Other when an Arkus is operating within an allied Arkai rely on their legacy of a noble birth, community or horde. dead species, or one that no longer exists in the world. 1. Salvaging, page 108 Choose two of the inspired techniques The area must be within immediate range.described below. Streamlined, story-based mechanics. You arenot, a curious person trained in perception. The game handled the parts about is both books together now. This means you can keep using your bestiaries, adventures, card decks, character portfolios, and books like Into the Night,Technology Compendium, and Jade Colossus, and we will not issue any second editions of our supplements. other machines, but your skills are what allow you to survive and thrive in the Ninth World.Character sheet, page 409 Your goal may be to destroy those who created WRIGHT TIERS you, better understand their motives, or push If this is the first time forward their agenda. You will develop some Player intrusion, page 7 been altered by strange scienceradioactive of your greatest skills and abilities on your treatments of bizarre energies, chemical own. Roll Background 1 You always seem to run into another delve when you explore. Otherwise, you begin with the following. The beautiful, 416-page Numenera PDF is extensively cross-linked for extreme ease of use. Subtle Steps: When you move no more multiple times, each time gaining another Free level of Effort, than a short distance, you can move level 3 follower. You gain a free level of Effort that can be related to interacting with members of thatapplied to one persuasion task you attempt group gain an asset. The GM sets the depletion of the new artifact, if applicable (it will usually be a bit worse than the original artifact). Tinkering special ability, you discover that the Always Tinkering: If you have any tools and materials youre using are of unexpectedly high materials at all, and you are carrying fewer The base materials quality, giving you specific options to choose cyphers than your limit, you can create a required for Always from. What a player intrusion canconfidence game. This ability refreshes Skills: There is some basis for your every time you make a recovery roll, but theconfidence. Enabler. the iotum; action to initiate. is not attacked or otherwise threatened. In addition, you can replace Quick Wits: When performing a task thatone of your lower-tier precepts with a different would normally require spending points fromprecept from the same lower tier. Youre fluent, coherent,and, some might even say, silver-tongued,though youd beg to differ. It was either join the other PCs or be EXACTING GM intrusions,kidnapped into a far worse situation. You can protect other creatures in addition to yourself, but each additional creature costs Danger Instinct (3 Speed points): If you are you the same number of io and Intellect attacked by surprise, whether by a creature, points as it costs to protect you. Molina Fel Timo. Because youre forward- thinking, people may come to you for advice.A character who is Exacting isnt necessarily thought of in a bad light by other PCs. This does not destroy the iotum. 12 Your best friend from your youth is now a hated outlaw, though others say they are a hero. Initial Link to the Starting Adventure: From the following list of options, choose how you became involved in the first adventure. Enabler.points from one of your stat Pools. Action. periods of time. you might want to useSpeed Edge of 1, and a Might Edge of 0. the character sheet from Cypher Use: You can bear two cyphers at a time. When the other PCs asked for help, 4. The six pregenerated characters are optimized to introduce the Numenera Discovery and Numenera Destiny corebooks. For example, repaired, or any other similar query. They can found settlements, grow communities, This is what most Delves seek, though of course and safeguard the towns they foster by discovering they wont ignore the cyphers and artifacts so valuable resources left behind by the ancients. fairly well-rounded character. The old leaders were exiled. understand you. One of the other PCs hired you to be aYou can do this once, although the ability is bodyguard.renewed each time you make a recovery roll. Check 12 flipbooks from ozgunuslu93. 3 You retain a pet automaton about the size of a breadbox with wheels that you had even as a child. You can do a topic of your choice and a set of very finethis once per rest (the ability is renewed each clothing.time you make a recovery roll). ARKUS BACKGROUND As an Arkus, you have the capacity to influence other people and, on a larger scale, communities, hordes, and even society itself. She puts 4 of Wrights are builders and crafters. You destroy the cypher and gain its power, which functions for you continuously. something more? This effect ends if you do something than four steps (two round, you can attempt to convince them to reveal who you really areattacking, steps from skills and to leave the community, either permanently using an ability, commanding someone in two from assets). you probably should learned because of, or despite, the many Add them to the appropriate place on your choose two cypher plans odd substances and cyphers used to make character sheet, under Effort, Edge (in the you what you are now, so you continue to try appropriate stat Pool), equipment, and instead of artifact or both. or the attempt automatically fails. This bond lasts for one week. Instant item, page 183 Oddity: Piece of extremely strong and thin For example, if you need to climb a wall, cable 8 feet (2.5 m) long you could create some sort of climbing Gravity changer, page 182 assistance device; if you need to break Inspired Techniques: You have a special out of a cell, you can tune iotum in your Oddities, page 304talent for crafting and can create objects and possession to serve as a lockpick; if youstructures that others can barely imagine. To craft advantages that evenspot. Longevity isnt as important to ainfrastructure while directly and personally Delve as discovery.seeing to the communitys needs. to a cause, activity, or job, shrugging off any 2. INDUSTRIOUS One of the secrets Skill: Things tend to go your way. 14 You spoke up for a person you thought was wrongly accused of a crime. hindered. Free level of Effort, Community Explorer: While you are Find the Way: When you apply Effort to a page 103present within a community, and actively navigation task because you dont know theand personally working on behalf of that way, are lost, are attempting to blaze a new Iotum, page 107community, the communitys effective rank for route, need to choose between two or morepurposes of finding resources, locating new otherwise similar paths to take, or something Though the Wright andtrade routes, knowing about conditions just very similar, you can apply a free level of Delve both have thebeyond the community, and detecting sneak effort. You can also try to foil a foe's lower-tier lore. For instance, if you Commonplace objectsGM may provide you with starting cyphers craft a defensive wall that would normally and structures, page 124and an oddity. This is the full version of Numenera Destiny. As a Community unknown and the thrill of discovery outweighBuilder, he can add +3 to a communitys the risks. leadership must acquire. That said, an Arkus something else. This is the Ninth World. As a first-tier page 71 hours. Building and 2012. Using this ability doesnt are affected by an unwanted condition or prevent you from taking your normal action affliction (such as disease, paralysis, mind this round. For instance, the movements is invaluable.Controls Beasts focus in Numenera Discoverygrants a level 2 follower (a beast companion) Followers cannot help with tasks that they dont havewith modifications for combat. For his focus, Monte decides to expand his spelunking abilities and picks Explores Dark Places. Your eloquenceis something that many praise you for, thoughsome hate you for it because, compared toyou, they find themselves wanting. Itsplaying a style of musical instrument, orsomething similar. your Intellect Pool, you can spend points from your Speed Pool instead. specialized in attacks using that type of weapon. Charles M. Ryan has written or contributed to titles in nearly every class of tabletop gameboard games, card games, trading card games, miniature games, and roleplaying gamesover a 25-year career in the game industry. Numenera Plans.For instance, when you use Scan for Iotum, Scan for Iotum (2 Intellect points): Using aits probably from a device that youve either device or some kind of unique sense, you Character sheet, page 409made, found, or been given. You are Skills/Inabilities part of be able to see you. You know a thousand different ways to argue and influence. Youwithout penalty. Modify Artifact Power (6 Intellect points): You permanently add +1 to the level of an artifact of up to level 5. Any task involvingcounts as much as or more than competence. The people of the Ninth World are locked in a medieval-like state, a world of struggle and danger and often sufferingall in the shadows of the prior worlds wonders. If you take one additional hour and gaining another level 2 follower. Each time you select it, you must damage when attempting to damage a device, choose a different type of attack. direct control of objects and structures theyve built to create amazing effects. Action to initiate. If something of note happens in your informers location, Free level of Effort, they will use whatever means they have page 103 available to tell you whats happened. following inspired techniques (or an inspired technique from a lower tier) to add to your FIFTH-TIER WRIGHT repertoire. For his second lore, he chooses Right Tool for the Job, which helps him with many tasks. your stat Pools however you wish.32CHARACTER TYPEDELVE TIERS Choose two of the lores described below. DELVE STAT POOLS Nano, page 36 Iron wind, page 135 Fortuitous Malfunction: A trap or a Stat Pool Starting Value Player intrusion, page 7 dangerous device malfunctions before it can affect you. things. I based it on the Cheat Sheet by The Alexandrian and updated it for Discovery & Destiny. Risk-Taking also hinders his sneaking tasks. Perhaps your voice is gravelly and low.Perhaps its the hardened stare you give people 1. The GM maystatistic, depending on whether they like to allow players to come up with other playercome in strong or to get out of the way of intrusion suggestions, but the GM is the finalthreats. Save existence as we know it by bending reality to carry out the perfect heist. The main change it brings to Numenera is related to armour. Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base. This ability doesnt improve your ability to find a Additional Numenera Plans: You gain two additional numenera plans. Such components might be Unexpected Gift: An NPC hands you a found only in particular ruins of the prior physical gift you were not expecting, one that worlds, or perhaps theyre available elsewhere helps put the situation at ease if things seem for a high price. understand you, you can instruct each Even if you fail the attack roll, targets in of them to take one specific action (the the area take 1 point of damage. The Long-term tasks, page 324 accuracy of your assessment isnt important Gather Intelligence (2 Intellect points): When as long as you keep up the rhetoric. Roll Background 1 You were in the military and had command over several others who still serve. 17 Before they died, your parent was a respected member of the Order of Truth. smell the numenera. Enabler. Skill: You are trained in all actions involved Skill: Youre trained in persuasion andwith conducting tests to find proof, discern the intimidation tasks.truth, or glean information. 19 You were best friends with a nano, possibly even lovers, but the iron wind took them away from you. Once same action for all of them). cyphers at a time. places, and make a name for yourself! However, an Arkus is never too far the Arkus most values. If a group of foes is gaining any kind of benefit from working Fourth-tier Arkai have the following abilities: together, you can attempt to disrupt that Precepts: Choose one of the following Arkus benefit by pointing out the weak point in the enemys line, formation, or swarm attack. They are not restricted on their modifications. Tasksleader. In addition, you are trained in tasks related to perception, navigation, Write abilities likean exploration skill in which you are not salvaging, defense, and moving about the Community Explorer inalready trained. The GM can use this information to develop adventures and quests that are specific to your character and play a role in your advancement.30CHARACTER TYPEWHAT OTHERS FEAR TO KNOW How you came to be part machine is a Aeon Priest, page 264Your knowledge of what underlies the story all its own. Wrights are the rarest or annoying creatures and Anecdote to help of the already rare numenera scholars; they them in most other situations. Skills: You are trained in crafting numenera. Enabler.you might want to wait until after youve chosenyour precepts, descriptor, and focus. The creature doesnt defense task in which you are not already tasks in the need to speak your language, but it must trained: Might, Speed, or Intellect. skill. Third-tier Arkai have the following abilities: Expert Cypher Use: You can bear three Cloud Personal Memories (3 Intellect points): If you interact with or study a cyphers at a time. Of course, sometimes bad things numenera plan for an installation. Just because youre cultured doesntyou were confident that you could provide mean you dont wish to explore, see newwhatever was necessary. Cyphers Temperamental cypher, You determine the function of the new are rendered useless. When strange instructions are found from those abilities provided by the Arkus Leads, page 83 in the ruins of the prior worlds, Wrights can type. Skill: You are trained in tasks related to 2. prized by others. Recruit Deputy: You gain a level 4 follower.SIXTH-TIER GLAIVE They are not restricted on their modifications. Numenera - Destiny.pdf. The GMcharacter for a time, aiding the character in a determines when an exceptional follower isvariety of endeavors. You can publish your book online for free in a few minutes. Tasks that involve seeing through lies or trickery are hindered. being committed is a personality trait for you, and once you decide to do something, you CIVIC throw yourself into it with a vengeance. You dont know if Qi, page 144sword from the void and blast everyone and the motivations of your captors/doctors/ Convergence, page 216everything to drit. Skill: Youre trained in persuasion. The Intellect cost for using this ability is equal to the level of effect or creature that Experienced Finder (6+ Intellect points): caused the negative condition. by nanotech, turning you into a paragon is always useful; however, there is no teacher that others are drawn to. Numenera Destiny allows you to build adventures and campaigns in which players dont just explore the wonders of the pastthey utilize them to help lift the Ninth World out of darkness. A focus on mystery and the unknown, filling . then gain a new level 3 follower. 2 You were the head of a wealthy merchant family that lost everything in a disaster. The original cyphers cannot be temperamental cyphers. If you do, maybeWhen you salvage iotum from dead cyphers they will unlock an entirely new chapter inand scrap, you do so by commanding nanites your advancement. 2 A merchant in a nearby city is always asking you for rare and wondrous items, which youre pretty sure they resell for a far higher price than they ever give you. Thats not always possible, so usually things you would create with an endless supply your stats improve and you gain new abilities of iotum and parts. The guide is an easy-to-access resource for anyone playing Numenera and a wonderful introduction and teaching tool for the game. Enabler. For his focus, Andrew chooses Talks to Delves in Society: Delves dont spendMachines. roleplaying game of cool heists with a sci-fi twist. One cant be an explorer if they die before returning with news of their discoveries. you are aware of what is going on around it (you see and hear as if you were standing Juggernaut (9 Intellect points): You call next to it, no matter how far away you are). Serene, page 54 Darcy carries a long knife, a decorative light Sway Horde (12+ Intellect points): You can weapon that she decides was a gift given to herDescends From Nobility, attempt to sway a horde of up to rank 2 to by a relative. These allies could be followers, Free level of Effort, back on whether they succeeded or failed. I had to come up with a single sentence that designing your own numenera, aiding a local communityexplained what Numenera wassomething clear but brief with what you create, and of course, salvaging what youthat described what characters do in the game. Initial Link to the Starting Adventure: From Of course, if youre going to satisfy your the following list of options, choose how you curiosity, you need to be careful. Delves have a special relationship with the iotum. As I feel that my time and work is kind of wasted if it only benefits me, I want to share it with you. not live long enough to see everything you want to see and do everything you want to do. Action to page 301You have an inability in crafting numenera and initiate, one hour to complete.understanding numenera. DOWNLOAD NOW . Wrights are the rarest of the already rare theme and be a Wright who Builds Tomorrow page 77 numenera scholars; they arent afraid of weird or a Delve who Explores Yesterday. scan an area equal in size to a 10-foot (3 m) cube, including all objects or structures. the target to try to close the distance Cyphers: farspeaker, harmony lamp between you and attempt to physically Oddity: Feathered hat that occasionally strike you on its next turn. Action to choose to automatically succeed on a initiate, one minute to complete. of 1 point each round. or if theyre blinded, you produce a salve If you have a focus ability that grants this that returns sight (assuming they werent same benefit, you can ignore a condition blinded because their eyes were destroyed). In addition to the normal options for using Effort, you can also choose to use Effort to increase the maximum level of the target by 1 for each level applied. Deconstruct (3 Intellect points): You take the time to closely study a bit ofArmor, page 109 specific kind of iotum, only to discover SECOND-TIER WRIGHTS whether there is iotum within the salvage24 source in the first place. Skill: Youre trained in persuasion. It ends if you leave, but it resumes if you return to the allies company within 28 hours. accident of nurture and nature? This ability does not allow you to enhance your Edge by more than +1. destroys the iotum. the world, and mastered form and essence. When it Enabler. You are trained in one area of lore or knowledge of your choice. TMDESTINYCREDITS Designers Monte Cook, Bruce R. Cordell, Sean K. Reynolds Developer Sean K. Reynolds Creative Director Monte Cook Managing Editor Shanna Germain Editor Adam Heine Proofreader Ray Vallese Art Director Bear Weiter Additional Graphic Design Zoa Smalley Cover Artist Lie Setiawan Artists Bruce Brenneise, Christopher Burdett, Richard Burgess, chrom, Adam Danger Cook, Biagio DAlessandro, Dreamstime.com, Jason Engle, Felipe Escobar, Michele Giorgi, Josu Hernaiz, Inkognit, Guido Kuip, Kezrek Laczin, Brandon Leach, Eric Lofgren, Raph Lomotan, Anton Kagounkin Magdalina, Patrick McEvoy, Giorgio De Michele (Erebus), Federico Musetti, Irina Nordsol, Mirco Paganessi, Grzegorz Pedrycz, John Petersen, Michael Phillippi, Scott Purdy, Eric Quigley, Aaron Riley, Riccardo Rullo, Seth Rutledge, Sam Santala, Lie Setiawan, Joe Slucher, Lee Smith, Kim Sokol, Matt Stawicki, Cyril Terpent, Allison Theus, Cory Trego-Erdner, Ren Tu, Shane Tyree, Jordan K. Walker, Chris Waller, Ben Wootten, Kieran Yanner, Kirsten Zirngibl Cartographers Jared Blando, Hugo Solis, Christopher West Monte Cook Games Editorial Board Scott C. Bourgeois, David Wilson Brown, Eric Coates, Gareth Hodges, Mila Irek, Jeremy Land, Laura Wilkinson, Marina Wold, George ZietsAs we agree with the growing consensus that they can and should be used as a gender-neutral, singular English language pronoun when one is needed, we have adopted that as the style in our products. There are lots of fanmade varieties. As a similar actions involving the same task (such as result, you tend to become especially invested making attacks against the same foe or operating in whatever community you live in or, perhaps the same device). Improved Follower: You gain a level 3 Enabler. Alternatively, you can hinder any action by Inspired Techniques: Choose one of the the machine (or by someone attempting to following inspired techniques (or an inspired use the machine) for one minute. community youre allied with for at least a alone in a ruin or accompanied only by round, you can attempt to convince it to other PCs. The iotum is destroyed. with the ally taking a normal action on their turn. Enabler. In addition, you can replace they can do so as an additional action inspire two allies to one of your first-tier precepts with a different immediately. en Change Language. It was rough childhood, or you might celebrate your strangeon you, too, but where so many others failed, education and embrace opportunities to learnyou succeeded. Its a mystery, and one youd like raised by a Nano or an Aeon Priest who thought to solve one day. Action. to be able to react quickly, squeeze throughThe descriptor also grants him training in small spaces, and often run away withoutMight defense and an extra light weapon. The cypher must have an effect that is not instantaneous. Game Editions [ Add Edition] Notes on This Edition. Shes in the ruins of the prior worlds, Wrights can smart and charismatic, somewhat graceful, but decipher them and, using special components not particularly tough. When you lay a Device Insight (3 Intellect points): When Long-term tasks, page 324 trap, decide whether you want to hold the examining any numenera device, you can victim in place (a snare) or inflict damage ask the GM one question to gain an idea 35 (a deadfall). Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Builder, page 25 SIXTH-TIER WRIGHT Faster Builder: When you attempt a 27 crafting task, you lower the assessed Sixth-tier Wrights have the following abilities: difficulty for creating a complex object Numenera Plans: You gain two additional or structure by two steps. Artifacts, installations, page 22 cypher, but it must be that of a cypher you vehicles, and automatons must make a have used before (but not necessarily one depletion roll. In Each time you select it, you must choose a addition to the normal options for using different type of defense task. 6 One of your grandparents was a minor official, but they were ousted and run out of town on suspicion of corruption. She hopes range gains +1 Edge to one stat of their to prove to herself that she isnt defined by the choice for one hour. Youd like future project or mission, so you can prepareto find out if that is true. It ends if you leave, but it resumes if you return to the alliesCHARACTER TYPE company within 28 hours. You also get a good idea of the general theyre a part of. 4. The GM may require a roll whose difficulty is equal to the devices level; however, you gain two assets to any such task, and training in the understanding numenera skill also applies. You can make the world a better place. Oratory (4 Intellect points): When speaking with a group of intelligent creatures that can understand you and arent hostile, you convince them to take one reasonable action in the next round. When youve finished, Long-term tasks, page 324 cyphers and quickly jury-rig a new cypher you can drain the energy from it and redirect of the same level as the lowest-level cypher. are relying on your influence. so on. Once youve sheet in this book. They brought you along to test your claim.trained in tasks that involve some element ofchance, such as playing games or choosing GREGARIOUSbetween two or three apparently equal options. Strategize (6 Intellect points): Having an action plan in place before facing a FIFTH-TIER ARKUS challenge improves the odds of success, even if that plan is eventually changed or Fifth-tier Arkai have the following abilities: discarded once its put into play. Step into the Ninth Worldand brighten its future with the light of the past. Action to initiate. of defense task, even one in which you are inability and training already trained: Might, Speed, or Intellect. Initial Link to the Starting Adventure: Fromthe following list of options, choose how you You gain the following benefits:became involved in the first adventure. suggest an action to a creature within In no case can this ability raise a Pool immediate range. The plan of action must be to your repertoire. AArkuss abilities. In some ways, you aresaved the city. If the repair of associated 6. You and the GM should workrequires ammunition (arrows, for example), out the details together. Boost Cypher (2 Intellect points): The Trigger Iotum Ray (1 Intellect point or cypher you activate with your next action iotum): If you have at least 1 unit of iotum, functions as if it were 2 levels higher. meet your standards, and you offered to 1. Quick Mind Boost: You can siphon the residual energy in a single iotum to enhance your Intellect Edge by +1 for one minute. points from your Speed Pool instead. the following list of options, choose how you became involved in the first adventure. Break the Line (4 Intellect points): You have an eye for group discipline and hierarchy, FOURTH-TIER ARKUS even among your foes. Action. In addition, you can replace all the affected foes spend a round assessing one of your lower-tier precepts with a different and resetting themselves to regain their precept from the same lower tier. Artifacts and cyphers that provide Advancement: Youre always looking for protection, store knowledge, and extend their new plans and, to the extent you can do so, crafting capabilities further are the kinds of researching new ones on your own. Withenough time and resources, a Wright canprovide clean water, nutrition, defense, and ofcourse, comfortable homes for people to livein. As a set, they come in a beautiful and sturdy slipcase, at no increase in price. COMMITTED 1. Recently, MCG released the Character Portfolios which are a lot cooler IMO. lose the use of any other languages youYour demeanor is such that those who see you know normally during this period. Numenera is the latest creation of one of the biggest names in roleplaying games, award-winning designer and fan-favorite Monte Cook. Wrights in the Group: While an Arkus mightnaturally assume some authority in a newlyfounded settlement or allied community,Wrights can also fulfill that role because theyAeon Priest, page 264 as well as fragments of information encoded When you grew older and prepared to set out in knowledge caches for millions of years or on your own, you asked those who raised you20 longer. Close suggestions Search Search. gains it merely because of your past work in the community. Skills: You are trained in salvaging familiarized yourself with an area, all yournumenera. You wereto your many questions. Enabler. Most people arent even worthjoining the other PCs seemed like a good way considering, but the other PCs show promise.to get it. Action. Check Numenera: Destiny from ozgunuslu93 here. 20 You were trained by a master wright who left the world in a magnificent starcraft they built.MECHANICAL INDOCTRINATION You werent taught how to craft things Dread destroyer,The Prophecy was clear. (This replaces Adept Builder The installation launches itself like a and Faster Builder, if you took either of massive missile at a target you specify those; you can exchange those abilities within very long range of the installation for another tier 3 and tier 5 inspired and then detonates, inflicting 20 points of technique.) Those who can uncover and master the numenera can unlock the powers and abilities of the ancients, and perhaps bring new light to a struggling world. Eventually, you hope to develop more plans for building numenera find a plan that will allow you to bring into this objects and structures, they can drastically world something truly amazing so you can reduce the amount of time required to craft honor your caregivers and prove that you were complex objects or structures, and they can take worthy of their work and attention. 3 You owned a tavern for a while, but you sold it to a friend so you could seek greater challenges. attack, you are safe. In order to gain the resources you needidentifying such things ahead of time. different type of defense task. 18 You know where dozens, perhaps even hundreds, of plan seeds are located, but you havent been able to mount an expedition to locate and secure the cache yet. Iotum, page 107 Parts, page 10722CHARACTER TYPE CHOOSING PLANS scrap, machine, cypher, artifact, or other Minimum crafting level, FOR YOUR WRIGHT numenera object or structure before page 135 attempting to salvage iotum from it. Arkai understand that changing a creatures mind against its will or otherwise compromising consent is not the way to build a following over time, because reputations are hard to shed once tainted by bad behavior. , they come in a few minutes seemed like a good idea of secrets! Just because youre cultured doesntyou were confident that you could seek greater challenges it to a 10-foot 3... Languages youYour demeanor is such that those who see you know normally this! 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