your cat is exposed to. I believe these symptoms are the result of sodium selenite in the foods I used to feed them. The American Association of Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) has determined an adult maintenance dog food can have a maximum of 0.57 milligrams per day (based on recommended daily calorie intake, not body weight); AAFCO has no maximum level of selenium established for cat food within their pet food regulations. Thats when I took her to a vet who ran some tests and what he told me was quite frightening for me. The reason is because studies on this mineral preparation in cats found that cats actually were able to closely regulate their selenium balance. You need to guard it against falling to keep it from denting, cracking, or breaking apart. Another important nutrient is selenium. https://himalayansaltusa.com/non-salt.html, Understanding about Selenite healing properties, Health and Disease from a Biophysical Point of View, The Role of Natural Salt in the Body- Balancing Body Fluids, Himalayan Salt Lamps and their Magic Power, Sea salt and baking soda, best all natural remedy for curing radiation exposure and cancer, The amazing health benefits of Himalayan Pink Salt, Pamper Your Hands- Hand soak for soft, smooth hands, Tips for Cooking With Himalayan Gourmet Salt. We recommend that if you are interested in exploring the metaphysical side of minerals, that you start small and slow, and see how you feel as you acquire pieces. I mostly write about healthy lifestyle and everything natural. Each lamp is unique. Many people are simply going for cat food without sodium selenite without concrete reasons why they are the ideal ones. A literally chill pup is a figuratively chill pup. You Still Dont Own a Himalayan Salt Lamp!?! But, sadly, the FDA has not yet approved the use of selenium yeast for use in cat food only dog food has FDA approval.) But for the beginner, there is danger is using these natural materials without understanding their properties. Susan Thixton This can cause salt toxicity in your cat, which can sometimes be fatal. Petsumer Report tells the rest of the story on over 2500 cat foods, dog foods, and pet treats. This is true in general for the powdered form of almost all stones/materials/crystals/gems. Sodium selenite is classified as a hazardous substance, which you should not breathe in or ingest. Although death due to salt licking is very rare, it is wise to keep a close check at things and alleviate the chances of any such possibility. It is powerful for activating dormant abilities from past lives. ago reflec69 2 mo. Diana is a senior editor who writes about sex and relationships, modern dating trends, and health and wellness. If you try to scratch the clear stone with your fingernail and nothing happens, you probably have clear quartz. And we just got back him labs and he is experiencing toxicity!! By-product ingredients by definition include numerous internal organs internal organs are one of the food sources of selenium. A second study shows that cats can maintain more than 10 times the amount of selenium that humans or rats can maintain without any clinical signs of poisoning. Selenite is always safe! These endorphins are what make him feel good. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Human Grade & Feed Grade If you decide that its safe for your cat to consume food that contains sodium selenite and your vet agrees, heres a list of brands you might want to consider. The predominant form used in petfood is sodium selenite, which has been used for decades without much issue. These translucent crystals arent just a beautiful statement piece - they can also help to clear negative energy, improve mental clarity and recharge the other crystals in your kit. AAFCO and the FDA approve a selenium supplement to animal diets, most commonly in the form of sodium selenite for pet foods. Selenite vs Moonstone: Whats the Difference. They attract and trap water molecules along with impurities from the air. Selenite constantly recharges itself, so you never have to worry about cleansing it or recharging it--ever! Smith took it as a symptom of the common cold and didnt pay much attention. After running some tests, the vets determined that she had "severe salt poisoning" caused by licking a salt lamp that stood in the lounge of Smith's home. Rockhounding Around The WorldScience QuestionsLearn About Different Kinds of Rocks, About UsPrivacy PolicyTerms Of UseArchives, Beginners Guide to Physically Cleaning Selenite, Does Selenite Dissolve In Water? This is attributed to their high efficiency in its excretion through their urine and since cats only store a very small amount of this mineral in their liver. Heat lamps are often used to provide warmth for outdoor cats or kenneled dogs, but they can also be used indoors. Salt is another common material used in crystals practice, and block of it can sometimes look like quartz or selenite (think salt lamps). There are several great reasons to consider introducing a selenite lamp into your home! These salt lamps are addictive to animals, and if they get a taste it becomes just like potato chips are to us! Crystals practitioners understand selenite and clear quartz to have some pretty distinct similarities. This means that most materials out there can scratch selenite. It would be wise to keep a selenite lamp in the area where you usually sit for meditation, or in any room used for energetic healing. Himalayan salt lamps are not only chic dcor pieces; they work as air ionizers and purifiers. Sodium selenite is inorganic and is harmful in extended usage or large doses. By only basing Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) to conclude something is toxic alone is not realistic. Click Here to subscribe, Become a Fan of Truth about Pet Food, Dinner PAWsible, Buyer Beware on Facebook, Find Healthy Pet Foods in Your Area Click Here. A Himalayan Salt Lamp attracts moisture unlike the lamp of selenite. AAFCO 0.57 maximum per day for all size dogs; no maximum established for cats. Why are Himalayan salt lamps becoming so popular? HPS and Selenite lamp is important and unique in their own ways. But the amount of moisture a solid block of salt of that size can draw out of the air is not significant. If you observe a salt lamp physically, it is a harmless decorative piece just like all the other ornaments at your place. Some experts and cat owners argue that it does more harm than good, while others say that its a necessary addition to cat food. They also neutralize the environment by releasing negative ions that help in balancing the positive ions. Save all pet food do not return it for a refund. No studies have been conducted on its safety on feline to verify this observation. In general, selenite is one of safer crystals to have around and handle. Alternate Names & Spellings: Maria Glass, Satin Spar, Desert Rose, Sericolite (Italian) Hardness (Mohs): 2 Your email address will not be published. Selenium. It is an excellent crystal for breastfeeding and nurturing a child. This can often be due to an accumulation of negative energy or emotions. I would say yes!!! When exercise decreases, your felines produce fewer endorphins. Whats sodium selenite anyway and is it better than selenium yeast? Or at the very least, your clear stone isnt selenite. It brings about a conscious understanding of what has been occurring at the subconscious level. The most common form of delivering the required selenium in pet food is the supplement ingredient sodium selenite. Heres a list of cat food brands that dont contain sodium selenite, in case you decide you want to exclude it from your pets diet plan. scissorsgrinder 2 mo. Gypsum, Natural Selenite, Color Changing Lamp Decor, Cordless Lamp, Reiki, Chakra. Is it safe for toxic? As a cat owner, you may be wondering if heat lamps are safe for your feline friend. Required fields are marked *. Should you test a pet food for selenium content and the pet food tests high, report your findings to the FDA and your State Department of Agriculture. Bestlifeonline.com is part of the Dotdash Meredith Publishing Family. You can shop our full range of selenite lamps, crystals and selenite wands online right here! More recent research also indicates that too much selenium may contribute to the onset of diabetes.. Later in the day, Rosys condition worsened. they wrote. More research needs to be done specifically on the effect on Na2SeO3 on cats before discrediting any foods that do not contain it. Later in the day, Rosys condition worsened. The Rose Avenue Vet Hospital in Coffs Harbour, Australia, recently shared a post written by cat owner Maddie Smith of New Zealand that shows how dire the consequences of keeping a salt lamp within your pet's reach can be. Selenite, on the other hand, is a pretty soft material. (53) $169.99. Let Catster answer all of your most baffling feline questions! There, I am Betty! All Rights Reserved. (Selenium yeast can be a safer form of to deliver the required selenium to a pet diet; according to one study Sodium Selenite is "2.94 times more toxic than Selenium Yeast" . These miracle lamps are known to have a lot of positive effects. However, always make sure to read the list of ingredients to make sure youre making the right shopping decision and not buying food with other harmful ingredients. Have you ever walked into a space and instantly felt stressed, tense or on edge? These include: Need more support for your felines thyroid function? Required fields are marked *. In the article that follows, we'll explain. This is a light therapy box that emits bright-white light therapy. ago Yea They're known to boost your mood, improve your sleep, relieve your allergies, increase your energy levels, and now, you can add "seriously harm your pets" to the list. A place with cats around it is not an ideal fit for salt lamps because: Now, if your cat is a curious being, it is bound to jump at places where the salt lamp has been placed. xhr.open('POST', 'https://www.google-analytics.com/collect', true); Chelators are typically proteins, amino acids (like methionine), or peptides (short chains of amino acids). Selenium is a basic mineral that your feline must have present in his or her diet. Feeding too many treats to your pets can dilute from their nutrient intake and cause health issues in the long run. While Himalayan salt lamps may be beneficial to humans, that may not be the case of cats. Shedding. Now I buy cat foods that have no selenium (since selenium-yeast is not allowed in cat food), and then mix powdered selenomethionine supplement into the food before serving it; or I make my own cat food and include selenomethionine. This means that only materials of equal or greater hardness can scratch it. This may be an indicator of overall improvement in renal function, and Pronefra may have support applications for cats suffering from renal disorders. Just make sure your selenite lamp is placed on a flat, even surface, out of reach of pets and young children. These were experienced first hand by Smith Jones, from Australia. Everyone is raving about these. While its toxic in large quantities, sodium selenite is normal to find in dietary supplements and pet food. The short answer is yes, heat lamps can be used safely for cats as long as you take some precautions. Pet Food is regulated by federal and state authorities. "The neurological signs seen in salt poisoning cases occur due to swelling in the brain that results from disruption in the body's electrolyte levels. on Given the inevitability of rain, snow, and cold. Generally speaking, these are the nutrients you cant forgo when shopping for food for your cat. Perhaps the strain on sodium selenite on vital organs, increasing possible disease affecting blood, muscles and liver that Pet Prince notes is based on the need to convert it to selenide. The levels and amounts of these nutrients will differ from one brand of food to another, so be sure to consult your vet to determine whats best. Hey there! To remove dust, simply use a fine cloth or brush to gently buff the surface of the crystal. To opt out, click unsubscribe in our emails. It is a calm stone that instills deep peace and is excellent for meditation or spiritual work. Should you test your pet for selenosis and they test positive, PLEASE report these test results to the FDA and your State Department of Agriculture. Source: Natalia Bernachon et al., 2014. Selenite has 1 of the highest vibrations of all minerals. All animals were fed the control diet 1 mo before the start of the study and blood samples were taken on d 0 and 21. Retailers: info@himalayansaltusa.com Is sodium selenite safe for our pets? In cleaning/cleansing your selenite crystals, avoid placing the stone in any sort of water bath. But this does not mean that it is 100% safe and never toxic. What is your guess as to how many pet food manufacturers do this? It couldnt eat or drink as it had lost control over its tongue. While responding to a question on Justanswer.com, Dr. B., a cat veterinarian notes that whereas there might be concerns, the amount added to cat food is little and these pets are able to effectively regulate Se. Some people feel a lot, while others feel nothing. The answer to this simple question can be yes and no. Click Here. What is cheated? If you decide that it's safe for your cat to consume food that contains sodium selenite and your vet agrees, here's a list of brands you might want to consider. "Your cat may be just fine, but too much salt can cause seizures or even kill your cat.". Too much salt can be harmful to humans and animals. Mentally, it clears confusion and aids in seeing the deeper picture. Most pet food manufacturers provided the needed selenium yeast to a pet diet by use of sodium selenite. Parents sometimes fall into a trap of overfeeding during the winter months, or accustoming themselves to their cats lack of enthusiasm. These lamps are known to be hygroscopic. Click Here to learn more about the failures of the U.S. pet food regulatory system. Gypsum in its various forms in used in food, but there doesnt seem to be any significant benefit to drinking it dissolved in water. Light passes through it easily, creating a warming glow. If the pet food you trust uses the supplement sodium selenite, ask the manufacturer to consider using selenium yeast instead. The second take from this guide is that all evidence leads to multiple roads and that studies are mostly inconclusive. TruthaboutPetFood.com Fish, meat, poultry, whole grains, and dairy products are typical sources of this nutrient in the human diet. What if they were depressed? While cost is an important consideration in making any pet food, safety is not necessarily a factor of cost. Selenite is a variety of gypsum, composed of calcium sulfate. 2023 Galvanized Media. Some pet food manufacturers utilize ingredients that naturally provide the needed selenium such as organ meats, seafood, and plants. As well, selenium content in various foods can vary greatly depending on the soil the food was grown in (grains, vegetables) and depending on the selenium content of the feed the livestock animal (cattle, poultry) was fed. It couldnt hear, see or walk properly. Get tips and exclusive deals. Quartz is not water soluble, though long term soaking can encourage fractures in the crystal or rusting. First, lets break down what things you should look for in your cat food that make it the best option. Too much of it can lead to: Did you know that the loss of your cats voice might be a symptom of hyperthyroidism? How would we know if our pets are suffering from selenium toxicity? Given that selenite does dissolve in water, we also recommend against putting the crystal into your drinking water. Please use care and common sense in the placement of these lamps as the cords can cause a tripping hazard. Crystal healing is a non-invasive, harmless modality that works on any living being. Because the natural form of selenium in organ-meats and other fresh foods is the chelated, not salt, form. These mines are located at the foothills of the Himalayan mountains situated in Punjab, a province of Pakistan. It needs to be emphasized that EPA recommendations for maximum intake of selenium are based on mg per kg of body weight (I converted kg of body weight to pounds above). FDA Admits Inactive Pets cannot get enough required nutrients From Pet Food, Organic, Humanely Raised, Fresh, Raw and Human Grade One Does not Guarantee the Other, The Pet Products Held To No Legal or Safety Standards, EPA Accepting Public Comments Requesting To Cancel Approval of Seresto Collar, How to Report Problems with Flea and Tick Products. When it comes to your fur baby, it's always better to be safe than sorry! ago Technically yes, but not really. Is there a way to reverse the effects of Se toxicity in a puppy? If your selenite lamp gets dirty or scratched, you can use a damp cloth to clean it. Himalayan salt toxicity can cause serious consequences. "In severe cases, this can be fatal. The vet immediately treated her with an IV so that the excess level of salt in her blood can be put back to a normal level. That being said, we don't recommend it, as exposure to full sun can damage the exterior finish on the material, leaving it looking faded and dull. The raw pieces will sometimes shed use care to not get small fragments into any mucous membrane (eye's, nose & mouth) etc. Click Here. A writer and blogger. Also these Selenite lamps are for indoor use only. (Exclude wholesale, jumbo lamps and sale items). Vets have issued a warning to all cat owners about the dangers of Himalayan salt lamps - those trendy bits of pink rock people put candles and lightbulbs inside - for our feline pals. Pet Food Recall History (2007 to present) Some pet food manufacturers provide the needed selenium to a pet diet with the use of selenium yeast. By the way, selenite is one of those stones that are not at all water-safe. Selenite lends to reconciliation and energy to the body. Its often referred to as organic selenium and is used in supplements and different types of pet food.Its often the more favored form of selenium to be used in pet food due to its organic nature.While most might argue that selenium yeast is better for your feline, its also a fact that its harder to obtain. Due to wide variation in selenium content among ingredients used to make petfoods, most manufacturers will include a supplemental source in their trace mineral premix. Its also a source of selenium. Selenite Lamps are produced from a naturally clear or opaque form of gypsum crystal. Sign up for our Inspire Me Naturally newsletter here! Quartz is a stone that is much better suited for handling, going into your pockets, and holding up to the daily activities of an active life. Chinese imports? Sodium selenite is important for cats because it helps to prevent certain diseases, including cancer. However, this does not discuss anything on the safety selenite but only notes that it is less efficiently absorbed. These salt blocks can cause cats or other small animals injury if they get to licking it because they get too much sodium into their small bodies. But, sadly, the FDA has not yet approved the use of selenium yeast for use in cat food - only dog food has FDA approval.) If youve been struggling with indecisiveness, a selenite lamp could help to remove stagnant energy, clear your mind and boost your concentration. . One of the main reasons for needing to understand whether you have selenite vs clear quartz is it will help you understand how to care for your stone. If your selenite lamp gets dirty or scratched, you can use a damp cloth to clean it. On a spiritual level, a selenite lamp has the potential to prepare a space properly, so that deep meditative or energetic work can take place. PetsumerReport.com, Whats in Your Pets Food? In the end, whether stones work for someone (or how they work for someone) is really personal and individual. Im not sure I know brittle nails is a symptom of selenium toxicityseems like dry skin would also fit this. Selenium yeast is a source of organic food-form selenium. To remove dust, simply use a fine cloth or brush to gently buff the surface of the crystal. RaiseACat.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. And by the way, some of those same pet foods that add the potentially risky sodium selenite supplement also contain internal organs by use of by-product, by-product meals, and grains. Oregon State University Linus Pauling Institute Micronutrient Research for Optimum Health Information Center, Molecular, Clinical and Environmental Toxicology: Volume 2: Clinical Toxicology. It restores balance and can help you to gain considerable insight as to the root cause of a specific condition. A lesser-known way for using selenite to charge crystals is by putting up a selenite lamp. In this article, we'll teach you want you need to know about selenite and to avoid any toxic effects from the material. Telepathy is enhanced by each person holding a piece of pure-vibration crystal. We dont really recommend tumbling selenite, unless you plan to tumble it only with other selenite pieces, and include cushioning material to prevent dents and dings. Setting the EPA/AAFCO maximum and/or lack of maximum levels aside for a moment, here is some more to think about regarding selenium. While the salt lamps detoxify and create a sense of balance, did you know they can be very harmful to your cats? Now, cats do need salt intake in their daily diet as salt is essential for the proper functioning of the body, but the dose should not exceed 16.7 mg that has been recommended by the vets. You can greatly increase any other crystal or stone energy by pointing your Selenite lamps at the other stone, visualizing just how you want that stone to perform. if( navigator.sendBeacon ) { Is the Use of Sodium Selenite in Cat Food Safe? Please use care and common sense in the placement of these lamps as the cords can cause a tripping hazard. Even pure oxygen is toxic. Hey there! 3 Ways to Use Himalayan Salt For Better Sleep! Have a care when purchasing selenite, and confirm the chemical composition of what you are purchasing. If your pet required veterinary care, ask your veterinarian to report to FDA. An overview of the categories, styles, legal requirements and recall data of commercial pet food in the U.S. Click Here. Yes, selenite lamps are safe for cats. This is a critical difference. Selenite aligns the spinal column and promotes flexibility. Less lighting in the fall may cause a decrease in brain chemicals like serotonin. So, what should you look out for? . Less lighting in the fall may cause a decrease in brain chemicals like serotonin. Click Here to calculate carbohydrate percentage in your pets food. Selenium is a substance found in sodium selenite, which is a colorless solid similar to salt. 16" Extra Large Single Tower Selenite Crystal Lamp With Cord Clip LED Bulb & Black Walnut Base - Free Shipping (Exact Lamp) WhiteHeartCreation. Both are powerful cleansers but selenite also recharges and revitalizes you besides purifying the energy in and around the lamp. First Vets, the clinic that treated Ruby (who is, by the way, healing nicely), also shared the cat's cautionary tale as a warning to pet owners. It guards against epileptic seizures. Further, is selenium toxicity sickening our pets? 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Shopping for food for your feline friend thats when I took her to a pet diet by use of selenite.