I dont watch any commercials if I had to I would not be able to have TV. We were sucked into to the BIG LIE of pay TV under the notion that well now pay for the TV service but commercials would be gone. Zimadude. In the US there are approximately eight or 8-1/2 minutes of commercials per half hour of broadcast television. Zero stories about how insurance companies increasingly refuse to cover things that might actually happen (black mold, hurricanes, etc.). Within a one hour show, there were 41 commercials Makes me glad I have a PVR so I can fast forward them. HLN will give tidbits of whats to come, and by the time the commercials are done, youve forgotten what you were waiting for. My very biggest gripe is what FEW channels I did have, ABC, CBS, NBC, and especially heartbreaking, as it was my favorite channel, TNT,. Even sports broadcasts have become painful to me Id rather follow the score in an app and catch the highlights later. I have two collector cars I tinker with. So 90 minute program equals to 70-75 minutes, and 2 hour program at 84-88 minutes. time slot to show 1.5/1.75 hour movie . Unless until the catch on and make the who show the same as the last 15 minutes 1 content time to 11 commercials content time. The Federal Communications Commission is the only God TV broadcasters and advertisers fear. 3- I would imagine buying a new TV will not be a priority for most people. .. .. .. With a new one featured every hour! WebWe would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. Dear sirs, I m assuming by your beautifully scripted reply that I do not understand, I may have caused great offence. Action must be taken for all these legitimate complaints. I have been researching, all I really wanted was the History Channel and the news but they cut the better of the history channels!!! We paid to watch TV, not the advertisers. Was reading comments and agree with news commercial breaks, they have pay the ridiculous 7 figure salaries of the anchors. Senators/Representatives?. Price was getting out of hand and there was new under the sun. I cant recommend it highly enough. They show a lot of old 80s and 90s sitcoms on Saturday and Sundays. this allows you to watch the program without commercials,,,,program is now 40 minutes rather than one hour. Since, almost everybody is paying for cable, dish, & satellite; it should be a class action lawsuit , if we are forced to watch more commercials, than the t.v. I have timed these commercials, and the number of commercials per one half hour and one hour shows. ASPCA LIES. Dont think it hasnt happened countless times before when I post reality in stupid forums. Act 2: All the shit being resolved after the commercial break. For kicks, I time the length of commercial and length of program. Why are we one of them? How can any cable station, network or advertiser think that this approach will result in more sales? It is now July 13, 2022. Its simply not worth the aggravation. Rather this boycott will only be effective and send a clear message to all those responsible for the low and poor quality of Television today if we stand united. The advertisers dont realize that people dont switch from their favoriite brand. I was trying to find out about tv shows back in the 60s & 70s & cant seem to find an answer. It means they can block out real news (and have smaller staffs) and kill-off an hour time block that was formerly occupied by real news. When watching something On Demand, they will insert their own commercials JUST BEFORE a regular commercial will present, such that if you just wait though the whole commercial set, you will be MISSING some of the actual program without even knowing it! I recently got a flyer from a cable company offering some big deal special and when I looked at the channels offered there were only 3 that I would have even considered watching. There is an insidiousness about this. Every sitcom episode has a main plot (story A), as well as one or two subplots (stories B and C). Im also in development of a product that auto-mutes commercials, as the existing products out there that auto-mute dont work for long. It was never my intention to offend anyone other than news broadcasters that consider their viewers required 15 or 16 minutes of advertisements during their single hour of veiwing. WebIn-programme advertising is allowed, but counted toward the 12-minute quota, means that if a 60-minute show has 2 minutes of in-programme advertising, the commercial breaks Thank goodness for tv remote mute button! I do not have a DVR or any way of recording..just a normal size t.v. You need to have the dislike of commercials force you to stop watching? Senators/Representatives? The sad thing is I cant change channels fast enough or mute the damn things fast enough to prevent me from going into a rage screaming at the TV ( cause I dont want to hurt anyones feelings?) The abandoned animals pitch is very suspect since animal adoptions during the pandemic are at an all-time high. People trying to sell me things I dont want dont need and most importantly cant afford. Its rediculus that some commercials last as long as 7 minutes or longer. Really, is that too much to ask? The FCC has COMPLETE and TOTAL authority over them, so which do you think would be more effective at handling your complaints? Too many commercials and JIVE ASS!! I am sick and tired of wasting my time and paying for adds on TV. I was inspired to come on line here after a deluge of ads on BBC America. My first time here. Thats the only thing they understand. Not to mention the newscaster is CUT OFF IN MID SENTENCE. I have never ,and I mean never have bought one thing that Ive seen on a commercial. Do they think their veiwers are morons with large wallets? But it is so not worth the huge fees. NO MORE. Then it goes to about every 9 or 10 and then during the last 30 minutes it is every 4 minutes. Same as the Toll Bridge myth. She also switches to another channel because she will have forgotten the show she was watching. Progressive Insurance now with Jon Hamm, the fucking Emu of Liberty Insurance, anti-smoking ads, don,t drink and drive OK WE GET IT!, Usually these commercials will show up more than a hundred times if not on one network then on different networks combined. Im not real sure what you might do with these comments but pretty sure nothing will be done! When Mika says coming up, I rapidly tap the 30 second jump botton 8 times (4 minutes and Im good. EVERYONE UNITE! I understand we need them (or at least the stations do), But 41 in an hour.. Thats pathetic.. Ilikebigbboob@gmail.com Last year I started to watch football games with the remote nearby or in my hand so I could mute all the commercials. https://sites.google.com/view/hotel-managements/home. I hate commercials so much. He then proceeded to gut every other agency that put citizens first and business second. I truly believe that Yellowstone episodes have the least amount of actual programming. I timed a recent episode of Walking Dead with there being a 4 minute commercial break for every 6 minutes of episode, making a total of 24 minutes of commercial in one hour. I counted 14 commercial at one time. We overdo everything. I remember watching Blade and it took forever, completely ruined the film. Some of the actors had only their names listed (you actually saw them on the screen, but had no idea who they were) . An entirely new business model is needed for TV. Why pay to watch commercials. I wasnt going to bother contributing to this bitch-fest, but decided to post this comment after reading yours. They create ads and then asks you to pay not to watch them. I do not have a DVR, but I do have start-over with my cable box. my money pay for ?My last Shaw Bill took 21 days to get to my Mail box. How do I block your stupid add programs??? I can make that switch in less then a second if the commercials continue. CNN devotes up to 12 commercial in its quick breaks. As more markets open and good ones turn bad, whether due to buyouts or greed, the cycle continues on without any possible signs of slowing or changing simply because they know they can do whatever they want and you cant do anything to change it. DVRing and then replaying shows has the same effect as if all watching viewed the commercials. Yes. These days, I find myself watching General Hospital less and less. I can understand if it was free. television shows. We are the consumer and if we impact that which we are so unreceptive to by not watching surely TV executives will deal with it in a manner that will be acceptable by us. NOW IS THE TIME TO MAKE YOURSELVES HEARD AS ONE UNITED VOICE! TV and if I see a commercial promoting anything, I dont buy that product. They could run a ten minute news program, and use the rest of the half hour doing commercials, so that people could tend to their business at home, while the commercials are on. They should pay us to watch their commercials! These channels wont keep discriminating audiences for very long at the rate they are going down the road to commercialization. David Muirs nightly news at 6:30 is absolutely THE WORST when it comes to commercials. Please correct me if I am wrong. Their news is factual. I sure have not!) ASPCA LIES & grossly misleads in its ads. MY GOOD GOD so much time is wasted on non-programs, the very programs we PAY to watch. So each 1/2 hour show has 8 minutes or so of commercials. And more commercials are being jammed into that growing ad hole, with the number of 30-second spots decreasing while the number of 15-second ads rises. And when you watch a sitcom its worse by the time the show comes back you forgot where they left off. TvLand is the worst. I pay $90 a month for Satellite TV so I guess I am the crazy one. Our obsession with money is at a disgusting level. Act 1: All the shit that leads up to the first commercial break. Have you ever tried to figure out how much time Americans waste of time on a yearly bases with your stupid adds?? Yes it is pathetic how many commercials that are on TV especially when they repeat the same commercial over and over during the break of the same thing. On discovery for example I may have to try watch same aired episode 3-4 times to see entire program just due to seeing same medicare commercial every 4 minutes. Just finished the second episode of American Crime on ABC, I counted at least 6 minutes of commercials 4 times at least, possibly 5. Personally I DVR everything or will pause for 15-20 minutes and go do something then come back and fast scan past them. Its time for them to stop being so greedy, and provide a better version of the entertainment they claim to be providing. The manufacturers of these product want to sell their wares, but to inundate us with all the hype and propaganda about these products, I am seriously considering selling my TV and start doing something else with my time. Morning 1/2 hr. Many times the broadcasters are presenting it in a way that helps them to persuade viewers. Laws that regulate this must be enforced or made. The commercial breaks are like every 5 minutes! Copyright 2018 Dexter Canfield Media Inc. Fox News Shuffles Its Lineup as Anchor Takes Time Off, ABC Revamps Prime Time, Takes Wraps Off 2014-15 Schedule Featuring 12 New Shows. This forum has no authority over TV stations, nor their advertisers. These commercial messages account for 36% of The commercials are horribly produced for the most part. MANY TIMES, they simply show a complete hour of what they showed before many, many times.. Only drawbacks are the learning curve and sometimes erratic streams which are likely caused by shitty Armstrong cable. and all of it due to GREED/their need to make as much money as possible!!!!!!!!! On two of those three networks, the start time for the show is like 3:06PM and ends at 3:36PM. The rates go up, service goes down. We, as human beings, watch way too much tv, and its been proven make us more complacent rather than free thinking, emotionally intelligent people. Boycott everything to do with them Today and go with netflix, streaming, youtube or whatever. Guess the last laugh is really on them. Perhaps there are also in-house commercials for the network pushing itself constantly. In some cases they play the same commercials several times in one spot. And another thing: The ads to support runaways, starving children (in every country), children with deformed lips or limbs, St Judes cancer hospital, desks and education of children in Africa, and abandoned and/or abused animals all for just $12/month or $19/month or $29/month. So in addition to the parts of the program that were originally chopped out to accommodate more ads, now the program start times have been offset to accommodate even MORE ads! (Other services) 1.1.2(B) (a) The total amount of spot advertising in any one day must not exceed an average of nine minutes per hour (15 per cent) of broadcasting. I get so sick and tired of seeing nothing but commercials that I promised myself that I would not buy ANYTHING that was advertised by these stations. In other words, they dont just break INTO a show, and then resume at that same point in the show after the commercial, but they break OVER actual show content, and when the show resumes you never know that you missed part of the show, it was just left out! I watch General Hospital at 2 PM EST. Soon my show is nearly over and I still have six commercials left to start supper! ..and its getting worse, the story says. And it made me NOT want to buy the products advertised. That very first soap ad on TV eons ago screwed us. Judge Judy has 17-18 minutes of commercials in an hour of programming which consists of two 30 minute shows. Before he goes back to sleeping on the job waiting for the emu to wake him, THEY WONT LISTEN TO REASON!!! In terms of golf on the golf channel I believe there are more commercials than golf which is rather disruptive and makes viewing totally unfavorable.I would prefer to tape and fast forward on all commercials and I believe more and more people are doing this. I just counted 23 commercials in HALF of a half hour show! I question the value of CNNs news reporting, which usually puts the same handful of toothless stories on endless cycle and frames them with blocks of advertising. I watch up to 4 programs at a time to avoid all the commercials. Netflix & Acorn as my streaming shows. Thus, a sitcom script is generally between 25 and 40 pages long. In a one hour show, one is lucky to have 20 minutes of movie/tv show and 40 minutes of commercials. Not only is commercials outrageous but the volume goes up during the commercials. The ads are stupid, monotonous, even condescending to men, who are made to look like worthless, bumbling fools or worseAARP ads flood the screen, dishonest PCH ads claim to offer money no one ever wins(have you ever heard of anyone winning any PCH prizes? I watched an hour of ABC last evening and the 10 (count em) ads came on every 10 minutes! Now my rooms are clean, my laundry is ready to fold or hang during the next set of commercials. So, sponsors became alternate week sponsors and now participating sponsor (an ad here an ad there). This is in Canada using telus. Instead of about 20 total names, now everyone who did anything during the production gets credit for it, but their names are zapped so fast and small you wont know anyway. The price for this great deal was only $49.00 a month. Notice now how CNN has added Anthony Bourdain? So Im glad these commercials breaks are growing and seeming to drag on more and more, like pushers trying to force products down your throat. First half of the show isnt bad but the second half, my God..one report, a commercial, another report, a commercial, another report, a commercial..you see about 5 or 6 commercials in the span of about 10 minutes, its annoying. The average NFL game includes 20 commercial breaks containing more than 100 ads. Those 500 channels we supposedly get are duplicates and triplicates. I am almost off my blood pressure meds. Stop or sign up for some online service. Choose to have the Teracota Army stencilled on your back and wait for it to heel. The Liberty Insurance ads are on at least 200 times a day. Because of all the commercials I cut my cable subscription to just basic and purchased a roku stick. 1- Many commercials are dumb as a stump at best. Back in 2005 I saw my cable bill sneak up in price each month starting at the moment I went paperless! There is no escape. Better yet watch Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, or any of the other pay services. However, ads can also be 10, 20, 40, 50, 60 seconds or longer. Nobody does it better. Your imagination comes back you may even start to question things which is a long lost art. In the past month, I have actually enjoyed only 3 commercials out of hundreds. Never will you hear of someone getting something extra from a service but I can find millions of overcharges made using that billing! A typical TV show is usually approximately 22 minutes for every 1/2 hour of time. And if you still need to spend money on good television, support your local PBS station. Discovery Channel is worst over 20 mins of commercials per hour I want to quit watching, Look guys this stupid asshole states he enjoys comedy commercials. A lawyer friend told us same lunch, that those drug companies had help put his children through college, med school and law school. Only is commercials outrageous but the volume goes up during the commercials dumb. And purchased a roku stick has 8 minutes or so of commercials new featured. My time and paying for adds on TV eons ago screwed us in. Stupid add programs?????????????! Like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us 100. Adoptions during the commercials the start time for them to stop watching come and! 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