Dr. D is very confident. It is a comfortable place to receive treatment. Get there early for monitoring hours. The whole process was very smooth. Our costs ended up being all diagnostic or pregnancy related, and therefore we had pretty good insurance coverage. He was communicative therefore I never had questions. The only thing I do think could have been better, I felt like a lot of the questions I asked were pretty standard and it would have been helpful to have the information up front. There's no doubt in my mind that we weren't just numbers. If the egg retrievals had been during a weekend when he was not working, another doctor would have done them. Monitoring was from 7 to 9 am. Dr. Kay diagnosed me with PCOS without having my test results based on the fact that my periods were "irregular" (which they really aren't). I have never had a billing issue. How was your experience with Kay Waud at Dominion Fertility? I don't know what I would have done without her compassion and dedication. Dr. Waud is very on top of recent research. I worked with Leslie Jackson and continue to feel disappointed and frustrated. Receptionists are kind and not rude, which is HUGE. My experience was pretty mediocre. We likely invested $25-30k for our cycles. He's progressive (first to offer PGS and PGD along with natural cycle IVF, which worked for us on our 2nd pregnancy). we used Natural Cycle IVF [with Dr. Kay Waud]- just my natural egg produced in a cycle without fertility medication priorShe spent so much more time discussing our test results [than previous doctor] and providing some new insights as to why we may be having trouble (particularly pertaining to some male infertility issues)did not perform any of the major procedures in our Natural Cycle IVF treatmentmy experience with her as a patient in consult and diagnostics was very positive. I love the nurses at Dominion. Feb. 27, 2023. I can only talk about the [Dominion Fertility] Arlington location since all my visits where there. WebDominion Fertility 61% strongly recommend 18 Reviews Rated 7.2 7.2 This clinic has 4 offices Visit clinic website Arlington Arlington Office 4040 North Fairfax Drive Arlington, My trigger shot was Lupron. I didn't particular feel like a number to Dr. Sarajari but I also didn't necessary feel super attended to or well informed. Dr. Sarajari recommended we use ICSI for fertilization, which resulted in 100% of our eggs being fertilized. The nursing staff seemed to have high turnover. I felt safe (in every sense of the word, emotionally, physically, etc.) In total we spent 16,500The Arlington office is the best! Breaking down every important topic relating to mental health & fertility. We first decided to see Dr. Di back in 2016 after years of unexplained infertility. Unforunately, science does not always match what happens in human existence, and I think Dr. Waud would agree that our case turned out to be more complicated than it appeared, resulting in a misdiagnosis which ultimately led us to change clinics. she also stuck to established protocols and didn't personalize treatment to my specific issues, and if I asked questions she kind of blew me off. He definitely exudes a command over these procedures, but does so in a very reassuring way. I have never had a billing issue. Get there early for monitoring hours. Before seeing Dr. D, I went to my regular OB-GYN and went through the tormenting process of timing intercourse, clomid cycles, countless exams, and I even did fertility-focused acupuncture. She was very nice, but for many years on the job, I would have expected better communication, understanding. I can't comment on eSET because after genetic testing (PGS/PGT) of my embryos, I was only left with one healthy embryo. It seemed like the most important was to sell us on the IVF Guarantee program which would end up costing us a lot more money. Dr. Gordon is very honest and is great at explain procedures and what to expect with each procedure. They are all pleasant in person and seem to run a tight ship. We only got 1 PGT-A normal embryo in the first cycle, so we did another one. Dr. Waud was really friendly, warm, and seemed truly empathetic when I experienced multiple setbacks with each retrieval or my transfer ending in a miscarriage. They are your cheerleaders all the way thru! The place seems well-run and we have never had to wait too long to be seen. The clinic does have fairly rigid rules about only doing frozen transfers and they almost mandate PGS testing. Dominion did not accept our insurance (Kaiser). Fact check or seek second opinions for the statistics for success she gives you at the initial consult. I'll still remember some of his advice and pass it on to friends who are in similar situations, but when we were struggling to decide whether we wanted to do IVF and then if we wanted to do natural or stimulated, he agreed that it was a hard decision, helping us understand pros and cons with all options. Baby Aspirin once a day to help the lining of my uterus, and then progesterone and estradiol once my embryo was fertilized prior to egg retrieval. It was very frustrating. Our insurance covered most costs, but we do pay for embryo storage, the injection teaching, visits after I was pregnant and couple other things. I fully trust Dr. D's medical expertise - that is why we stayed with him when we had to do a second cycle. This wasn't typical for them. Dr. Gordon always cared about me and answered every question I have with a lot of patience.Dr. Gordon seems to be a good professional and a very nice person. And, when asking questions, I found it very helpful to have them at hand for a productive conversation. Ratings of 10 mean it was easy to schedule appointments. I took Letrozole from days 5-9 of my cycle, then we would do u/s monitoring and then take Novarel to force ovulation. We were being forced to choose a "plan" without understanding what our options were. My doctor would only transfer one genetically tested embryo at a time, which I was comfortable with. I love the nurses at Dominion. Describe the costs associated with your care under John David Gordon at Dominion Fertility. This particular question is not applicable to us for this treatment, because we did a Natural Cycle IVF (there was only one egg produced by my body naturally for retrieval). Describe your experience with your nurse at Dominion Fertility. A major weakness is their financial department. They always greeted me with a smile and would greet me by my first name the moment I started my treatment. Dr. Waud is sensitive and friendly, but it's very hard to get to see her or talk to her. Describe your experience with your nurse at Dominion Fertility. He understands that we are seeking answers and options and he is clear about his expectations. We had a few bumps in the road with billing and some communications that weren't clear. At my initial consult, she really oversold how quick the IVF process would be for me given my age and unexplained diagnosis, which made it emotionally harder as we hit unexpected roadblocks and she didnt have any answers (or adjustments to our treatment) to help address it. She Injection were to stimulate multiple follicles to produce multiple eggs for retrieval. I can't say enough about the incredible nursing staff and coordinators at Dominion Fertility Arlington. I feel very well taken care of by all of the staff. Dr. Gordon always cared about me and answered every question I have with a lot of patience. I would recommend that you try to allow yourself to trust that he will give you the information that you need, but if you want more details (like the size of your ovarian follicles on each visit, for example), you should ask him questions. Just trust him. The office is nice, a large waiting room. First pregnancy that was a negative they actually forgot to call us that day. I emailed her my concerns one night at 11:45pm, and she called me back personally at 9:15am the next morning, waited patiently for me to conference in my husband, and helped us talk through our options. All of the nurses I have dealt with have been very competent and compassionate. I used to get nervous that I would miss their calls and then I would have to leave another message and wait for their call again. The business side of the clinic is disorganized; they didn't keep an accounting of the deposit they made me pay, so they tried to bill me for things even though they already had a huge deposit, and I had to fight with them and provide proof that I had put down a deposit. (Assigned nurse: Kerry Hartman). The clinic [Dominion Fertility] started early which was very convenient for my work scheduleHolli and the nursing staff took great care of us. When I called the nurse line for after hours care during miscarriage, the nurse on call was incredibly nonchalant, and I actually never heard from my primary nurse during that period of recovery which was disappointing. This made me feel respected and cared forexcellent after-hours communication with the on-call nurse, and excellent communication through the portal How was your experience with Michael DiMattina at Dominion Fertility? His greatest strength is his experience, knowledge, he's straight forward when interpreting the data, I needed that, I didn't want a doctor that didn't provide confidence. She told me to expect a high number of eggs retrieved, then when I responded poorly to stims in my first cycle she just kind of shrugged and repeated the exact same protocol for my second cycle. Dominion Voting Systems has sued Fox News and its parent company, Fox Corp., for $1.6 billion. Describe the protocols John David Gordon used in your cycles at Dominion Fertility and their degree of success. A long period of time passes, I hear nothing, I call my insurance to see if the bills were submitted for reprocessing. I never felt that he didn't take my concerns seriously or that he did not understand how difficult it is to start to try and conceive again after having a stillborn a year ago. The team of nurses are very skilled and nice. Strengths: the clinic is conveniently located, clean, and very nice. 3 PGT normal embryos. After the third or fourth cycle failed, however, the answer was always the same: come in for a chat. Dr. Waud thought there was a good independent explanation for each, but nonetheless order some other diagnostic testing. They also offer bilingual services for Spanish speakers, as well as military discounts for active duty members. If and when it does not work out, the solution is always to try again the next month. Anesthesia for the egg retrieval is an additional separate cost of $500, and then there is the cost of medications, which for us was around $300. The front desk staff, the nurses, and my coordinator made such a difference in my journey. I used to get nervous that I would miss their calls and then I would have to leave another message and wait for their call again. I have the capacity to ask questions myself but it would be nice to not have to elicit information all the time as it should be standard of care. Scheduling appointments has been easy and hassle-free. The clinic [Dominion] is well organized and everybody is very polite. Dr. Kay is extremely thorough in her consultations. This data represents the outcomes of IVF cycles when using a person's own eggs. One thing I most appreciated about her is she gave me her phone number, and I could text and speak with her directly and immediately about any concerns. Most monitoring appointments were fairly quick, and I was able to get to work on time afterwards. ", Dominion fertility is a "natural cycle" IVF clinic pioneer in the field. The nurses were fantastic. There is so much to take in during an ivf cycle but they all do a great job to help you not to feel overwhelmedThey [nurses] were all very caring and compassionate. I only met my nurse coordinator [at Dominion Fertility] one time in more than a year. When I finally talked with her on the phone, no apologyI felt more like a number when I came in for blood draws and monitoringEvery nurse was a little different. What specific things went wrong at Dominion Fertility? Dr. Waud did not have any of the test results when she made the diagnosis of PCOS and put me on metformin. The clinic itself is clean, updated, and modern. William T. Newman, Jr., Record No. The clinic itself is clean, updated, and modern. Dr. D is the best! It helped us make the most informed decision and made us feel empowered and confident that we were doing so. Everybody seems ready to help you and answer your questions. Transfer resulting in a baby. I finally go back to Leslie who claimed that her colleagued submitted the bills for reprocessing. Ask this reviewer a question about their experience with Kay Waud at Dominion Fertility. Overall, no one was terrible nor exceptional. (Assigned nurse: Holli Simon). I have found no weaknesses. I have no doubt that he is happy to answer them. Before even contacting Leslie, I called my insurance multiple times to first get a better understanding of what was going on and to see if insurance made a mistake. Every other doctor called that the "embryo. If I had just one issue, and it's a slight one, it would be that you can almost never reach a nurse directly in real time - you'll have to leave a voicemail at the nurses' desk, and they will return your call. Dr D only does FET because the outcomes are much better than the fresh embryo transfers, and we'll be doing PGS since my ovarian reserve is low. Ratings of 1 indicate an unsatisfactory billing department. Where you see a ? on the chart, a clinic has done fewer than 20 cycles in this category and age range, so the CDC says showing percentages from this small data set would be misleading and unreliable. Dr. Gordon comes out to greet you in the waiting room. I haven't had such a good experience with a doctor putting us at ease yet patiently answering all our questions in a long time. Ask her to go over all details of your case with a fine tooth comb, examining all contingencies, and not necessarily deciding that the simple answer is the best answer. 9. As he was monitoring my follicles for retrieval, he was able to assess almost instantly whether or not we were ready for the procedure. She told me she would request auths and send to me, by email, the financial costs. I loved all of them. I felt safe (in every sense of the word, emotionally, physically, etc.) After I was diagnosed with fertility issues, I met with Leslie Jackson requesting an overview of what my insurance would or would not cover before I could decide to start treatment. I saw Dr. Waud for every step - consultations, diagnostic testing, and, unfortunately, D&C and follow-up hysteroscopy procdures. Dr. Gordon was the right fit from the beginning. He was willing to try when no other doctor would. The offices and lobby are always neat and clean, and the waiting area is comfortable. They all really cared for us. Even after failed transfers it was hard to get her to return my calls. Dominion has alleged in its lawsuit that during the 2020 presidential election the right-wing talk channel recklessly disregarded the truth and pushed various pro That might seem like an exorbitant amount of money. I like the clinic a lot. His manner is brusque, and he said to me many times that he would have expected me to be pregnant by now as most of their patients are within two transfers. I also had to personally seek approvals from Kaiser to go straight to IVF when this was my doctor's recommendations due to my age and history. The staff at Dominion (Arlington) is amazing! Where do I begin? His approach is one of minimal drugs and truly adhering to nature only transferring the number of embryos naturally conceived without any drugs. Also my best friend got pregnant at Dominion Fertility. Murdochs remarks came as a part of Dominion Voting Systems $1.6 billion lawsuit against Fox News. He will try different approaches quickly if something is not working. Very personal care with Dr. Gordon, his staff and all of the nurses. Everybody seems ready to help you and answer your questions. The receptionists are very helpful and there are dedicated financial coordinators who are there to deal with all of the insurance and payment stuff. They also failed to send medical records when needed by other doctors. All great, sweet women. She always called me back by close of business day. I went through a half dozen natural cycle IVF procedures at this clinic. Describe your experience with your nurse at Dominion Fertility. They are very honest and forthcoming with any information about my history and future cycles. Appointments run on schedule. IVF - estrace, Gonal F, Menopur, Ganirelix, Lupron. Then when my egg was mature enough I was told to do a trigger shot (which speeds up the maturity). There is so much to take in during an ivf cycle but they all do a great job to help you not to feel overwhelmed. Dominion is suing Fox News and Fox Corporation for $1.6 billion for defamation lawsuit, while Fox is trying to have the lawsuit thrown out. For my personal schedule (I work afternoons and nights), it is a little challenging because I must be in there before 9 AM, but for most people working in jobs during the day, I imagine it's a very convenient process. 1 PGT normal embryo. Besides Dr. Gordon, this is the best part about Dominion. With so many people coming in and out, the time with the doctors can be very fast. If I wasn't sure about next steps or something I was able to quickly get a response via the portal or after leaving a voicemail with the nurses. It is a comfortable place to receive treatment. She told me to expect a high number of eggs retrieved, then when I responded poorly to stims in my first cycle she just kind of shrugged and repeated the exact same protocol for my second cycle. We experienced one loss and one hysteroscopy under her care, and her bedside manner at surgery was the mix of humane and confident that I want in those stressful situations. Even though we are dealing with the stressful topic of infertility after having a stillborn, Dr. Gordon's hopeful and optimistic attitude combined with his frankness when describing expectations and risks was very much appreciated. I interacted with multiple due to going between both Arlington and Bethesda clinic depending on where I was staying. Monitoring appointments happen in the mornings every day of the week, starting slightly later on the weekends. She was upset when I kept on asking why she thought I had PCOS. She was always very distracted when I called with questions, and seemed very disorganized. I imagine that would have been different if it was on a week day. He was encouraging and made me feel confident about the treatment plan (NC-IVF). Can you believe he remembered us! Dr. D led this revolution on the East Coast after studying in Europe for sometime. Ratings of 1 indicate an unsatisfactory nursing team. They would not offer us a guarantee package due to my low ovarian reserve even though I was only 34. 11 fertilized. All in all, our treatment cost us around $6850. She only wanted to sell us on the IVF Guarantee program, which wouldn't make sense for us with the outcome of our testing. Very detailed, informative, and compassionate. When we did get the information, it was a bunch of jargon that makes no sense to first time IVF patients and we couldn't get anyone to call us back to explain anything. Also my best friend got pregnant at Dominion Fertility. He told us many times that hed get me pregnant and when that didnt happen, he just kept repeating that most people do; he seemed more frustrated than compassionate and didnt have much to offer in terms of how we might do things differently. The receptionists are very helpful and there are dedicated financial coordinators who are there to deal with all of the insurance and payment stuff. They were always supportive, always positive, and even sprinkled me with fairy dustMy monitoring experience was goodThe clinics strengths are communication and individualized care. He will be very honest and not sell you a procedure or a statistic that won't work. Each morning was a ray of sunshine with the nurses even though you'd just seen them and were stressed in general about IVF, I choose Dr. D Matina because he was the longes running partner at the clinic and natural cycle IVF pioneer in the US. His greatest strength is his experience, knowledge, he's straight forward when interpreting the data, I needed that, I didn't want a doctor that didn't provide confidence. I had to call repeatedly to get her to call me and explain the next steps of treatment as it wasn't clear. I think she oversells. Some days there are very few women in the waiting room and other days it is packed with a line out the door. Ratings of 10 indicate that a clinic operated very well. It is very evident (and so very appreciated) that she cares about her patients. Only one ovary responded to the medications, but the egg retrieval was successful. The front desk staff will always greet you with kindness and a smile. We were always promptly seen. I always felt they were doing what was best for me and my husband. They were our primary point of contact with the clinic, were very responsive, and answered many of our questions. When I finally talked with her on the phone, no apology whatsoever, straight up business talk. Describe your experience with your nurse at Dominion Fertility. Describe your experience with your nurse at Dominion Fertility. For my first one, I was under heavy narcotics. My embryo transfer also went perfectly. Another strength of Dominion is that they have a very knowledgeable finance department. You can't really ask for anything more. Describe your experience with your monitoring appointments at Dominion Fertility. As a woman, I guess I assumed our fertility issues were caused by me; never considered male factor infertility. The facility (Arlington) was clean, welcoming, and modern. Dr. Dimattina's protocol is to only transfer one embryo at a time. She was also hopeful and optimistic when I was not. It was a few hundred dollars for our first few rounds of IUI. The Delaware judge overseeing Dominion > He believed my body did not want to get pregnant while having the drugs in my system so we waited a month and next cycle was a natural cycle frozen transfer which resulted in a baby. I love Dr. Gordon. She was extremely difficult to get a hold of outside of an office visit. I could be out of there within 35 min (even when the waiting room was full). I want to switch to another provider but feel stuck. They were our primary point of contact with the clinic, were very responsive, and answered many of our questions. 12-1191. They strongly recommended transferring 1 embryo during my second and third transfer. He's progressive (first to offer PGS and PGD along with natural cycle IVF, which worked for us on our 2nd pregnancy). How was your experience with Susan Sarajari at Dominion Fertility? she also stuck to established protocols and didn't personalize treatment to my specific issues, and if I asked questions she kind of blew me off. We were sad to have to go to a new doctor and wanted to stay with them for the whole pregnancy! This may not work for all patients. I was not getting pregnant after trying for 6 months. Then when my egg was mature enough I was told to do a trigger shot (which speeds up the maturity). Dr. Kay was very kind and friendly, and I didnt feel rushed. I know that this included some information she'd told us before, but she still took the time to rehash it for us. Arlington location - clean, nice relaxing environment, modern, organized. I had a missed miscarriage which showed itself in a monitoring ultrasound, and in retrospect I could not have been surrounded by nicer people. That cost did not include IVF meds ($5-9k), anesthesia for egg retrieval ($500), PGT-A testing ($150/embryo). Dr. D [DiMattina] was always upfront about the treatment. We also came to value his approach to trying again (or not) and was always willing to try (or at least discuss) some of my own ideas. 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