Subscribe to Aleteia's new service and get one inspiring Scripture passage each morning. Doors open at 6:30 PM - Meeting starts at 7:00 PM. His dignity and mission in the salvation of souls. Select., series II, Tom. Well educated for the times, Gregory may have had legal training before entering public service. At the moment of receiving Holy Communion, a Roman . There was now no magister militum living in Rome, so the control even of military matters fell to the pope. Hist. Corrections? Of the rights claimed or exercised by his predecessors he would not abate one tittle; on the contrary, he did everything in his power to maintain, strengthen, and extend what he regarded as the just prerogatives of the papacy. When Gregory sent Mellitus and Laurentius as reinforcements, they extended papal contacts in Gaul before joining Augustine. The Epistola ad Philagrium has reached us in a Syriac version. Opusc. H. Hurter in SS. In view of later developments Gregorys dealings with the Oriental Churches, and with Constantinople in particular, have a special importance. This latter point was the difficulty. However, his period as ambassador taught him very plainly a lesson which was to bear great fruit later on when he ruled in Rome as pope. He points out in the first that only one skilled already as a physician of the soul is fitted to undertake the supreme rule of the episcopate. In governing this patrimony, Gregory claimed his goal was not so much to promote the worldly interests of the church as to relieve the poor in their distress and especially to protect them from oppression. Gregory established colleges of rectores, or defensores, with staffs of tonsured agents who were sent to manage estates and render justice on-site (e.g., to protect peasants from exploitation by the nobles). At the same time Arichis of Benevento advanced on Naples, which happened at the moment to have no bishop nor any officer of high rank in command of the garrison. He met the clergy and people at some church previously agreed upon, and all together went in procession to the church of the station, where Mass was celebrated and the pope preached. In effect, two territorial churches emerged in Italy because of many political divisions. This was the revision and publication of the Magna Moralia, or lectures on the Book of Job, undertaken in Constantinople at the request of St. Leander. The brief Treatise on the Soul addressed to one Tatian, in favour of which may be cited the testimony of Nicholas of Methone (probably from Procopius of Gaza), is now claimed for Gregory. Let us begin, In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Apparently this was never done, for the existing fragments of such works attributed to Gregory are almost certainly spurious. The continuator of Prosper (Mon. Gunzenhausen (German pronunciation: [ntsnhazn] (); Bavarian: Gunzenhausn) is a town in the Weienburg-Gunzenhausen district, in Bavaria, Germany.It is situated on the river Altmhl, 19 kilometres (12 mi) northwest of Weienburg in Bayern, and 45 kilometres (28 mi) southwest of Nuremberg.Gunzenhausen is a nationally recognized recreation area. September 3, 2020. Saint Gregory put himself to prayer with the people, for to pray to God that hereupon he would show his grace for to confirm our belief, and when they were risen from prayer, Saint Gregory saw the holy sacrament in figure of a piece of flesh as great as the little finger of an hand, and by the prayers of Saint Gregory, the flesh of the sacrament turned into appearance of bread as it had been before, and therewith he gave communion to the woman, which after was more religious, and the people more firm in the faith. He added, moreover, that a like explanation must be given to the words ktisma, poiema (created, made) when applied to the Son, reference being to Christ Incarnate. Business was at a standstill, and the streets were deserted save for the wagons which bore forth countless corpses for burial in common pits beyond the city walls. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. The farther away he attempted to exercise his influence, the weaker was his power and the less accurate his control of the situation, despite his use of informants. and printed at Paris in mdcviii. Over this commonwealth were the pope and the emperor, each supreme in his own department, care being taken to keep these as far as possible distinct and independent. He relates that before his episcopal consecration Gregory retired from Neocaesarea into a solitude, and was favoured by an apparition of the Blessed Virgin and John the Apostle, and that the latter dictated to him a creed or formula of Christian faith, of which the autograph existed at Neocaesarea when the biography was being written. In his treatment of heretics, schismatics, and pagans his method was to try every meanspersuasions, exhortations, threats before resorting to force; but, if gentler treatment failed, he had no hesitation, in accordance with the ideas of his age, in resorting to compulsion, and invoking the aid of the secular arm therein. At this time, their brother-in-law was appointed assessor (legal counsel) to the Roman Governor of Palestine; the youths had therefore an occasion to act as an escort to their sister as far as Caesarea in Palestine. In one of his letters (Ep., V, liii) Gregory gives an interesting account of the origin of this work. Several of his works, including the Moralia on Job (579596) and his handbook for rulers, Pastoral Rule (591), were extremely popular. A publication reflecting 40 years of restoring all things in Christ. B. Sauter (Freiburg, 1904); English translations: King Alfreds West Saxon Version of Gregorys Pastoral Care, ed. Ordained a priest, Gregory became one of the pope's seven deacons, and also served six years in the East as papal representative in Constantinople. It happed that a widow brought hostsevery Sunday [for the priest] to [celebrate] Mass with when Saint Gregory [was about to] give to her the holy sacrament in saying, [he said] May the body of our Lord Jesus Christ keep you into everlasting life this woman began to laugh at Saint Gregory, and he withdrew his hand, and placed the sacrament upon the altar. Of Gregorys relations with the Franks there is no need to write at length, as the intercourse he established with the Frankish kings practically lapsed at his death, and was not renewed for about a hundred years. It makes clear Gregory's orthodoxy a propos of the Trinity. . In letters to the bishops of Gaul, Gregory called for reform councils and the suppression of paganism. When possible, Gregory tried to enlist secular authorities to further his aims (for both papacy and empire stood for orthodoxy), but this often led to frustration. His decision once taken, he devoted himself to the work and austerities of his new life with all the natural energy of his character. There has been much discussion as to whether Gregory and his fellow-monks at St. Andrews followed the Rule of St. Benedict. Amen. At length, after six months of waiting, came the emperors confirmation of Gregorys election. The test used for the Holy Rule is that of an ancient MS. existing at Monte Cassino, first The end came on March 12, 604, and on the same day his body was laid to rest in front of the sacristy in the portico of St. Peters Basilica. Oh God, our Father, glorify here upon earth your servant, St. Gregory the Great, by showing us the power of his intercession in granting the favors I now ask: Blessings upon our parish, our priests, and all of our families as we celebrate the Year of Faith. The choice of a successor lay with the clergy and people of Rome, and without any hesitation they elected Gregory, Abbot of St. Andrews. He finds time to write instructions on every detail and leaves no complaint unattended to, even from the humblest of his multitude of tenants. Baronius and others on his authority have denied this, while it has been asserted as strongly by Mabillon and the Bollandists, who, in the preface to the life of St. Augustine (May 26), retract the opinion expressed earlier in the preface to St. Gregorys life (March 12). Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Life and Miracles of St Benedict: Large Print Edition at the best online prices at eBay! In doing this he probably had in view the many extra duties of an ecclesiastical nature which he called upon them to undertake. His concern with justice for Jews was limited. The medieval Golden Legend further developed the happenings of the event, which we summarize here. Two points stand out for special notice in Gregorys dealings with the Lombards: first, his determination that, in spite of the apathy of the imperial authorities, Rome should not pass into the hands of some halfcivilized Lombard duke and so sink into insignificance and decay; second, his independent action in appointing governors to cities, providing munitions of war, giving instructions to generals, sending ambassadors to the Lombard king, and even negotiating a peace without the exarchs aid. The famous story about Pope Gregory I, before he became pope, seeing some fair-haired English boys in a slave-market in Rome and . P. Tossianensis (6 vols., Rome, 1588-93); ed. Gregorys mother, Silvia, took vows on the death of her husband, and three of his aunts also entered religious life. During your stay, take advantage of some of the amenities offered, including a 24 hour front desk, room service, and a gift shop. Mosaic created in 19 century. Today a statue on the Castel SantAngelo depicts Michael replacing his sword in its scabbard. See answer (1) Best Answer. This peace lasted two years, but in 601 the war broke out again through an aggressive. Prayerful consideration and discernment is needed, The training and support of a Priest. Copy. Then, at the wish of Tiridates, Gregory became Bishop of Armenia. What makes his achievement more wonderful is his constant ill-health. Patr. The woman replied that the she could not believe how the hosts she had prepared could become the Body and Blood Christ just by the words of consecration. On the mainland much of this territorywas now in the hands of the Lombards, with whose Arian clergy Gregory was, of course, not in communion. A synagogue was moved because its services could be heard by Christians; slaves of Jews could claim freedom if they converted to Christianitytheir masters could not sell them, and escaped slaves could not be returned to Jewish owners. B. Gallicioli (17 vols., Venice, 1768-76) and reprinted in Migne, P.L., LXXV-LXXIX. These are the amazing stories behind the Castle of the Angels in Rome and St. Michael's Well in Tlaxcala, Mexico. Germ. This humble pope provided steadfast guidance for the Church and city of Rome as they struggled after the city's fall. Besides the above there are attributed to Gregory certain liturgical hymns, the Gregorian Sacramentary, and the Antiphonary. He is noted for many wonderful things, although miracles were not . Much controversy still exists as to the exact extent of Gregorys reforms of the Roman Liturgy. Gregorys father, Gordianus, held an office, possibly defensor, but no record of secular office exists for the family before 573, when Gregory became urban prefect, an office that eventually fell into desuetude. This was accordingly done, and the memory of the event is still preserved by the name Sant Angelo given to the mausoleum of Hadrian from the legend that the Archangel St. Michael was seen upon its summit in the act of sheathing his sword as a sign that the plague was over. His work as pope is of so varied a nature that it will be best to take it in sections, although this destroys any exact chronological sequence. In response, Gregory sent troops, under the command of a tribune and an imperial guardsman, against the patriarch of Aquileia, Severus, to rebuke the Istrians apostasy and summon Severus to a synod at St. Peters Basilica. On Queen Theodelinde, a Catholic and a personal friend, Gregory placed all his hopes. [4] Presumably the many miracles which won for him the title of Thaumaturgus were performed during these years. He was introduced to the Christian religion at the age of fourteen, after the death of his father. Note that the second to last image is actually of the Altar of St. Gregory in St. Peter's Basilica, where his body is interred. Gregory took up at first the study of philosophy; theology was afterwards added, but his mind remained always inclined to philosophical study, so much so indeed that in his youth he cherished strongly the hope of demonstrating that the Christian religion was the only true and good philosophy. Service 4.3. Pope Gregory I, commonly known as Saint Gregory the Great (born in 540), became Pope in 590 and was a vigilant guardian of the Church's doctrine. This threat was speedily reported to Constantinople, where the exarch was in high favor, and the Emperor Maurice at once sent off to Gregory a violent letter, now lost, accusing him of being both a traitor and a fool. Share. Pope Gregory was distributing Holy Communion during a Sunday Mass and noticed amongst those in line a woman who had helped make the hosts was laughing. These men caught up with the little band of missionaries on the third day after their departure, and at once returned with them, Gregory offering no opposition, since he had received what appeared to him as a sign from heaven that his enter-prise should be abandoned. In consequence of this meeting Gregory was fired with desire to convert the Angles that he obtained permission from Pelagius II to go in person to Britain with some of his fellow-monks as missionaries. By the time of Rufinus (ca. Gregory is certainly one of the most notable figures in Ecclesiastical History. Then, in February, 590, as if to fill the cup of misery to the brim, Pelagius II died. A letter of Origen refers to the departure of the two brothers, but it is not easy to determine whether it was written before or after the delivery of this oration. The first point is that of the age at which a nun might be made abbess, which he fixes at not less than sixty years (Epp., IV, xi). Three years into his pontificate, Pope St. Gregory the Great asked his friend Peter the Deacon to set down some stories of the lives of Italian saints. Also, viewable are the many pieces of artistry made to commemorate the event, of which we give a sample below in the featured photo gallery. No matter how difficult it isLife is good when you are happy; but much better when others are happy because of you." Pope Francis Contact: Parish Office 858-653-3540 News & Events Click to view Bulletins Click to view Newsletters Click to view Letters from the Pastor Click to view Forms Another important feature was the pious representation of the Man of Sorrows rising from a sarcophagus and surrounded by the Arma Christi, or the victorious display of the various instruments of the Passion. His plan, however, was again laid aside, for he was soon consecrated bishop of his native Neocaesarea by Phoedimus, Bishop of Amasea and metropolitan of Pontus. Beyond these and some few minor points it seems impossible to conclude with certainty what changes Gregory did make. In Italy there was an unprecedented inundation. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. Germ. In July, 595, Gregory held his first synod in St. Peters, which consisted almost wholly of the bishops of the suburbicarian sees and the priests of the Roman titular churches. But even as Ravenna gradually entered Romes orbit, Gregory fought to dampen the bishops claim to the privileges of regalia (imperial symbols now appropriated by the papacy), which included wearing the pallium (a stole with hanging strips) and using special saddlecloths (mappulae). Gregory was born in troubled times. Draeseke, nevertheless, calls attention to numerous views and expressions in this treatise that recall the writings of Gregory of Nazianzus. In his panegyric on Origen, Gregory describes the method employed by that master to win the confidence and esteem of those he wished to convert; how he mingled a persuasive candour with outbursts of temper and theological argument put cleverly at once and unexpectedly. Opera S. Gregorii Magni (Editio princeps, Paris, 1518); ed. God allows miracle such as this to enliven the faith of all and to reinforce the reality that he truly is present in the host at Mass, body, blood, soul and divnity. Finally, the Greek, Syriac, and Armenian Caten contain fragments attributed more or less correctly to Gregory. Gregory the Great became pope in AD 590 at a time the western Church was desperate for a strong, wise leader. This famous incident was related by Paul the Deacon in his 8th century biography of the holy pope, Vita Beati Gregorii Papae. Varying estimates place their total area at from 1300 to 1800 square miles, and there seems no reason for supposing this to be an exaggeration, while the income arising therefrom was probably not less than $1,500,000 a year. The Dialogues of Saint Gregory, surnamed the Great: Pope of Rome & the first of that name. During the Middle Ages, the event of the Miraculous Mass of St. Gregory was gradually stylized in several ways. As to the much-disputed question of the Gregorian Sacramentary and the almost more difficult point of his relation to the plain song or chant of the Church, for Gregorys connection with which matters the earliest authority seems to be John the Deacon (Vita, II, vi, xvii), see Gregorian Chant; Sacramentary. On arrival in that town they learned that the celebrated scholar Origen, head of the Catechetical School of Alexandria, resided there. Forced to orchestrate an independent policy, Gregory saw himself as the treasurer who paid the daily expenses of Rome and the paymaster of the Lombards, whose swords were held back only by daily ransom from the church. Ambivalence dictated discretion: Gregory would execute obnoxious laws (such as Emperor Maurices prohibition of monastic life for state employees) while simultaneously protesting such laws. He was the founder of numerous monasteries including a school for the training of church musicians. The only fault ever laid at his door in this matter is that, by his boundless charities, he emptied his treasury. Gregory was born around 540 in Rome. Divided into four books, wherein he entreateth of the lives and miracles of the saints in Italy and of the eternity of men's souls by Gregory I, Pope, ca. His position did indeed tend to modify St. Benedicts work by drawing it into a closer connection with the organization of the Church, and with the papacy in particular, but this was not deliberately aimed at by Gregory. Realizing he could neither defeat the Lombards militarily nor continue a cycle of warfare and ransom, Gregory repeatedly sought peace. Persuasive skill rather than bare reasoning, and evident sincerity and an ardent conviction were the means Origen used to make converts. Traces of this insistence are to be met with in the Tractatus ad Theopompum, concerning the passability and impassibility of God; this work seems to belong to Gregory, though in its general arrangement it reminds us of Methodius. 210 Saint Gregory The Great Premium High Res Photos Browse 210 saint gregory the great stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. To him we must look for an explanation of the religious situation of the Middle Ages: indeed, if no account were taken of his work, the evolution of the form of medieval Christianity would be almost inexplicable. Usurpations of the property, rights, authority, and even regalia of others marked this fluid society. It is curious, therefore, to find him acting as a champion and protector of the Jews. Six decrees dealing with ecclesiastical discipline were passed, some of them merely confirming changes already made by the pope on his own authority. His rank and prospects pointed him out naturally for a public career, and he doubtless held some of the subordinate offices wherein a young patrician embarked on public life. Gregory was direct and firm. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. His Sicilian estates were given up to found six monasteries there, and his home on the Clian Hill was converted into another under the patronage of St. Andrew. Farms and houses were carried away by the floods. Gregory I (The Great), Saint, Pope, Doctor of the Church; b. at Rome about 540; d. March 12, 604. In relation to the Mass, St. Gregory the Great is perhaps especially remembered by many for the Eucharistic Miracle that occurred in 595 during the Holy Sacrifice. The Foreign Mission Trust Magazine is the platform for all Society missions to present the work they do in their part of the world. Read our bi-monthly magazine publication featuring several topics under a common theme. The first pope to call himself 'servant of the servants of God' died on March 12th, 604. One of the earliest biographies of his life was written by Pope St. Gregory the Great, and it includes many stories of incredible miracles performed by the monk.Here are 7 of the best. A brief article on the history of the miraculous event that occurred during a Mass offered by Pope St. Gregory and a gallery of images depicting the astonishing proof given to the doctrine of the Real Presence. Nonetheless, he consolidated as many as 42 vacated episcopal sees in the south (Lucania, Apulia, and the Picene area), where Lombards had wrought particular devastation. He supplied a way for Christians to deal with lifes adversities and prosperities, teaching that both could be signs of either Gods grace or Gods wrath. He suffered almost continually from indigestion and, at intervals, from attacks of slow fever, while for the last half of his pontificate he was a martyr to gout. It must be owned that, so far as obtaining help for Rome was concerned, Gregorys stay at Constantinople was a failure. However, the Byzantine government wanted to keep the peace and again ignored Gregory. Thanks to their partnership in our mission, we reachmore than 20 million unique users per month! I have obeyed the emperor, and yet have not restrained what ought to be said on Gods behalf. He often protested Maurices policies regarding the Lombards and the church, and his dislike of Maurice explains his warm welcome to Phocas, the bloody usurper of the imperial throne, in 602. Saint Gregory put himself to prayer with the people, for to pray to God that hereupon he would show his grace for to confirm our belief, and when they were risen from prayer, Saint Gregory saw. It might have been expected that Gregory's name would appear among those who took part in the First Council of Antioch against Paul of Samosata;[4] probably he took part also in the second council held there against the same heresiarch, for the letter of that council is signed by a bishop named Theodore, which had been originally Gregory's name. In Epp., I, xxxix a, he explains for the benefit of his Sicilian agent the precise attitude to be adopted in such matters. Cities and commerce had declined, and cycles of famine and the plague had depopulated the countryside in the wake of the emperor Justinians reconquest of Italy (535554). The fragments of the De Resurrectione belong rather to Pamphilus' Apologia for Origen. "My brethren who dwell familiarly with me," writes Gregory to Maximianus, Bishop of . According to the story, St. Gregory was about to give communion to a woman who baked the bread used at Mass. (See Antiphonary; Sacramentary.). Gregorys relations with the Exarch Romanus became continually more and more strained until the latters death in the year 596 or early in 597. A discussion of this controversy is needless here, but it is important as showing how completely Gregory regarded the Eastern patriarchs as being subject to himself; As regards the Church of Constantinople, he writes in Epp., IX, xxvi, who can doubt that it is subject to the Apostolic See? As a rhetorical exercise it exhibits the excellent training given by Origen, and his skill in developing literary taste and the amount of adulation then permissible towards a living person in an assembly composed mostly of Christians, and Christian in temper. It is Venerable Bede (Hist. You can learn more about Pope St. Gregory the Great's impact on the development of the Roman Mass with these titles available from Angelus Press: What does the SSPX want to achieve? The woman surprisingly started to laugh, because she thought it was ridiculous to think that the bread she made was the body of Jesus. Although the Western Roman Empire had collapsed long before his birth, many ancient Roman families still commanded great wealth and influence in the city. Eucharistic Miracle of This Eucharistic miracle, whose relic is still preserved in the Benedictine Monastery of Andechs, Germany, is verified by numerous written sources. As it was, his line of strong independence, his efficiency, and his courage carried all before them, and when he died there was no longer any question as to who was the first power in Italy. Gregory gave much of his time to lecturing on the Holy Scriptures and is recorded to have expounded to his monks the Heptateuch, Books of Kings, the Prophets, the Book of Proverbs, and the Canticle of Canticles. The Life of St. Benedict (480-547) by Pope St. Gregory the Great. Ideally, the emperor deferred to the church (though generally he did not), even as the church recognized him as a power ordained by God (for good or evil). The terror aroused by his advance is still mirrored for us in Gregorys homilies on the Prophet Ezechiel, which were delivered at this time. There Gregory lobbied for aid against the Lombards but remained ignorant of Greek. P. Ewald and L. M. Hartmann in Mon. As, however, the pope remained silent for long periods at a time, the servant made a hole in the curtain and, looking through, beheld a dove seated upon Gregorys head with its beak between his lips. - A man of the Church, missionary, founder of the SSPX - a man who helped preserve the tradition of the Church after Vatican II, The SSPX: its view on the current situation of the Church and its unique answer on how to "Restore all things in Christ", Learn more about the SSPX! Epistolae, ed. St. Gregory the Great, also called Saint Gregory I, (born c. 540, Rome [Italy]died March 12, 604, Rome; Western feast day, September 3 [formerly March 12, still observed in the East]), pope from 590 to 604, reformer and excellent administrator, "founder" of the medieval papacy, which exercised both secular and spiritual power. Traditionally, the patriarch of Constantinople represented imperial orthodoxy encompassing the entire Christian empire, and he was thus deserving of the title ecumenical. Gregory believed that the title offended the equity of all bishops and ignored Romes primacy as the heir of St. Peter, whose moral power was needed to ratify councils and discipline members of the church. Besides his mother, two of Gregorys aunts have been canonized, Gordianuss two sisters, Tarsilla and Aemiliana, so that John the Deacon speaks of his education as being that of a saint amoung saints. On the islands, of which Sicily was by far the most important, the preexistingchurch system was maintained. He was seized, however, carried to the Basilica of St. Peter, and there consecrated pope on September 3, 590. Day 2 - St. Gregory the Great Novena . It is true that he respected the privileges of the Western metropolitans, and disapproved of unnecessary interference within the sphere of their jurisdiction canoncally exercised. Possibly he found that the use of an interpreter has its advantages, but he often complains of the incapacity of those employed for this purpose. The Oratio Panegyrica in honour of Origen describes in detail that master's pedagogical methods. Genuine, Doubtful, Spurious. Check back often to discover the latest information. Pope Saint Gregory I, also known as the Great, was the Pope of the Catholic Church between 590 and 604 AD. The Istrians appealed to the emperor, threatening to ally with Gaul if Rome pressed conformity. He also ransomed hostages, supported refugees, secured the grain supply, and repaired aqueducts. By his day the estates of the Church had reached vast dimensions. Two Popes came from this family: Felix III (483-492 . During his pontificate he established close relations between the Church of Rome and those of Spain, Gaul, Africa, and Illyricum, while his influence in Britain was such that he is justly called the Apostle of the English. To this period most probably should be assigned the famous incident of Gregorys meeting with the English youths in the Forum. Besides the details given by Gregory himself, there are four other sources of information, according to Ktschau all derived from oral tradition; indeed, the differences between them force the conclusion that they cannot all be derived from one common written source. It must be read in its entirety to be appreciated fully; probably very few emperors, if any, have ever received such a letter from a subject. Gregory did tolerate slavery, as a fact of Gods dispensation bestowed on humanity after the Fall, and he believed that humble obedience was required by God. Here is one: Andrew, the Bishop of Fundi, lived a virtuous life and discharged the duties of his office with care. After a final complaint to the emperor in 596, Gregory let the matter drop. St. Gertrude the Great, pray for us! Sources on the life, teaching, and actions of Gregory Thaumaturgus are all more or less open to criticism. Basil added that the text of the work was corrupt. When Gregory was consecrated he was forty years old, and he ruled his diocese for thirteen years. SS. Author of, Director, National Museum of India, New Delhi, 196669, 197175; Hony Adviser on Museums, Government of India, 196970. In Africa the pope fought a losing battle against the Donatists, who opposed the papacys position on the Three Chapters and excommunicated the pope in 550. Continue a cycle of warfare and ransom, Gregory repeatedly sought peace if you have any questions new. The patriarch of Constantinople represented imperial orthodoxy encompassing the entire Christian empire, and evident sincerity and an conviction... 17 vols., Venice, 1768-76 ) and reprinted in Migne, P.L., LXXV-LXXIX as. Educated for the existing fragments of the Son, and actions of Gregory Nazianzus... Final complaint to the brim, Pelagius II died more wonderful is his constant ill-health at a time the Church... 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